The Overworld is the dimension in which all players begin their Minecraft world. Most players spend their time in this dimension.
The Overworld is the only dimension created when the player creates a new world. The other dimensions (The Nether and The End) aren't created until a player enters the corresponding dimension for the first time.
A new world in Minecraft is generated through the use of a randomly generated seed, which is an integer used as a starting point for the world generation formula. The player can specify a seed or allow the game to generate one randomly. If given a non-integer input (such as the word "Glacier"), the game converts it into a corresponding integer (such as 1772835215).
A given seed generates almost exactly the same world every time, provided the same edition, game version, and world type are used. Although the exact spawn point varies, the coordinates of all terrain features are the same. All seeds within the 32-bit integer limit in Java and Bedrock editions may also generate worlds with the same terrain shape and biome map, but the placement of terrain features, structures, and carver caves may differ.
The Overworld is an incredibly complex environment with a wide variety of features.
The Overworld is divided into biomes of various types. A biome's type determines the basic characteristics of the terrain within it, such as the blocks composing the surface or the plants that thrive in it. The biome type also determines which mobs can spawn within it and affects how environmental behaviors such as weather are expressed within it.
Natural structures[]
The Overworld is composed of a large number of terrain patterns, called generated structures, whose arrangement varies widely from one seed to another. The exact structures are unique to each world, while the types of structures that can be generated at a given place are determined by the biome type. Structures are meant to represent real-world equivalents such as mountains, caves, and lakes. "Impossible" (in the real world) formations, such as floating islands, can also be found throughout the Overworld.
Along with terrain features, natural structures include naturally-generated buildings, such as villages, dungeons, mineshafts, and ruined portals.
Daylight cycle[]
The Overworld is the only dimension with a daylight cycle and the only one where the environment reflects the passage of time. In contrast to time zones in the real world, Overworld time is universal; it is always the same time for every player in the dimension regardless of how far apart they might be, even in an "infinite" world.
During the daytime, the sun acts as a powerful light source, with a light level of 15, the maximum. Sunlight is strong enough to grow plants and affect the way mobs spawn, among other interesting effects. During the nighttime, the moon is the only natural light source. However, moonlight is comparatively dim; the light level falls to a minimum of 4, allowing hostile mobs to spawn. Other than during thunderstorms, nighttime is the only time players may sleep in a bed.
The daylight cycle can effectively be measured using a clock, which allows players to determine the approximate Minecraft time anywhere in the Overworld. Time can also be changed or stopped with the use of the /time
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, just as it does in the real world. Observing its motion is a simple method of telling direction without a compass.
The Overworld is home to a wide variety of mobs. Mobs vary greatly in behavior and the level of danger they present to the player. Different mobs spawn at different times and places depending on the light level and the biome, among other factors. On occasion, a mob can move between the Overworld and another dimension, such as The Nether, by using a portal, but this is uncommon. Boss mobs like the ender dragon and the wither cannot enter portals.
As with all other dimensions in the game, the Overworld can generate infinitely. However, there are some limitations, as detailed below. Like the other dimensions, it is divided into 16×384×16 block sections called chunks.
The Overworld encompasses a three-dimensional volume that extends vertically from the Void up to the build limit (y=-64 to 320), and horizontally for a virtually infinite distance in each direction. This volume is filled (virtually speaking) with air, terrain, and structures. Technically, the terrain is formed by generating multiple noise maps to produce differing elevations, general land shapes, and complex mountain and cave systems.
While the world is virtually infinite, the number of blocks a player may physically reach is limited with where the limits are depending on the edition of the game and the world type being played.
In Java Edition, the map contains a world border located by default at X/Z coordinates ±29,999,984. The world border is an animated wall of blue stripes. Standing near the border results in a red vignette appearing around the screen. Most entities are unable to pass the border, except by teleporting. Players who breach the border receive constant damage unless they are in creative or spectator mode. The player can teleport past the world border and continue as far as X/Z ±29,999,999, where there is an invisible wall. However, the player can travel a few chunks further by riding horses, pigs, and minecarts through it.[verify]
In Bedrock Edition, Infinite-type worlds have no fixed horizontal limits, but either generation stops or normal game behavior begins to break down at extreme distances; the exact details depend on the platform. However, experiments suggest that players can generally reach at least X/Z ±30,000,000 before such problems occur.
Terrain features[]
The Overworld contains numerous terrain features, at a wide variety of scales.
Naturally generated[]
"Naturally generated" includes blocks that are created through the world seed.
