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Forum: General
Silvermines Hydro Project
Bunsen7 22 hours ago.

Summit Comment
Great Sugar Loaf: Old friend
hibby 3 days ago.
The final steep approach to the summit has changed recently - what was a scree-filled near-scramble has been replaced by a carefully constructed rocky staircase made up of fairly regular, sta...

DeirdreM 3 days ago.
walk, Len: 13.4km, Climb: 516m, Area: Com an tSagairt (mullach thiar theas), We...

Summit Comment
Coolmore: Follow the way of the cross
Fergalh 3 days ago.
Parked opposite Franciscan Friary at a bakery 868665 and headed round the back of the church to a sign for the way of the cross 867666. Then followed the way of the cross which winds uphill p...

North Wicklow from Curtlestown after massive felling.
simon3 3 days ago.
How's this for a new aphorism? "Couldn't see the the path for the stumps."Some of the trees were down after storm... walk, Len: 8.9km, Climb: 358m, Area: Knocknagun, Dublin (Ireland) Knocknagun,||

Summit Comment
Rathinny: Short steep trek to summit
Fergalh 3 days ago.
Parked at the quay 914730 in mullinasole near the salmon inn. Then headed for the gate at 915728 from here headed to another gate opposite a short distance away and then the short sharp climb...

Hills above Sneem
Onzy 5 days ago.
Route around Knocknagantee, Knockmeel, Coomura Mountain and Coomnacronia with a side excursion to Knocknagante... walk, Len: 18.3km, Climb: 1021m, Area: Knocknagantee Near West Top, Dunkerron |...

Summit Comment
Benwiskin South Top: Sunrise view from Diarmuid and Gr�inne�s cave, Gleniff Hors
Mountain_Mac 6 days ago.
Photograph taken of a sunrise from inside Diarmuid and Gr�inne�s cave, Gleniff Horseshoe, County SligoG72078 47835

Summit Summary
Carran: Several approachs
Collaborative entry Last edit by: simon3 a week ago.
There is no direct approach to Carran. The options include taking in all 4 Carran summits from the west parking near a farmyard at the end of a yellow road W039 689 and follow a track from W0...

South of Glenbeigh Range
Onzy 5 days ago.
Intended out and back to Colly and Meentog turned into a bit of a saga on the descent. Utterly wet and misty d... walk, Len: 13.5km, Climb: 1026m, Area: Knocknagapple, Glenbeigh Horseshoe (Ire|...

Summit Comment
Camlough Mountain: Along the beaten track
Colin Murphy a week ago.
A decent walk from the south, two thirds of which is on a tarred road. Previous posters have said the track after the masts is faint and easily lost, but now it's actually quite decent, if a ...

Summit Comment
Mount Oriel: Now a very unfriendly place
marktrengove a week ago.
Abandoned. Big red 'Private Property - Trespassers will be Prosecuted' signs on the gate, fences up to the gate and all nearby possible parking areas. The land-owner must have spent many � on...

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