Images from the episode A Hearth's Warming Tail.
All items (682)
- File:Twilight and Spike approach Starlight Glimmer S6E8.png
- File:Twilight and Spike in shock S6E8.png
- File:Twilight and Spike look at Starlight S6E8.png
- File:Twilight and Spike walks out S06E08.png
- File:Twilight closes the book S06E08.png
- File:Twilight covers Spike with her left wing S06E08.png
- File:Twilight exasperated groan S6E8.png
- File:Twilight giving Spike the look S06E08.png
- File:Twilight hides her face in the book S6E8.png
- File:Twilight looking confused S6E8.png
- File:Twilight places the book back to the shelves S06E08.png
- File:Twilight smiles; has in idea S6E8.png
- File:Twilight Sparkle being adorkable S6E8.png
- File:Twilight Sparkle blushing "I was not!" S6E8.png
- File:Twilight Sparkle carrying a wreath S06E08.png
- File:Twilight Sparkle singing like Pinkie Pie S6E8.png
- File:Twilight Sparkle teleports S6E8.png
- File:Twilight starts reading the story S6E8.png
- File:Twilight talking about Snowfall Frost S6E8.png
- File:Twilight thinking S6E8.png
- File:Twilight welcoming Starlight to the party S6E8.png
- File:Twilight, Rainbow, and Spike happy together S6E8.png
- File:Twilight, Starlight, AJ, and Rainbow singing S6E8.png
- File:Twinkleshine giving Earth mare hot cocoa S6E8.png
- File:Twlight about to continue the story S6E8.png
- File:Two ghost-like Hearth's Warming items pop out of the cauldron S06E08.png
- File:Two phantom ponies meet S06E08.png
- File:UEF1 ID S6E8.png
- File:UEM2 ID S6E8.png
- File:UES2 ID S6E8.png
- File:UES3 ID S6E8.png
- File:UES4 ID S6E8.png
- File:UES5 ID S6E8.png
- File:UES6 ID S6E8.png
- File:UES7 ID S6E8.png
- File:UES8 ID S6E8.png
- File:UPM1 ID S6E8.png
- File:UPM2 ID S6E8.png
- File:UPS1 ID S6E8.png
- File:UUM1 ID S6E8.png
- File:UUM2 ID S6E8.png
- File:UUS1 ID S6E8.png
- File:UUS2 ID S6E8.png
- File:UUS3 ID S6E8.png
- File:Yet to Come and Snowfall look at a buried house S06E08.png
- File:Yet to Come and Snowfall look at the rubble S06E08.png
- File:Yet to Come blows off the phantom ponies S06E08.png
- File:Yet to Come sings "all the dreams that ponies share" S06E08.png
- File:Yet to Come sings "are dark and tragic" S06E08.png
- File:Yet to Come sings "because of you, Snowfall Frost" S06E08.png
- File:Yet to Come sings "but the days ahead" S06E08.png
- File:Yet to Come sings "I see a cold wind blowing through" S06E08.png
- File:Yet to Come sings "the future is a cold nightmare" S06E08.png
- File:Yet to Come sings "The future should be filled with magic" S06E08.png
- File:Yet to Come sings "whatever might have been" S06E08.png
- File:Yet to Come sings "when all is strife" S06E08.png
- File:Yet to Come summons phantom ponies S06E08.png
- File:Young Snowfall "decorating the classroom" S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall "I do!" S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall "strong enough to stop windigos" S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall clears her throat S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall doesn't know what to do S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall enters a classroom S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall feeling disheartened S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall Frost happy to see her friends S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall giving gifts to her friends S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall glares at her friends S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall grinning wide S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall hanging decorations S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall hitting the books S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall levitating a star ornament S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall looking sad S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall passes through her future self S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall recites Flintheart's motto S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall struggling with a decision S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall turns her back on her toys S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall's friends running to the window S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall's friends wave to her S6E8.png
- File:Young Snowfall's new workstation S6E8.png