- Air
- Cave Air[JE only]
- Void Air[JE only]
- Bedrock
- Stone
- Deepslate
- Granite
- Diorite
- Andesite
- Tuff
- Calcite
- Dripstone Block
- Smooth Basalt
- Coal Ore
- Deepslate Coal Ore
- Iron Ore
- Deepslate Iron Ore
- Copper Ore
- Deepslate Copper Ore
- Gold Ore
- Deepslate Gold Ore
- Redstone Ore
- Deepslate Redstone Ore
- Emerald Ore
- Deepslate Emerald Ore
- Lapis Lazuli Ore
- Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore
- Diamond Ore
- Deepslate Diamond Ore
- Block of Raw Iron
- Block of Raw Copper
- Block of Amethyst
- Budding Amethyst
- Small Amethyst Bud
- Medium Amethyst Bud
- Large Amethyst Bud
- Amethyst Cluster
- Grass Block
- Mycelium
- Podzol
- Dirt
- Coarse Dirt
- Rooted Dirt
- Moss Block
- Mud
- Water
- Lava
- Sand
- Red Sand
- Gravel
- Oak Log
- Spruce Log
- Birch Log
- Jungle Log
- Acacia Log
- Dark Oak Log
- Mangrove Log
- Oak Leaves
- Spruce Leaves
- Birch Leaves
- Jungle Leaves
- Acacia Leaves
- Dark Oak Leaves
- Azalea Leaves
- Flowering Azalea Leaves
- Mangrove Leaves
- Mangrove Roots
- Muddy Mangrove Roots
- Sandstone
- Red Sandstone
- Grass
- Tall Grass
- Fern
- Large Fern
- Dead Bush
- Dandelion
- Poppy
- Blue Orchid
- Allium
- Azure Bluet
- Red Tulip
- Orange Tulip
- White Tulip
- Pink Tulip
- Oxeye Daisy
- Cornflower
- Lily of the Valley
- Sunflower
- Lilac
- Rose Bush
- Peony
- Brown Mushroom
- Red Mushroom
- Bone Block
- Snow
- Snow Block
- Powder Snow
- Ice
- Packed Ice
- Blue Ice
- Cactus
- Clay Block
- Sugar Cane
- Pumpkin
- Infested Stone
- Infested Deepslate
- Brown Mushroom Block
- Red Mushroom Block
- Mushroom Stem
- Melon
- Vines
- Lily Pad
- Cocoa
- Bamboo
- Sweet Berry Bush
- Terracotta
- Red Terracotta
- Orange Terracotta
- Yellow Terracotta
- Brown Terracotta
- White Terracotta
- Light Gray Terracotta
- Magma Block
- Kelp
- Kelp Plant
- Seagrass
- Tall Seagrass
- Sea Pickle
- Bubble Column
- Tube Coral
- Tube Coral Fan
- Tube Coral Wall Fan
- Tube Coral Block
- Dead Tube Coral[BE only][needs testing]
- Dead Tube Coral Fan[BE only]
- Dead Tube Coral Wall Fan[BE only]
- Dead Tube Coral Block[BE only]
- Brain Coral
- Brain Coral Fan
- Brain Coral Wall Fan
- Brain Coral Block
- Dead Brain Coral[BE only][needs testing]
- Dead Brain Coral Fan[BE only]
- Dead Brain Coral Wall Fan[BE only]
- Dead Brain Coral Block[BE only]
- Bubble Coral
- Bubble Coral Fan
- Bubble Coral Wall Fan
- Bubble Coral Block
- Dead Bubble Coral[BE only][needs testing]
- Dead Bubble Coral Fan[BE only]
- Dead Bubble Coral Wall Fan[BE only]
- Dead Bubble Coral Block[BE only]
- Fire Coral
- Fire Coral Fan
- Fire Coral Wall Fan
- Fire Coral Block
- Dead Fire Coral[BE only][needs testing]
- Dead Fire Coral Fan[BE only]
- Dead Fire Coral Wall Fan[BE only]
- Dead Fire Coral Block[BE only]
- Horn Coral
- Horn Coral Fan
- Horn Coral Wall Fan
- Horn Coral Block
- Dead Horn Coral[BE only][needs testing]
- Dead Horn Coral Fan[BE only]
- Dead Horn Coral Wall Fan[BE only]
- Dead Horn Coral Block[BE only]
- Bee Nest
- Glow Lichen
- Pointed Dripstone
- Cave Vines
- Cave Vines Plant
- Moss Carpet
- Azalea
- Flowering Azalea
- Small Dripleaf
- Big Dripleaf
- Big Dripleaf Stem
- Hanging Roots
- Sculk
- Sculk Sensor
- Sculk Catalyst
- Sculk Shrieker
- Sculk Vein
- Mangrove Propagule
Naturally created[]
Naturally created means a combination of events that cause a new block to be placed by natural causes, not the player. Some of these blocks may also be created as part of world generation.
