Minecraft Wiki
Minecraft Wiki
See also: Soul Speed

When you gather a soul, you gain a 5% stacking movement speed boost for a short time.

In-game description

Soul Speed is an enchantment that can be found within the various armor of Minecraft Dungeons.


Tier Effect Cost
I 3 seconds duration 1 Enchantment Point
II 5 seconds duration 2 Enchantment Points
III 7 seconds duration 3 Enchantment Points


Soul speed grants the hero a 5% stacking movement speed boost for a short duration after collecting a soul, this effect can stack up to five times. The duration of this movement speed boost increases with each tier, at the maximum tier it lasts seven seconds. It also grants +1 soul gathering.

Soul speed is a soul enchantment, which means it can only be found on armor that have either the +50% soul gatheing or +1 soul gathering perk.


Minecraft Dungeons
Dungeons BetaSoul Speed Added Soul Speed. stack reduced from 100 to 5.
Increased speed bonus from 1% to 5%.
Increased duration in seconds from 2/3/4, to 3/5/7.
Removed soul-amount multiplier for the speed bonus on collected soul.


  • When activated, the effect icon reads "Spirit Speed" instead of "Soul Speed".

Data values[]

  • In the game files, soul speed is referred to internally by the name SpiritSpeed.

