Images from The Cutie Mark Chronicles episode.
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All items (466)
- File:A big group hug S1E23.png
- File:Adventures in Ponyville DVD back.jpg
- File:Amazed crowd S1E23.png
- File:Apple Bloom 'See anything' S1E23.png
- File:Apple Bloom 'that makes much more sense' S1E23.png
- File:Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle worried S1E23.png
- File:Apple Bloom cleaning her face S1E23.png
- File:Apple Bloom falling out of a tree S01E23.png
- File:Apple Bloom holds Pinkie Pie S1E23.png
- File:Apple Bloom looks at Applejack's cutie mark S1E23.png
- File:Apple Polish ID S1E23.png
- File:Applejack 'I never told you that story' S1E23.png
- File:Applejack 'There they are!' S1E23.png
- File:Applejack about to crash S1E23.png
- File:Applejack and CMC S1E23.png
- File:Applejack and the Oranges - S1E23.png
- File:Applejack angry at varmints S1E23.png
- File:Applejack begins her story S1E23.png
- File:Applejack cockadoodledoo S1E23.png
- File:Applejack confess S01E23.png
- File:Applejack feeling lost in Manehattan S1E23.png
- File:Applejack gets her cutie mark S01E23.png
- File:Applejack walks through Manehattan S1E23.png
- File:Applejack with bangs S1E23.png
- File:Arpeggio ID S1E23.png
- File:Audience watching fillies performing S1E23.png
- File:Aunt and Uncle Orange thumb.png
- File:Aunt Orange and Uncle Orange at the door S1E23.png
- File:Aunt Orange cropped S1E23.png
- File:Aunt Orange cutie mark crop S1E23.png
- File:Aunt Orange ID S1E23.png
- File:Aunt Orange touching filly Applejack's mane S1E23.png
- File:Baby Spike being shot by a beam of magic S1E23.png
- File:Baby Spike turns back to normal S1E23.png
- File:Bed of butterflies S1E23.png
- File:Bees close-up S1E23.png
- File:Birds flying away S1E23.png
- File:Blueberry Swirl ID S1E23.png
- File:Bright sun over the rock farm S1E23.png
- File:Buckets of water being slid over to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle S1E23.png
- File:Bully crashes into cloud pillar S1E23.png
- File:Bully slams into Rainbow Dash S1E23.png
- File:Celestia 'But you need to learn' S1E23.png
- File:Celestia 'You have a very special gift' S1E23.png
- File:Celestia appears S1E23.png
- File:Celestia looking at filly Twilight S1E23.png
- File:Celestia looking S1E23.png
- File:Celestia points to Twilight's new cutie mark S1E23.png
- File:Celestia raising the sun S1E23.png
- File:Celestia rising S1E23.png
- File:Celestia's hoof on Twilight S1E23.png
- File:Cheerilee pageant costume ID S1E23.png
- File:Cheery ID S1E23.png
- File:Cherry Fizzy "Are you okay?" S01E23.png
- File:Cherry Fizzy pushing a cart containing an egg S1E23.png
- File:Cloudy Quartz cutie mark crop S1E23.png
- File:Cloudy Quartz hesitate S1E23.png
- File:CMC about to crash S1E23.png
- File:CMC about to fall S1E23.png
- File:CMC and Applejack S1E23.png
- File:CMC gasp S1E23.png
- File:CMC High hoof S1E23.png
- File:CMC in front of Rainbow Dash S1E23.png
- File:CMC in front of the rabbits S1E23.png
- File:CMC landed on the ground S1E23.png
- File:CMC ready to zip-line S1E23.png
- File:CMC riding through the streets S1E23.png
- File:CMC screaming S1E23.png
- File:CMC sees rabbits going away S1E23.png
- File:CMC walking in S1E23.png
- File:CMC zip-lining S1E23.png
- File:CMCs in front of Twilight S1E23.png
- File:Colt Dumb-bell 'Why don't you prove it' S1E23.png
- File:Colt Dumb-bell and colt Hoops laughing S1E23.png
- File:Colt Hoops 'Later, Rainbow Crash' S1E23.png
- File:Colt Hoops pointing at filly Rainbow S1E23.png
- File:Costumed fillies half 1 S1E23.png
- File:Costumed fillies on the stage S1E23.png
- File:Cotton Top ID S1E23.png
- File:Crystal Clear id S1E23.png
- File:Cutie Mark Crusaders group hug S01E23.png
- File:Cutie Mark Crusaders watching Main 6 hug S01E23.png
- File:Dainty Dove cutie mark crop S1E23.png
- File:Dainty Dove ID S1E23.png
- File:Derpy Hooves Ferris wheel clones S1E23.png
- File:Derpy in a crowd S1E23.png
- File:Derpy watching the play S1E23.png
- File:Dinner is served S1E23.png
- File:Ducklings crossing the road S1E23.png
- File:Ducks flying S1E23.png
- File:Dumb-Bell Colt S1E23.png
- File:Fillies dancing in glittering costumes S1E23.png
- File:Fillies dancing in simple costumes S1E23.png
- File:Filly Applejack and family S1E23.png
- File:Filly Applejack grin S1E23.png
- File:Filly Applejack in Manehattan 1 S01E23.png
- File:Filly Applejack in Manehattan 2 S01E23.png
- File:Filly Applejack in Manehattan 3 S01E23.png
- File:Filly Applejack is sad S1E23.png
- File:Filly Applejack knocks on the door S1E23.png
- File:Filly Applejack leaving farm S1E23.png
- File:Filly Applejack leaving Sweet Apple Acres S1E23.png
- File:Filly Applejack looking through the window S1E23.png
- File:Filly Applejack Manehattan streets S1E23.png
- File:Filly Applejack running home S1E23.png
- File:Filly Applejack S1E23.png
- File:Filly Applejack sees entrance S1E23.png
- File:Filly Applejack sees the rainboom S01E23.png
- File:Filly Applejack smiling S1E23.png