Same as naturally generated, but these blocks are created only with the "Generate Structures" option enabled.
- Air
- Stone
- Granite
- Polished Granite
- Diorite
- Polished Diorite
- Polished Andesite
- Grass Block
- Dirt
- Coarse Dirt
- Cobblestone
- Mossy Cobblestone
- Netherrack
- Soul Sand
- Soul Fire
- Water
- Lava
- Oak Log
- Spruce Log
- Jungle Log
- Acacia Log
- Dark Oak Log
- Oak Wood
- Spruce Wood
- Acacia Wood
- Stripped Oak Log
- Stripped Spruce Log
- Stripped Jungle Log[BE only][needs testing]
- Stripped Acacia Log
- Stripped Dark Oak Log[BE only][needs testing]
- Stripped Oak Wood
- Stripped Spruce Wood
- Oak Planks
- Spruce Planks
- Birch Planks
- Jungle Planks
- Acacia Planks
- Dark Oak Planks
- Acacia Sapling
- Dark Oak Sapling
- Oak Leaves
- Dark Oak Leaves
- Sand
- Sandstone
- Chiseled Sandstone
- Cut Sandstone
- Gravel
- Smooth Stone
- Smooth Sandstone
- Grass
- Tall Grass
- Fern
- Large Fern
- White Wool
- Orange Wool
- Light Blue Wool
- Yellow Wool
- Lime Wool
- Gray Wool
- Light Gray Wool
- Cyan Wool
- Blue Wool
- Brown Wool
- Green Wool
- Black Wool
- White Carpet
- Orange Carpet
- Magenta Carpet
- Gray Carpet
- Light Blue Carpet
- Yellow Carpet
- Lime Carpet
- Pink Carpet
- Light Gray Carpet
- Cyan Carpet
- Purple Carpet
- Blue Carpet
- Brown Carpet
- Green Carpet
- Red Carpet
- Black Carpet
- Dandelion
- Poppy
- Oxeye Daisy
- Bricks
- Brown Mushroom
- Red Mushroom
- Vines
- Torch
- Wall Torch
- Lantern
- Soul Lantern
- Candle
- White Candle
- Lapis Lazuli Block
- Block of Gold
- Block of Diamond
- Obsidian
- Crying Obsidian
- Chest
- Trapped Chest
- Furnace
- Crafting Table
- Farmland
- Ladder
- Bookshelf
- Cobweb
- Monster Spawner
- Cactus
- Lily Pad
- Melon
- Attached Melon Stem
- Melon Stem
- Pumpkin
- Carved Pumpkin
- Jack o'Lantern
- Attached Pumpkin Stem
- Pumpkin Stem
- Rail
- Snow
- Ice
- Snow Block
- Lever
- Stone Button
- Jungle Button
- Stone Pressure Plate
- Oak Pressure Plate
- Spruce Pressure Plate
- Acacia Pressure Plate
- Oak Fence
- Spruce Fence
- Jungle Fence
- Acacia Fence
- Dark Oak Fence
- Oak Fence Gate
- Spruce Fence Gate
- Jungle Fence Gate
- Acacia Fence Gate
- Dark Oak Fence Gate
- Oak Trapdoor
- Spruce Trapdoor
- Jungle Trapdoor
- Acacia Trapdoor[BE only][needs testing]
- Dark Oak Trapdoor
- Iron Trapdoor
- Cobblestone Wall
- Diorite Wall
- Granite Wall
- Sandstone Wall
- Cobbled Deepslate Wall
- Polished Deepslate Wall
- Deepslate Brick Wall
- Deepslate Tile Wall
- Iron Bars
- Glass
- Glass Pane
- Brown Stained Glass Pane
- White Stained Glass Pane
- Orange Stained Glass Pane
- Yellow Stained Glass Pane
- Clay Block
- Stone Bricks
- Cracked Stone Bricks
- Mossy Stone Bricks
- Chiseled Stone Bricks
- Infested Stone Bricks
- Infested Mossy Stone Bricks
- Infested Chiseled Stone Bricks
- Infested Cobblestone
- Cauldron
- Water Cauldron
- Brewing Stand
- End Portal Frame
- End Portal
- Potted Dandelion
- Potted Poppy
- Potted Blue Orchid
- Potted Allium
- Potted Azure Bluet
- Potted Red Tulip
- Potted White Tulip
