Cartoon Cat is a horror urban legend created by Canadian horror artist Trevor Henderson.
Cartoon Cat's appearance is similar to that of a 1930s cartoon cat, hence the name, but has no resemblance to an actual feline. He is thought to be most similar to an old cartoon, Felix The Cat. Cartoon Cat is all black in color, with cartoony features such as his large, dilated eyes, and his big white cartoon gloves, except for his very realistic looking teeth, which are crooked and yellowed, and often stained with blood, either from his victims, or from clenching his teeth too hard, causing his gums to bleed. Most sightings note the lack of a tail or feet, with the legs ending in blunt points. Though his creator describes him as "malleable", he most often is seen as described above, with just a few changes with some sightings, such as having feet that are simply shoe-shaped, with no toes.
History/ Biography:[]
Cartoon Cat originated from an image posted online by horror artist Trevor Henderson on August 4, 2018. In the image, we view the inside of an unknown abandoned building, looking at a doorway with a creature resembling a cartoon dog from the 1930s, all black in color, with a rubber hose appearance. The image was captioned: "They're just like your favorite cartoons", which suggests that this is one of many entities like Cartoon Cat, or simply another form the creature taken. Then, on August 10, a second image was released to the public, captioned 'What they found in the dirt mall'. The image shows the inside of a run-down shopping center, with a full-body view of Cartoon Cat approaching the camera. This is the first image of Cartoon Cat in his most recognizable form, with an all black body, round head, cartoony features and the lack of feet or a tail.
Then, five days later on August 15, a third image was posted of the creature, with the caption, 'All the classics are coming back", featuring Cartoon Cat standing in a crossroad in the middle of the night. The picture looks to be taken from inside a vehicle, with the headlights being the only light source illuminating Cartoon Cat, although because of its height, only the legs and arms are visible, along with Cartoon Cat's head hanging down to the ground off to the side from its long, rubber hose like neck. This is the only image so far that shows the creature with visible "feet" which are simply shoe-like in appearance, with no toes.
On August 22, a fourth picture was released, captioned 'For you, Anon'. This image was another full-body view of Cartoon Cat, standing in front of an abandoned building, mouth wide open and swaying, and once again lacking feet.
On September 26, a very disturbing picture of Cartoon Cat was posted, showing the creature standing in what looks like someone's house. The creature is much smaller here then his previous images, but still taller then an average human being, with much larger teeth and large lips and gums in terrible condition.
On October 10, the 'Cartoon Cat Fact Sheet' was released, showing a close-up of Cartoon Cat reaching out towards the viewer, with a huge grin full of yellowed teeth dripping with blood, once again, either due to a victim or bleeding gums. Beneath his profile pic is some text that is apparently listing some facts about this mysterious entity, although most of it is blocked out with black bars labeled, "REDACTED" Some less-obscured text reads: "Often found in [REDACTED] abandoned [REDACTED]", "[REDACTED] show from 1939", "INCREDIBLY CRUEL" , and: "Is thought to be [REDACTED]". This suggests that Cartoon Cat is based on, or even possibly came from an old cartoon from 1939.
More info can be found on Trevor's replies to people's questions on his Tumblr. In these, he states Cartoon Cat is the most dangerous monster in his collection. He also states Cartoon Cat is dangerous so much so that other monsters and creatures alike avoid the mystery dirt mall that is his lair as much as they can "If they know what's good for them." When asked why Cartoon Cat poses such a threat, Trevor simply replies: "Unchecked limitations."
Cartoon Cat is featured a lot in popular media such as YouTube, in gameplay videos, short animation stories, etc.
This is all that is currently known about Cartoon Cat.
Powers and Abilities:[]
Cartoon Cat is vastly powerful, and has a number of strange supernatural abilities, some of which includes:
- High intelligence
- Super-speed
- Abnormal strength
- Great eyesight
- Great sense of smell
- Great sense of hearing
- Shapeshifting
- Malleable form - can extend and contract limbs at will
- Teleportation
- Telepathy
- Immortality
Cartoon Cat is said to have "unchecked limitations", and it's been suggested more than once that he could be a demon or Satan himself. However, this isn't canon, and it hasn't been suggested that an exorcism or any religious defense can ward off the entity.