Images of animals from My Little Pony Equestria Girls.
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All items (201)
- File:A butterfly lands on Sunset's nose EG3.png
- File:Andrea Libman credit EG3.png
- File:Angel ID EG.png
- File:Apple Bloom on Big Mac's shoulders EG2.png
- File:Applejack "it's Photo Day for all the clubs" EGDS4.png
- File:Applejack and Rarity enter the mess hall EG4.png
- File:Applejack and Sunset with a horse EG2.png
- File:Applejack giving firewood to Sunset CYOE11a.png
- File:Applejack hears Rainbow Dash's bragging EGDS4.png
- File:Applejack in art class EGDS37.png
- File:Applejack pushing Sunset out of the RV CYOE11a.png
- File:Applejack smiling at her pet pig EGDS4.png
- File:Applejack's pet pig walking next to her EGDS4.png
- File:Applejack's pig lying on the hallway floor EGDS4.png
- File:Big McIntosh running from chickens CYOE2b.png
- File:Bird perched on a traffic light EG2.png
- File:Birds fly out of the bus over Pinkie Pie and Rarity SS13.png
- File:Birds hanging up lights in the crystal cave EG4.png
- File:Birds help Fluttershy decorate the cave EG4.png
- File:Bluebird flying past bus EG4.png
- File:Bluebird flying through the sky EG4.png
- File:Bulk Biceps posing in art class EGDS37.png
- File:Butterflies appearing EG3.png
- File:Carl Pettington flailing EG2.png
- File:Carl Pettington ID EG2.png
- File:Carl Pettington trying to smooch Emilia Furhart EG2.png
- File:Cat startled by car alarm EG2.png
- File:Cats yowling at each other EG2.png
- File:Chicks chirping to the music's beat EG2.png
- File:CHS cheerleaders standing on each other EGDS4.png
- File:Crab snapping its pincers at Pinkie EGDS16.png
- File:Curtis Pawpower gets scooped up EG2.png
- File:Curtis Pawpower gnawing on scarf EG2.png
- File:Curtis Pawpower ID EG2.png
- File:Curtis Pawpower scared EG2.png
- File:Curtis Pawpower snapping EG2.png
- File:Curtis Pawpower strikes a pose EG2.png
- File:Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in Sugarcube Corner EG2.png
- File:Dirty hamster habitat EG2.png
- File:DJ Pon-3 entering Sugarcube Corner EG2.png
- File:DJ Pon-3 leaving Sugarcube Corner EG2.png
- File:DJ Pon-3 looking at birds EG2.png
- File:DJ Pon-3 looking toward Mane 5 EG2.png
- File:DJ Pon-3 walking confidently EG2.png
- File:DJ Pon-3 walking in slow motion EG2.png
- File:DJ Pon-3 walking toward unnamed boy and dog EG2.png
- File:Dog barking to the music's beat EG2.png
- File:Flash Sentry watching Twilight and Timber EG4.png
- File:Flock of birds flying into the mess hall EG4.png
- File:Fluttershy "all the help it can get" EG2.png
- File:Fluttershy "and Vice Principal Luna too" EG2.png
- File:Fluttershy "housecleaning!" EG2.png
- File:Fluttershy "it didn't seem like anyone" EG3.png
- File:Fluttershy "It only comes out when we play music".png
- File:Fluttershy "nice to meet all of you, too" EG4.png
- File:Fluttershy "that sounds awful" EG3.png
- File:Fluttershy "The birds that land on your fingers" EG4.png
- File:Fluttershy "the fishies are eating well" EG4.png
- File:Fluttershy "to be sure I'd get it" EG2.png
- File:Fluttershy "want to give her a treat?" EG3.png
- File:Fluttershy accepting help from the red robin EG4.png
- File:Fluttershy addressing hamsters EG2.png
- File:Fluttershy and Rarity enter the rescue center EG2.png
- File:Fluttershy and Rarity surrounded by hamster chaos EG2.png
- File:Fluttershy asking hamsters to talk it over EG2.png
- File:Fluttershy asking the gophers for help EG4.png
- File:Fluttershy attracting hamsters EG2.png
- File:Fluttershy brushing her hair with her pets EG.png
- File:Fluttershy by the hamster habitat EG2.png
- File:Fluttershy congratulates Twilight on winning EG3.png
- File:Fluttershy embarrassed "yes?" EG4.png
- File:Fluttershy emptying the contents of her bag EG2.png
- File:Fluttershy feeding the lake ducks EG4.png
- File:Fluttershy frolicking with animals in a field EG2.png
- File:Fluttershy holding up tambourine EG2.png
- File:Fluttershy in deep confusion EG4.png
- File:Fluttershy lets ladybug fly away home EG2.png
- File:Fluttershy looking at butterflies EG2.png
- File:Fluttershy meets up with her friends SS6.png
- File:Fluttershy next to a hamster EG2.png
- File:Fluttershy nuzzling her pet cat EG3.png
- File:Fluttershy petting Angel Bunny EG3.png
- File:Fluttershy playing tambourine EG2.png
- File:Fluttershy realizes she's late for class EG.png
- File:Fluttershy reveals all her animal friends EG3.png
- File:Fluttershy scoops up her animal friends EG.png
- File:Fluttershy sees rolling tambourine EG2.png
