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Layout concerning flashbacks

  • It's possible to speculate on some parts of the layout of Equestria, and of the main cast's positions during the flashbacks of The Cutie Mark Chronicles, from what's shown during said flashbacks.
    • During Pinkie Pie's flashback, she states that her family was "in the south field, preparing to rotate the rocks to the east field". Assuming the fields are named such for their position around their house, the Sonic Rainboom comes from the opposite side - to the north. The rainbow that follows is then drawn from right to left, meaning that following the Rainboom, Rainbow Dash is travelling either west, south, or a combination of the two.
    • During Applejack's flashback, the rainbow is drawn in the opposite direction, meaning that Applejack and Pinkie Pie are on opposite sides of the rainbow, placing Pinkie to the east and Applejack, subsequently Manehattan, to the west. Roughly at the end of the rainbow is Ponyville, meaning that the Rainboom occurred somewhere to the north/east of Ponyville. Applejack hears the Rainboom, but doesn't see it, likely due to the orientation of the window she's sitting at.
    • During Fluttershy's flashback, she states that she and Rainbow Dash were at a summer flight camp, which is where the start and finish line of the race is. Since part of the race course is visible in the background while she sings So Many Wonders, and in Rainbow's flashback she cuts the finish line in half while drawing the rainbow, the camp can be placed directly on the rainbow line, somewhere above Fluttershy, explaining why she didn't see the rainbow; she was so close to being directly aligned it that she was just at the wrong angle. Also, when the Rainboom happens, the race rings between her and the explosion get blown away; as there's no damage to the finishing line clouds when Rainbow passes them, nor any damage to Cloudsdale, it's safe to assume that neither were close enough to the epicentre of the Rainboom to sustain damage, putting Fluttershy in between the Rainboom and Ponyville and not further away.
    • When Rarity arrives at the rock, the sun is directly behind it. Prior to Applejack seeing the rainbow, the sun had just risen; meaning that it was in the east, assuming that Equestria's world rotates in the same direction as Earth. As the Rainboom occurs directly behind the rock, it can be said that Rarity was directly west of the Rainboom, where she should have seen the rainbow. However, her eyes are on the rock and on the rock only, so it's likely she never saw it for the jewels in front of her.
    • Lauren Faust has stated that Canterlot is northeast of Ponyville, and in all extreme long shots of it from Ponyville, the mountain it's built onto is on its right, the east. Combining this with the direction of Rainbow's travel following the Rainboom, and the fact that the Rainboom can be seen through the window behind Twilight and not mountain, Canterlot is placed on the east side of the rainbow, bringing the angle of the rainbow further towards north - south rather than east - west.
    • Finally, in Rainbow's flashback, directly after the Rainboom, she flies over Cloudsdale. Since she's flying southwards towards Ponyville at the time, this would mean the summer flight camp took place on the edge of Cloudsdale, and Cloudsdale itself is in between the Rainboom site and Ponyville.
      • Combining everything: the Rainboom happened close to directly north of Ponyville. Fluttershy was directly in between the Rainboom and Ponyville. Applejack was, and Manehattan is, northwest of Ponyville. Canterlot, as stated, is northeast of Ponyville; the Pie family farm is somewhere in between the two. Rarity's horn dragged her to a point directly west of the Rainboom, again northwest of Ponyville. After her Sonic Rainboom, Rainbow Dash flew southwards in the direction of Ponyville, straight over Cloudsdale, placing Cloudsdale north of Ponyville, somewhere in between Canterlot and Manehattan. The relation between Cloudsdale and Canterlot can also be seen as depictions on the first pictorial page of the book at the beginning of Friendship is Magic, part one.
Kinrah 20:55, August 29, 2011 (UTC)
It's possible, that Cloudsdale, as a floating city, doesn't have constant location and floats from place to place instead.