- Potted Oxeye Daisy
- Potted Dead Bush
- Potted Spruce Sapling
- Potted Birch Sapling
- Potted Red Mushroom
- Potted Cactus
- Damaged Anvil
- Hay Bale
- Terracotta
- White Terracotta
- Orange Terracotta
- Light Blue Terracotta
- Yellow Terracotta
- Lime Terracotta
- Gray Terracotta
- Light Gray Terracotta
- Cyan Terracotta
- Blue Terracotta
- Brown Terracotta
- Green Terracotta
- Red Terracotta
- Black Terracotta
- Prismarine
- Prismarine Bricks
- Dark Prismarine
- Sea Lantern
- Wet Sponge
- Packed Ice
- Blue Ice
- Dirt Path
- Ominous Wall Banner
- Gray Wall Banner
- Light Gray Wall Banner
- Brown Wall Banner
- Black Wall Banner
- White Glazed Terracotta
- Orange Glazed Terracotta
- Light Blue Glazed Terracotta
- Yellow Glazed Terracotta
- Lime Glazed Terracotta
- Gray Glazed Terracotta
- Light Gray Glazed Terracotta
- Cyan Glazed Terracotta
- Purple Glazed Terracotta
- Blue Glazed Terracotta
- Brown Glazed Terracotta
- Red Glazed Terracotta
- Black Glazed Terracotta
- Sea Pickle
- Iron Door
- Oak Door
- Spruce Door
- Jungle Door
- Acacia Door
- Dark Oak Door
- Oak Wall Sign
- Spruce Wall Sign
- Oak Stairs
- Birch Stairs
- Spruce Stairs
- Jungle Stairs
- Acacia Stairs
- Dark Oak Stairs
- Diorite Stairs
- Granite Stairs
- Sandstone Stairs
- Smooth Sandstone Stairs
- Cobblestone Stairs
- Mossy Cobblestone Stairs
- Stone Brick Stairs
- Mossy Stone Brick Stairs
- Cobbled Deepslate Stairs
- Polished Deepslate Stairs
- Deepslate Brick Stairs
- Deepslate Tile Stairs
- Brick Stairs
- Mud Brick Stairs
- Oak Slab
- Spruce Slab
- Jungle Slab
- Acacia Slab
- Dark Oak Slab
- Stone Slab
- Sandstone Slab
- Smooth Sandstone Slab
- Cobblestone Slab
- Mossy Cobblestone Slab
- Smooth Stone Slab
- Stone Brick Slab
- Mossy Stone Brick Slab
- Cobbled Deepslate Slab
- Polished Deepslate Slab
- Deepslate Brick Slab
- Deepslate Tile Slab
- Brick Slab
- Mud Brick Slab
- Tripwire Hook
- Tripwire
- Redstone Dust
- Redstone Repeater
- Redstone Comparator
- Redstone Torch
- Redstone Wall Torch
- Block of Redstone
- Sticky Piston
- Piston Head
- Dispenser
- Target
- Note Block
- Redstone Lamp
- Wheat Crops
- Carrot Crops
- Potato Crops
- Beetroot Crops
- White Bed
- Orange Bed
- Yellow Bed
- Cyan Bed
- Purple Bed
- Blue Bed
- Green Bed
- Red Bed
- Bell
- Loom
- Campfire
- Barrel
- Lectern
- Blast Furnace
- Smoker
- Cartography Table
- Composter
- Stonecutter
- Grindstone
- Smithing Table
- Fletching Table
- Skeleton Skull
- Sculk Sensor
- Deepslate
- Cobbled Deepslate
- Reinforced Deepslate
- Chiseled Deepslate
- Deepslate Bricks
- Cracked Deepslate Bricks
- Deepslate Tiles
- Cracked Deepslate Tiles
- Polished Deepslate
- Polished Basalt
- Smooth Basalt
- Mud Bricks
- Cyan Concrete
- Red Concrete
- Suspicious Gravel
- Suspicious Sand
Technical information[]
Name | Identifier(JE) | Numeric ID |
Overworld | overworld | 0 |
In Java Edition, information on the Overworld is stored in the region
folder of the .minecraft/saves/worldname
directory, with "worldname" being the name of your world.
