My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki

my depiction of Indigo Zap in pony form

FANMADE Princess Katmare Sparkles

Princess Katmare Sparkles

FANMADE Princess Amerthyst Azure

Princess Amerthyst Azure

Hello fellow Ponies.

I am an Alicorn and my name is Princess Katmare Sparkles.

I am the ruler of the Aurora Eponialis Island. I live in the capital city of Raven Rhiannon.

Of the coast of this Island and under the sea lies the Kingdom of Merstralia where my cousins the sea ponies live.

my favourite cousin of course is also a Princess like me, she is a Merlicorn and her name is Amerthyst Azure.

I also have a brother the valiant Prince Geoglas Vendetta, who has married the beautiful Lady Laella of Tinmare.

They rule over the Tinmare Empire together and live in its capital city of Saint Mareville.