I was wondering on one thing: Given that they ask a dragon to go sleep someplace else, as in outside of Equestria, this means Equestria must have some sort of a border. Some lands belong to it, some don't. (I'm pretty sure the buffalo for one do not accept Celestia, a pony - as royal as she may be - as their ruler.) Is there any information available on such borders. 18:54, December 3, 2011 (UTC)

This is also inferred several times in Dragon Quest. A prime example is where the dragons make fun of the ponies and their princess, suggesting that they live outside of her control. Theevinatalk 18:32, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

Equestrian Timeline

  • 0. Creation of Equestrian world by Discord.
  • 1. Birth of the three pony tribe and unsolved vanishing of Discord, which leed to the end of the automatic control of time, seasons and nature...
  • 2. Migration of the three pony tribes.
  • 3. Founding of Equestria.
  • 4. Discord's return and reign.
  • 5. Appearance of the Regal Alicorn Sisters and Discord's defeat.
  • 6. King Sombra sealed away, Crystal Empire disappears.
  • 7. Luna becomes Nightmare Moon and is banished to the moon.
  • 8. Founding of Ponyville.
  • 9. The mane six are born.
  • 10. Cloudsdale loses bid to host the Equestria Games.
  • 11. The very first Sonic Rainboom.
  • 12. Nightmare Moon returns but is restored to Luna by the Elements of Harmony.
  • 13. Events of Season 1.
  • 14. Discord returns but is set back in stone.
  • 15. Events of Season 2.
  • 16. Changeling invasion initially succeeds but is foiled by Princess Cadance and Shining Armor.
  • Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are married.
  • Twilight Sparkle's family is now part of the Royal Family.
  • Twilight Sparkle is now a niece-in-law (unknown times removed) to Princess Celestia and Luna.
  • Princess Cadance is now a sister-in-law to Twilight Sparkle.
  • Princess Cadance and Shining Armor depart from Canterlot for their Honeymoon.
  • 17. Crystal Empire reappears.
  • King Sombra returns but is vanquished.
  • Princess Cadance and Shining Armor installed as co-rulers.
  • 18. Events of Season 3.
  • Crystal Empire wins bid to host the Equestria Games.
  • Twilight Sparkle ascends to Alicorn status.
  • Twilight Sparkle becomes a Princess.
  • 19. Events of Season 4.
  • 20. ???

--Arisaka 08:08, January 8, 2012 (UTC)

Update and Correction made. --Arisaka 03:57, January 11, 2012 (UTC)

Other Cultures and Countries

France (Prance?)

  • 1. Fluttershy mentions that her gala dress is not true French haute couture.
  • 2. Apple Bloom speaks in french upon getting a Fleur de lis cutie mark.
  • 3. Rarity tours an art gallery in a French Beatnik attire.
  • 4. Gustave LeGrand is a griffon who speaks with a French accent.

Japan (Neighpan?)

  • 1. Pinkie Pie accuses Mulia Mild of secretly being a ninja and destroying the MMMM cake with a katana/ninjato.

Germany (Germaney?)

Italy (Istallia?)

  • 1. The full name of Princess Cadance is Mi Amore Cadenza (My Love Cadance).
  • 2. The Royal Guard uniforms are based on the Roman Legion.

Greece (Marecedonia?)

  • 1. Almost any and all things in relation to the Pegasi are based on Classical Greece.

China (Shanghay?)

  • 1. The shopkeeper that sells the Alicorn Amulet to Trixie wears a Manchu Hat and has a braided pigtail.

--Arisaka 00:41, April 13, 2012 (UTC)

I also believe Trottingham to not be an Equestrian location but comes from the Pony equivilent of Britain. Nottingham being located in england and also explains Pipsqueaks accent.--Epic Mount is a MonoBook wikian. _ 21:47, December 22, 2012 (UTC)
Camelot is (mythologically) in Britain as well. I don't think Equestria is intended to be "America with horse puns". I think it's more generic than that. Similarly, Pipsqueak's accent could easily be the accent of a part of Equestria. -- 23:10, February 2, 2013 (UTC)

Temporal setting

It might be smart to speculate towards exactly when FiM takes place. I personally like to go with the assumption that it happens about 4285, long after the collapse of humanity, and that Celestia/Luna's rule began somewhere in the 3050s. That's just me though; any other ideas? 03:00, April 8, 2013 (UTC)