My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
See also: quotes guidelines

What episode transcripts are[]

Episode transcripts are a written version of the episode's dialog, which may include other audio, sparse stage directions, and sparse notes of cinematic elements.

Dialogue and stage directions[]

Transcripts consist mainly of dialog. The name or moniker of the speaking character should be noted in bold, followed by a colon, and the spoken dialog. Stage directions, like who the speaker is addressing or how the speaker is talking, should be enclosed in square brackets. Emphasis should be noted with italics or, rarely, all-capital letters, but not with bold text.

Other audio[]

Sound effects, sudden musical cues, and dialog-related noises should be enclosed in square brackets.

Cinematic elements[]

Cinematic elements should be enclosed in square brackets. Only the most major cinematic elements should be noted in transcripts, such as opening sequences and closing sequences. Minor cinematic elements, like fades, cuts, pans, zooms, should mostly not be noted, unless necessary for the context of the dialog.

What episode transcripts aren't[]

The transcripts are not scripts: they do not include all stage directions and cinematic elements; on the contrary, they exclude almost all of them. For the most part, actions should not be included. The audio which is noted in brackets is meant to describe the audio, not the action on screen.