Gese sɩdgem ni Timkat
Sõngr sẽn yaa to-to
Sore pa kõ ti fo teke nenga kada, n kõ kada bʋʋm m:
The block was made by EPIC. The reason given is Open proxy/Webhost: See the help page if you are affected.
Your current IP address is The blocked range is
D bõosdame tɩ f naag kibay wã fãa vɛɛsg buud fãa f sẽn maande. If you believe you were blocked by mistake, you can find additional information and instructions in the No open proxies global policy.
Otherwise, to discuss the block please post a request for review on Meta-Wiki. You could also send an email to the stewards VRT queue at including all above details.Fo tõe gesa mi la n ges n gulse neng kada sɩngre.
Lebge ne Timkat
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