Deleting the region
folder resets the Overworld so that all player-made changes and buildings in that dimension are undone.
Some achievements and advancements are obtained only in the Overworld, as their conditions cannot be replicated in the Nether or the End at all.
Icon | Achievement | In-game description | Actual requirements (if different) | Gamerscore earned | Trophy type (PS4) | |
PS4 | Other | |||||
Adventuring Time | Discover 17 biomes. | Visit any 17 biomes. Does not have to be in a single world. | 40G | Silver | ||
Treasure Hunter | Acquire a map from a cartographer villager, then enter the revealed structure | Visit the structure indicated while the purchased map is in your main hand (hotbar). | 40G | Silver | ||
Let It Go! | Using the Frost Walker boots, walk on at least 1 block on frozen water on a deep ocean | — | 20G | Bronze | ||
Atlantis? | Find an underwater ruin | — | 20G | Silver | ||
Sail the 7 Seas | Visit all ocean biomes | Visit all ocean biomes except the deep warm ocean/legacy frozen ocean (as they are unused) | 40G | Gold | ||
Ahoy! | Find a shipwreck | — | 20G | Silver | ||
Me Gold! | Dig up a buried treasure | Open a buried treasure chest | 30G | Silver | ||
Echolocation | Feed a dolphin fish to have it lead you to treasure | Feed a dolphin cod or salmon and have it lure you to treasure. | 20G | Silver |
Icon | Advancement | In-game description | Parent | Actual requirements (if different) | Resource location |
Eye Spy | Follow an Eye of Ender | We Need to Go Deeper | Enter a stronghold. | story/follow_ender_eye
| |
Subspace Bubble | Use the Nether to travel 7 km in the Overworld | Nether | Use the Nether to travel between 2 points in the Overworld with a minimum horizontal euclidean distance of 7000 blocks between each other, which is 875 blocks in the Nether. | nether/fast_travel
| |
Uneasy Alliance | Rescue a Ghast from the Nether, bring it safely home to the Overworld... and then kill it | Return to Sender | Kill a ghast while the player is in the Overworld. | nether/uneasy_alliance
| |
Feels Like Home | Take a Strider for a loooong ride on a lava lake in the Overworld | This Boat Has Legs | While riding a strider, travel 50 blocks on lava in the Overworld. Only horizontal displacement is counted. Traveling in a circle for more than 50 blocks doesn't count. | nether/ride_strider_in_overworld_lava
| |
Surge Protector | Protect a Villager from an undesired shock without starting a fire | Adventure | Be within 30 blocks of a lightning strike that doesn't set any blocks on fire, while an unharmed villager is within or up to six blocks above a 30×30×30 volume centered on the lightning strike. | adventure/lightning_rod_with_villager_no_fire
| |
Caves & Cliffs | Free fall from the top of the world (build limit) to the bottom of the world and survive | Adventure | Fall from at least y=319 to at most y=-59 with a vertical distance of greater than 379 blocks. | adventure/fall_from_world_height
| |
Sweet Dreams | Sleep in a Bed to change your respawn point | Adventure | Lie down in a bed. The advancement is granted as soon as the player is in the bed, even if the player does not successfully sleep. | adventure/sleep_in_bed
| |
Star Trader | Trade with a Villager at the build height limit | What a Deal! | Stand on any block that is higher than 318 and trade with a villager or wandering trader. | adventure/trade_at_world_height
| |
Adventuring Time | Discover every biome | Sweet Dreams | Visit all of these 54 biomes:
| adventure/adventuring_time
| |
Sound of Music | Make the Meadows come alive with the sound of music from a Jukebox | Sweet Dreams | While in a meadow biome, place down a jukebox and use a music disc on it. | adventure/play_jukebox_in_meadows
| |
Very Very Frightening | Strike a Villager with lightning | A Throwaway Joke | Hit a villager with lightning created by a trident with the Channeling enchantment. | adventure/very_very_frightening
Java Edition pre-Classic | |||||
Cave game tech test | The map is originally finite, with randomly-generated terrain. | ||||
rd-132211 | The map terrain is changed to be completely flat. | ||||
rd-160052 | The terrain is now composed of hills and valleys. | ||||
Java Edition Classic | |||||
0.0.12a | Terrain changed to shallow hills. | ||||
The Minecraft world is now surrounded by an ocean with a floor of bedrock. | |||||
Pressing N generates a new level. | |||||