- File:Fluttershy surprised by a loud slamming noise EG4.png
- File:Fluttershy trying to catch a bird SS6.png
- File:Fluttershy with animal friends 2 EG.png
- File:Fluttershy with animal friends EG.png
- File:Fluttershy with ladybug EG2.png
- File:Fluttershy with multiple birds perched on her arms EG4.png
- File:Fluttershy's Butterflies title card CYOE2.png
- File:Fluttershy's nature theme EG2.png
- File:Hamster looking around EG2.png
- File:Hamster whacking hamster with a pencil EG2.png
- File:Hamsters continue feuding EG2.png
- File:Hamsters feuding EG2.png
- File:Hamsters hypnotized EG2.png
- File:Hamsters inside habitat EG2.png
- File:Hamsters mesmerized by tambourine's sound EG2.png
- File:Hamsters returning to habitat EG2.png
- File:Hamsters stop fighting EG2.png
- File:Hamsters surrounding Fluttershy EG2.png
- File:Hamstocalypse Now title card EG2.png
- File:Main 5 looking at Rainbow Dash EG2.png
- File:Main cast gathered around the statue EG2.png
- File:Main five watching Rainbow Dash crash SS6.png
- File:Main six looking at Applejack SS6.png
- File:Male student and his dog continue on their way EG.png
- File:Mane 6's themes combined EG2.png
- File:Mane Seven taking a group photo SS6.png
- File:MLP annual 2013 EG cover.jpg
- File:Monday morning photo of Mane Seven SS6.png
- File:Photo of Applejack and the cheerleading club EGDS4.png
- File:Photograph of Equestria Girls fishing in canoes EG4.png
- File:Photograph of the Mane Seven's pets SS7.png
- File:Photos of pet owners and dogs SS5.png
- File:Picture of pet owner breaking down SS5.png
- File:Picture of pet owner on Twilight's computer SS5.png
- File:Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy depressed EG2.png
- File:Pinkie Pie on top of CHS statue EG2.png
- File:Pound Puppies Fluffy cameo EG.png
- File:Puppy Spike growling at ladybug EG3.png
- File:Puppy Spike missed EG3.png
- File:Puppy Spike pouncing on ladybug EG3.png
- File:Puppy Spike sees a ladybug EG3.png
- File:Rainbow Dash "four hundred fliers" EG4.png
- File:Rainbow Dash "I think that only happens to you" EG4.png
- File:Rainbow Dash "They've gotten to everybody" EG2.png
- File:Rainbow Dash "whole afternoon with just me" SS12.png
- File:Rainbow Dash being chased by birds EG2.png
- File:Rainbow Dash lounging in her bedroom SS12.png
- File:Rainbow Dash speeds around the ballroom EG4.png
- File:Rainbow Dash zooms past her friends SS6.png
- File:Rainbow Dash's friends helping her up SS6.png
- File:Rainbow Rocks Short 3 Title - Portuguese (Brazil).jpg
- File:Rarity "also I named them" EG2.png
- File:Rarity chasing hamsters EG2.png
- File:Rarity emptying the contents of her bag EG2.png
- File:Rarity holding up Carl Pettington EG2.png
- File:Rarity holding up Emilia Furhart EG2.png
- File:Rarity nuzzling kitten EG2.png
- File:Rarity petting dog EG2.png
- File:Rarity repulsed by mud worms CYOE13a.png
- File:Rarity surrounded by hamsters EG2.png
- File:Red robin chirping in Fluttershy's ear EG4.png
- File:Red robin drapes flower wreath over the dock sign EG4.png
- File:Red robin lands on Fluttershy's shoulder EG4.png
- File:Red robin picks up Fluttershy's flower wreath EG4.png
- File:Rescue center in chaos EG2.png
- File:Sci-Twi and her friends near the portal EG3.png
- File:Sonic Rainbooms rear view angle EG2.png
- File:Squirrels unfurl carpet as Spike chases them EG4.png
- File:Straight-haired Pinkie meeting her friends SS6.png
- File:Sunset blinded by the magic EG3.png
- File:Sunset enters a grassy field EG2.png
- File:Sunset in dark science lab EG3.png
- File:Sunset Shimmer being chased by a poodle SS6.png
- File:Sunset Shimmer hopping over a fence SS6.png
- File:Sunset Shimmer races to school SS6.png
- File:Sunset Shimmer scratching a stray cat's chin SS6.png
- File:Sunset Shimmer screeching to a halt SS6.png
- File:Sunset Shimmer trips over a dog leash SS6.png
- File:Tambourine bounces across the room EG2.png
- File:Thunder Guts and Spike in front of ramen bowl CYOE14b.png
- File:Twilight acting like a pony in front of a student EG.png
- File:Twilight and friends surrounded by animals EG2.png
- File:Twilight and Spike getting strange looks EG.png
- File:Twilight and Sunset approach the finished dock EG4.png
- File:Twilight embarrassed EG.png
- File:Twilight joins Fluttershy EG3.png
- File:Twilight observing Fluttershy's bird EG3.png
- File:Twilight pops out of the bushes EG3.png
- File:Twilight Sparkle opening her eyes EG.png
- File:Twilight Sparkle tossing her notes aside SS5.png
- File:Twilight Sparkle walking onto the dock EG4.png
- File:Twilight's pet data upload in process SS5.png