マイリトルポニー Wiki
マイリトルポニー Wiki



Princess Celestia raises the sun S1E23
Summer Sun Celebration
Ponies working in the fields at nighttime S01E11
Winter Wrap Up
Applejack and Rainbow Dash doing push ups S1E13
Iron Pony competition
The Running of the Leaves start line S01E13
Running of the Leaves
Cloudsdale and the rainbow overhead S1E16
Best Young Flyer competition
At the Gala - main cast singing S01E26
Grand Galloping Gala
Symbol of Nightmare Night S2E04
Nightmare Night
Sisterhooves Social Event S02E05
Sisterhooves Social
Mane 6 laughing in snowy Canterlot S2E11
Hearth's Warming
Audience and actors singing The Heart Carol finale S2E11
Hearth's Warming Eve pageant
CMC showing Cheerilee the card S2E17
Hearts and Hooves Day
Crystal Faire
Crystal Faire
Dr. Hooves as a pear S3E4
Summer Harvest Parade
Games stadium torch platform view S4E24
Equestria Games
Rarity and CMC walking on the catwalk S4E13
Ponyville Days festival
The fair S4E23
Foal and Filly Fair
Celestia announces the start of the Mane Event EG2
CHS Musical Showcase
Princess Celestia's army vs. King Sombra's army S5E25
Great Crystal War
Wide shot of the Tri-Cross Relay field EG3
Friendship Games
Carts in the Applewood Derby S6E14
Applewood Derby