August 25, 2009 | New generator showed off with terrain given more cliffs, longer and narrower caves. | ||||
Java Edition Indev | |||||
20100212-1 | Added the daylight cycle. | ||||
Java Edition Infdev | |||||
20100227-1 | First test of infinite world generation, using the same terrain generator as in Indev. The sky is also a dark blue color (hex: #0000FF). | ||||
20100327 | New terrain generator, removing flowers and caves temporarily. | ||||
Height limit increased to 128.[is this the correct version?] Previously the build limit was 64[verify] (32 blocks above sea level and 32 below). | |||||
20100611 | Changed terrain generator. | ||||
Java Edition Alpha | |||||
v1.2.3 | The F3 key toggles a debug console that shows the player's exact coordinates. | ||||
Java Edition Beta | |||||
1.3 | Player's can now specify a world's name and seed. | ||||
1.5 | Added weather. | ||||
1.7 | An 'f' value was added to the debug console, indicating the direction the player is facing. | ||||
1.8 | Pre-release | New terrain generator. | |||
The Far Lands were removed. | |||||
Java Edition | |||||
1.2.1 | 12w07a | The build limit has been increased from 128 to 256 | |||
1.3.2 | pre | The code of each dimension now contains the verbal name of the dimension, which is currently used only in the server console when shutting down. This is the first version in which this dimension was officially named "Overworld". | |||
1.7.2 | 13w36a | Cave Generation was tweaked, making caves less dense and interconnected.[1] | |||
New biomes were added and some old biomes were changed. | |||||
1.8 | 14w17a | Added a world border, which appears one chunk before the world boundary, and can be penetrated. | |||
1.13 | 18w08a | Added the warm ocean, lukewarm ocean, cold ocean, deep lukewarm ocean, deep cold ocean, and deep frozen ocean biomes. | |||
Frozen oceans now generate again and have been given a new look. | |||||
18w15a | Ocean variants now have their own water colors. | ||||
1.18 | Experimental Snapshot 1 | Terrain now generates using the multi-noise biome source type. | |||
Terrain generation is now independent from biomes, with biomes adapting to whatever terrain they happen to generate throughout. | |||||
Terrain is now smoother and more extreme. | |||||
The build limit has been increased by 64 blocks above and 64 blocks below, now reaching from -64 to 320. | |||||
Added 3 Noise caves: Cheese, spaghetti and noodle. | |||||
The values C, E, T, H, and W have been added to the Debug Console under the Multinoise line, representing the biome's continentialness, erosion, temperature, humidity, and weirdness, respectively. | |||||
The Terrain line has been added to the Debug Console, which lists values related to terrain generation. | |||||
Experimental Snapshot 2 | Clouds now spawn at y=192, rather than y=128. | ||||
Biome generation has been tweaked. | |||||
Old Mountains are now labeled as Extreme Hills, and Gravelly Mountains are now Gravelly Hills. |
Issues relating to "Overworld" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.
The version of the terrain generator used prior to Alpha v1.2.0.
The world generator used from Alpha v1.2.0 to Beta 1.7.3.
The world generator used from Java Edition Beta 1.8 to 1.6.4.
The world generator used from Java Edition 1.18.
The Overworld as it appears in Around the Minecraft World in 80 Biomes.[2]
- The maximum number of blocks that can be generated in the Overworld is approximately 921.6 quadrillion (9.216×1017) blocks, assuming a distance of 30,000,000 blocks in either direction.
- The total area is about 8 times the surface of the Earth.
- This means that storing a filled world, with no entities or block entities, would require 3.6864 quintillion (3.6864×1018) bits (409 petabytes) for the block data alone, based on the fact that each standard block is assigned 4 bits of information.
- By manually modifying the game, it is possible to generate the world up to 2,147,483,647 blocks (the 32-bit integer limit) in either direction.
- A 1:1 (1 block = 1 meter) scale map of the Earth, built-in Minecraft, would be 510.9 trillion (5.109×1014) blocks in size.
- Assuming the map is one block deep and uses 1 byte per block, its size would be approximately 475,800 GB (464.7 TB).
- A Moon-sized map would be made of 37.95 trillion (3.795×1013) blocks. Its data size would be 35,340 GB (34.52 TB).
See also[]
- Tutorials/Navigation – Tips for navigating at the Overworld
- Survival
- The Nether
- The End