Images of Crystal Beau.
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- File:AJ "Just a little bit further, y'all!" S6E2.png
- File:Amber Laurel "sure looks like Princess Twilight" S6E16.png
- File:Amber Laurel freaking out S6E16.png
- File:Amber Laurel gasps in horror S6E16.png
- File:Amber Laurel, Scarlet Heart, and stallion worried S6E16.png
- File:Amber Waves "come to save us yet again!" S6E16.png
- File:Amethyst Maresbury in the crowd S4E05.png
- File:An overhead shot of the crystal ponies being evacuated S6E2.png
- File:Applejack 'On its way!' S3E2.png
- File:Applejack guides Crystal Ponies through the Faire S3E01.png
- File:Applejack keeping depressed Crystal Ponies away from the fake crystal heart S3E02.png
- File:Applejack speaking to the crowd of Crystal Ponies S6E2.png
- File:Applejack welcomes Crystal Ponies to the Faire S3E01.png
- File:Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow in front of the Crystal Empire crowd S6E2.png
- File:Applejack, Rainbow, and Fluttershy in front of the crowd S6E2.png
- File:Assertive Fluttershy S3E1.png
- File:Cadance addresses the Crystal Ponies S6E1.png
- File:Cadance addressing the Crystal Ponies S6E1.png
- File:CMC excited and Rainbow frustrated S4E05.png
- File:Crowd cheering for Flurry Heart S6E2.png
- File:Crowd of ponies happy S3E2.png
- File:Crowd of ponies look at Rarity S3E2.png
- File:Crowd shocked at Spike's singing 1 S4E24.png
- File:Crowd shocked at Spike's singing 2 S4E24.png
- File:Crystal Arrow and Thorax as Crystal Arrow S6E16.png
- File:Crystal Arrow cutie mark crop S3E01.png
- File:Crystal Arrow depressed ID S3E01.png
- File:Crystal Arrow ID S3E1.png
- File:Crystal Arrow mirror image S6E16.png
- File:Crystal Arrow scared of Thorax S6E16.png
- File:Crystal Cadance and Spike S3E2.png
- File:Crystal Ponies cheer for the Crystalling S6E1.png
- File:Crystal Ponies cheering for Spike S6E16.png
- File:Crystal Ponies crowd around Rarity S3E02.png
- File:Crystal Ponies energized S3E02.png
- File:Crystal Ponies enslaved and chained BFHHS5.png
- File:Crystal Ponies having fun at the Faire S3E01.png
- File:Crystal Ponies in chains S5E25.png
- File:Crystal Ponies in the palace square S4E25.png
- File:Crystal Ponies looking at the Crystal Heart S3E02.png
- File:Crystal ponies looking up to tower S3E2.png
- File:Crystal Ponies tossing Spike into the air S6E16.png
- File:Crystal Ponies walking to the Faire S3E01.png
- File:Crystal ponies watch Cadance's shield fail S3E02.png
- File:Crystal Pony crowd gasp S6E2.png
- File:Crystal Pony walking up to Spike S4E24.png
- File:Crystal Spike, Shining Armor and Cadance overlooking Crystal Ponies S3E2.png
- File:Crystal stallion "either one of them could be the..." S6E16.png
- File:First overview of folded flags S04E24.png
- File:Flurry Heart's Crystalling is complete S6E2.png
- File:Fluttershy 'Oh that's okay' S3E1.png
- File:Fluttershy 'You look really busy' S3E1.png
- File:Fluttershy creeping behind locals S3E1.png
- File:Fluttershy frustrated S3E1.png
- File:Fluttershy gasping at two locals S3E1.png
- File:Main 5 and Princesses in Canterlot castle throne room S03E13.png
- File:Main ponies head back to the station S03E12.png
- File:Main six walking through crystal city S03E12.png
- File:Maretonia banner unfurls S4E25.png
- File:MEEP S3E02.png
- File:Ms. Harshwhinny announcing "Cutie Mark Crusaders" S4E05.png
- File:Ms. Harshwhinny at the podium S4E05.png
- File:Mustache Crystal Pony "She's beautiful!" S6E2.png
- File:Pegasi fly up from the crowd S4E24.png
- File:Pin Pony in tearful joy S6E2.png
- File:Ponies look up S6E2.png
- File:Ponies shocked by magic blast S6E2.png
- File:Pony crowd approaches Rarity S3E2.png
- File:Princess Cadance crystal heart S3E2.png
- File:Princess Cadance such glory S3E2.png
- File:Princess Cadance victory at hand S3E2.png
- File:Princess Luna "already started to gather" S6E1.png
- File:Rain pouring on Ponyville S03E13.png
- File:Rainbow "there's no way this trade can be fair" S4E22.png
- File:Rainbow Dash "contain your excitement" S4E05.png
- File:Rainbow Dash accosting Amber Waves S3E01.png
- File:Rainbow Dash and CMC laughing S4E05.png
- File:Rainbow Dash hugging the Crystal filly S03E12.png
- File:Rainbow Dash pleads her case S4E22.png
- File:Rainbow Dash races over the Faire grounds S3E01.png
- File:Rainbow running with the other ponies S6E2.png
- File:Rainbow saluting S3E2.png
- File:Rarity 'Of course it isn't S3E2.png
- File:Rarity 'The real one is..' S3E2.png
- File:Rarity about to move out of the way S3E2.png
- File:Rarity embarrassed laugh S3E2.png
- File:RD "I am a hundred percent sure the Crystalling isn't happening" S6E2.png
- File:Runaway Pony S3E12.png
- File:Scarlet Heart "how can we be sure?" S6E16.png
- File:Scarlet Heart tells everypony to run S6E16.png
- File:Scootaloo "cutie marks in flag carrying" S4E05.png
- File:Sombra appears before Crystal Ponies S3E02.png
- File:Sombra watching ground become crystal S3E2.png
- File:Spike "save you from what?" S6E16.png
- File:Spike 'I'm coming with you' S3E2.png
- File:Spike 'Where are we going exactly' S3E2.png
- File:Spike running up to Twilight S3E2.png
- File:Stadium crowd in shock S4E24.png
- File:Sunburst, Starlight, and Spike stops the ponies at their tracks S6E2.png
- File:The Crystal Heart back to its place S3E02.png
- File:The Crystal Heart bursting from the collected power of the Crystal Ponies S3E02.png
- File:The Crystal Ponies bowing and making the streets glow blue S6E2.png
- File:The Crystal Ponies in despair S3E01.png
- File:The Crystalling about to happen S6E2.png
- File:The evacuation begins S6E2.png
- File:The ponies get crystallized S03E02.png
- File:The Wonderbolts enter the stadium S4E24.png
- File:Twilight Sparkle "why was everypony hiding?" S6E16.png