- File:Filly Applejack walking in S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy amazed by her surroundings S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy calming critters S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy calming the scared rabbits down S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy covered by the pennant S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy embarrassed S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy falling S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy fearful S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy flag crash S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy flag waver S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy flying above the butterflies S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy gasp S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy humiliated S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy ID S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy launched into the air S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy looking at bunnies running away S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy looking at the butterfly S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy looking up S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy singing with woodland creatures S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy spinning S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy surrounded by her new friends S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy with a checkered flag S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy with woodland creatures S1E23.png
- File:Filly Fluttershy's hooves touching the ring cloud S1E23.png
- File:Filly Pinkie 'It's called' S1E23.png
- File:Filly Pinkie after the Sonic Rainboom S01E23.png
- File:Filly Pinkie Pie blown back by wind S01E23.png
- File:Filly Pinkie Pie ID S1E23.png
- File:Filly Pinkie Pie sad S1E23.png
- File:Filly Pinkie pushing a rock S1E23.png
- File:Filly Pinkie sees sonic rainboom S1E23.png
- File:Filly Pinkie sigh S1E23.png
- File:Filly Pinkie surprised by explosion S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow 'Keep making fun of her and find out' S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow and the colts racing S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow and the colts ready to race S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow Dash 'In history, maybe' S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow Dash about to get her cutie mark S01E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow Dash and the colts on the starting line S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow Dash and the colts racing in the sky S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow Dash big smile close up S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow Dash big smile S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow Dash ecstatic S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow Dash flying in the sky S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow Dash licking lips S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow Dash looking back S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow Dash ready to race S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow Dash S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow Dash shadow S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow Dash sonic rainboom S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow Dash's flank shining S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow defending Fluttershy S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow determined S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow flying fast S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow flying S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow flying through the cloud ring S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow flying towards the cloud ring S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow looking at the colts S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow ready to race S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rainbow smile S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rarity 'Dumb rock!' S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rarity being pulled along S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rarity bored S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rarity crop S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rarity crying S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rarity dragged over mountains S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rarity dragged through desert S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rarity dragged through woods S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rarity earning her cutie mark S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rarity looking up at the rock S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rarity making costumes S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rarity overjoyed over the gems S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rarity S01E23.png
- File:Filly Rarity shocked S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rarity smacks into rock S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rarity surprised S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rarity with teacher S01E23.png
- File:Filly Rarity working at a sewing machine S1E23.png
- File:Filly Rarity's horn glowing S1E23.png
- File:Filly Twilight 'I'm so sorry' S1E23.png
- File:Filly Twilight 'I'm sorry I wasted your time' S1E23.png
- File:Filly Twilight and Celestia and Spike S1E23.png
- File:Filly Twilight and Lyra Heartstrings clone S1E23.png