This category is for all houses located in Ponyville.
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Counterpart Castle -
Salty Sea Mare -
Mermares' Haven -
Shire Lanka Cottage -
Dark Dwelling -
Canterlot Castle -
Chaos Town Hall -
White Tail Cottage
All items (208)
- Caballeron's Camp
- Camo House
- Canterlot Academy
- Canterlot Castle
- Caramel's House
- Caravan of Hope
- Carousel Boutique
- Carried Cottage
- Castle of Legends
- Centaur Castle
- Changeling Guesthouse
- Changeling Palace
- Changelingverse Outpost
- Chaos Town Hall
- Cider Machine
- Claude's Puppet Show
- Cloudominium
- Clouds Villa
- Cloudsdale Mane-or
- Clover House
- Colonial Whinniesburg
- Comet Tail's House
- Convocation Guesthouse
- Counterpart Castle
- Craft Fair Visitors' Center
- Creepy Abode
- Crumbling Castle
- Faculty Housing
- Fancypants' Mansion
- Fantastical Resort
- Farasian Outpost
- Farrier Hill Apartments
- Fashionistas' Tent
- Feather Bangs Fan Club
- Festive Apartments
- Fillies' Playhouse
- Florists' Cottage
- Fluttershy's Cabin
- Friendship Campus Bungalow
- Friendship Campus Cottage
- Friendship Festival Guesthouse
- Future Canterlot Castle
- Future School of Friendship
- Palace of Nightmares
- Paleos' Pad
- Paradise Estate
- Party Pad
- Pie Parents' Home
- The Pie Family Home
- Playful Pad
- Pony Tones' Practice Space
- Ponyacci's Circus
- Ponyville Apartments
- Ponyville Clinic
- Ponyville Guesthouse
- Ponyville Moustache Club
- Ponyville Post Office
- Pretty Parlor
- Prince Blueblood's Mansion
- Public Library
- Salty Sea Mare
- Sandbar's House
- School of Friendship Annex
- School of Friendship Dorms
- Sci-Fi Sci Scraper
- Seaquestrian Dwelling
- Seasonal Motel
- Secluded Cabin
- Servants' Quarters
- Shadowbolts' Hut
- Shadowy Cottage
- Shampoo Factory
- Shire Lanka Cottage
- Shortcutters' Pad
- Sire's Hollow Guesthouse
- Skyline Resort
- Sludge's Dwelling
- Snowfall's House (Ponyville)
- Sombraverse Safehouse
- Somnambulan Outpost
- Spirits' House
- Spring Rain's House
- Springtime House
- Sugarcube Corner
- Sweet Acorn Orchard
- Tenochtitlan Temple
- The Darkroom
- The Hearthbreak Hotel
- The Pie Family's Home
- The Pie Parents Home
- The Power Tower
- The Shy Family Home
- The Somnambul-Inn
- Thinkers' Quarters
- Thracian Palace
- Throne of Chaos
- Timbucktu Palace
- Tower of the Moon
- Towering Resort
- Trendsetters' House
- Trixie's Caravan
- Tubular Apartments
- Twilight's Castle
- Twilight's Library