Monster Hunter Frontier G5 Discussion
Monster Hunter Frontier G5 [ ]
Monster Hunter Frontier G5
Release Dates
Japan - July 23, 2014
ETA: North America - N/A Europe - N/A Australia - N/A
Monsters first appearing in this game
Weapon Types present in this game
Sword and Shield ,
Dual Blades ,
Great Sword ,
Long Sword ,
Hammer ,
Hunting Horn ,
Lance ,
Gunlance ,
Light Bowgun ,
Heavy Bowgun ,
Bow ,
Monster Hunter Frontier G5 is announced.
Partnyers [ ]
Partnyer s [1] (パートニャー) are a new addition to Monster Hunter Frontier in this update. They seem to function just like their console counterparts.
Felyne Hypnocatrice Hammer アイルー ヒプノックハンマー
Felyne Hopu Hammer アイルー ホープハンマー
Felyne Hopu Armor アイルー ホープ防具
Felyne Espinas Armor アイルー エスピナス防具
Locations [ ]
Gallery [ ]
Videos [ ]
Premium Pack [ ]
The Premium Pack for Monster Hunter Frontier G5 consists of the following;
Felyne Equipment [ ]
Acorn Equipment Set (どんぐりシリーズ)
Guild Cat Equipment Set (ギルドネコシリーズ)
Magma Cat Equipment Set (マグマネコシリーズ)
Guild Cat Rapier ギルドネコレイピア
Magma Cat Hammer マグマネコハンマー
Weapons [ ]
Attack: 774
Special: Water 350
Sharpness: Purple
Affinity: 0%
Slots: ♦♦-
Rarity: GR1
Attack: 783
Special: Sleep 170
Sharpness: Purple
Affinity: 0%
Slots: ♦♦-
Rarity: GR1
Sword and Shield
Attack: 588
Special: Dragon 700
Sharpness: Purple
Affinity: 0%
Slots: ♦♦-
Rarity: GR1
Attack: 588
Special: Fire 700
Sharpness: Purple
Affinity: 0%
Slots: ♦♦-
Rarity: GR1
Attack: 492
Special: Dragon 480
Affinity: 0%
Slots: ♦♦-
Rarity: GR1
Attack: 492
Special: Fire 480
Affinity: 0%
Slots: ♦♦-
Rarity: GR1
Armor [ ]
Hiten Armor / 飛天シリーズ
Male Blademaster / Gunner
Blademaster Skills
Throwing Expert +2 (鉄腕+2)
Issen +1 (一閃+1)
Reckless Abandon +3 (見切り+3)
Exploiter (弱点特効)
Body Tech (体術)
Female Blademaster / Gunner
Gunner Skills
Issen +1 (一閃+1)
Combination Expert +3 (調合師+3)
Reckless Abandon +3 (見切り+3)
Exploiter (弱点特効)
Auto-Reload (連射)
Notes [ ]
The announced updates for Partnyers and the new Tower-like Location were supposedly going to be implemented during Monster Hunter Frontier G Genuine , but was delayed. Only the Partnyers were re-announced to be implemented in Monster Hunter Frontier G5 while the Tower-like Location has been moved to Monster Hunter Frontier G6 .
Monster Hunter Frontier G5.1 [ ]
Monster Hunter Frontier G5.1
Release Dates
Japan (PC) - August 20, 2014
ETA: North America - N/A Europe - N/A Australia - N/A
Monsters first appearing in this game
Weapon Types present in this game
Sword and Shield ,
Dual Blades ,
Great Sword ,
Long Sword ,
Hammer ,
Hunting Horn ,
Lance ,
Gunlance ,
Light Bowgun ,
Heavy Bowgun ,
Bow ,
Monster Hunter Frontier G5.1 is announced.
Gallery [ ]
Videos [ ]
Monster Hunter Frontier G5.2 [ ]
Monster Hunter Frontier G5.2
Release Dates
Japan (PC) - September 24, 2014
ETA: North America - N/A Europe - N/A Australia - N/A
Monsters first appearing in this game
Weapon Types present in this game
Sword and Shield ,
Dual Blades ,
Great Sword ,
Long Sword ,
Hammer ,
Hunting Horn ,
Lance ,
Gunlance ,
Light Bowgun ,
Heavy Bowgun ,
Bow ,
Monster Hunter Frontier G5.2 is announced.
Gallery [ ]
External Links [ ]