Pixel art and other creations made in Creative mode
Creative mode is one of the main game modes in Minecraft. It strips away the survival aspects of Minecraft and allows players to easily create and destroy structures and mechanisms with the inclusion of an infinite use of blocks and flying. It also permanently removes the ability to earn achievements in Bedrock Edition. It also changes some of the background music, Creative mode also allows creativity, as people made many redstone builds and amazing things.

A player flying in Creative mode.
In Creative mode, players have no visible health or hunger bar to hamper their building since they are invincible (though it is still possible to eat). Creative mode allows players to destroy all blocks instantly (including normally indestructible blocks such as bedrock, end portal frames, etc.), provided they are not holding a sword, trident or debug stick[JE only]. However, these blocks are not dropped and must be obtained from the Creative inventory, or by using pick block on the block.
When continuously holding destroy to break blocks in Creative mode, there is a 6 game tick (0.3 second) cooldown between each block broken. This is distinct from instant mining in Survival mode, where one block can be broken every game tick (0.05 second). This cooldown can be bypassed by rapidly clicking the destroy button, allowing blocks to be broken as quickly as the player clicks.
Creative mode gives players the ability to fly. To activate flying, double tap the jump key. Use the jump key to go up and the sneak key to go down and the movement keys (the default is WASD) to move. The player can disable flying in mid-air by double-tapping jump again, causing them to drop to the ground. Touching the ground when flying disables flying in Java Edition, but not in Bedrock Edition. Getting into a minecart, or bed does not disable flying. However, getting into a boat or riding a mob such a a pig, llama, horse, donkey, mule, skeleton horse, strider, trader llama or camel will disable flying.
Players in Creative mode are unable to receive damage from the vast majority of sources. In Java Edition, going too far into the void still kills the player; however, in Bedrock Edition, the player is also immune to this (they are stopped by an invisible barrier that exists in all three dimensions). The player can fly around in the void provided they do not descend more than 64 blocks below the bottom of the dimension. The void, the /kill
and /damage
commands and external editors are the only way to die in Creative mode.[Java Edition only] Creative players in Bedrock Edition are completely invulnerable.
Mobs still spawn as they do in other game modes, unless the difficulty is Peaceful or when the game rule doMobSpawning
is set to false
, but all are passive toward the players (even if they stare at the player in strange ways). If the player enters the End while in Creative mode, the ender dragon still attempts to attack the player, but cannot cause any harm.[Java Edition only] Zombies summoned by others calling for backup attempt to attack the player, but they still cause no harm, and they stop attacking after several seconds. The player can still ignite creepers with a flint and steel or fire charge.
Once a world is created, if cheats are enabled, the game mode can be manually changed to Creative (or other game modes) with either the /gamemode
command, specifically by typing /gamemode creative
, or the game mode switcher (F3 + F4). In multiplayer, players can be individually changed between game modes with the /gamemode
command available to operators. This means that individual players can play Creative mode (at the operator's discretion) on a Survival map, or vice-versa. The default game mode for new players can also be changed with the /defaultgamemode
If it is possible for the game to determine that a block was broken by the player, it does not drop (exceptions being shulker boxes and beehives if they have non-default NBT data). If the game cannot unambiguously determine how a block broke, the block drops.[1] Mobs killed by the player in Creative still drop items, but most other entities do not. Containers also drop their contents when broken. A notable exception to the no drops rule is the minecart, which, if renamed, drops itself as an item.[2]
In Bedrock Edition, creating a new flat world is always opened in Creative mode. Opening a new Creative world or opening an existing world in Creative permanently disables achievements, trophies, and leaderboard updates for that particular game, but has no other effects on gameplay. In other words, achievements, trophies, and leaderboard updates work only in games that have always been in Survival.
Players in Creative have a longer reach for placing, destroying, and attacking than in Survival.
Creative inventory[]
Reason: Java and Bedrock in 1.16 inventory changes.

The Creative mode inventory showing the Search tab for the Java Edition.

The Creative mode inventory showing the All tab in Bedrock Edition (Classic option).

The Creative mode inventory showing the All tab in Bedrock Edition (Pocket option).
In Creative, the normal inventory screen is replaced by the item selection screen, which contains almost all blocks and items (with some exceptions) in a tabbed interface. Some items and blocks are available only in Creative mode, such as spawn eggs. Likewise, some blocks can be used only in Creative, such as command blocks and structure blocks.
Java Edition[]
In Java Edition, there are 13 tabs that are ordered from top-left to bottom right as:
- Building Blocks
- Colored Blocks
- Natural Blocks
- Functional Blocks
- Redstone Blocks
- Saved hotbars
- Search items
- Tools & Utilities
- Combat
- Food & Drinks
- Crafting
- Ingredients
- Spawn Eggs
- Survival inventory
Bedrock Edition[]
In Bedrock Edition, there are five tabs, which are:
- Construction
- Equipment
- Items
- Nature
- All
There is also a view tab, which can be toggled to:
- Creative inventory only
- Creative and Survival inventory
- Survival inventory only
General info[]
Some items behave differently in Creative mode. Generally, consumable items create a duplicate of themselves that remain on the same inventory slot when used. Items do not disappear or lose durability. For example, putting an item in an item frame or on an armor stand does not cause it to disappear from the player's hand. Instead, the item is duplicated. It is the same for putting on armor by right-clicking it from the player's hotbar. Buckets with contents (water, lava, aquatic mob) duplicate their contents along with their carrying respective mobs (and with NBT tags, if any) upon placement. Empty buckets on the other hand, only cause fluid blocks to disappear and do not have the capability to carry mobs.
In Java Edition, there is a "destroy item" button, where items can be dragged to and deleted. ⇧ Shift + clicking on the button clears the entire inventory, including the hotbar, off-hand slot, and armor slots.
Item entities can be picked up by the player, but if the hotbar is already full, the items go into the Survival inventory. If the Survival inventory is full, they're deleted upon picking up.
Java-only Creative inventory exclusives[]
Several blocks can be found in the Creative inventory that are not normally available as items through vanilla Survival gameplay (excluding bedrock, chorus plant, end portal frames, farmland, spawn egg, dirt path, and the infested blocks as of the 1.17 snapshots):
- Spawn Egg
- Infested Cobblestone
- Infested Chiseled Stone Bricks
- Infested Cracked Stone Bricks
- Infested Mossy Stone Bricks
- Infested Stone[note 3]
- Infested Stone Bricks
- Infested Deepslate
- Player Head
- Potion of Luck
- Splash Potion of Luck
- Lingering Potion of Luck
- Arrow of Luck
- Reinforced Deepslate
- Tall Seagrass
- ↑ Several methods for obtaining this as an item existed - see Tutorials/Obtaining discontinued blocks and items for more information.
- ↑ Can be obtained using explosions in Beta 1.9 Pre release 3 - see Tutorials/Obtaining discontinued blocks and items for more information.
- ↑ Can be obtained using Silk Touch in Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4 - see Tutorials/Obtaining discontinued blocks and items for more information.
Pick block[]
The player can obtain items using pick block. Unlike Survival, the block selected appears in the player's hotbar even if the block is not already in the hotbar or in the Survival inventory. If it is in the inventory, then the block moves out of its former slot and replaces the block/item in the active hotbar slot, with the size of the stack preserved. If the hotbar is full then the selected block replaces the block/item in the active slot.
Most blocks give the player a copy of themselves when using pick block. Using it on an item frame gives the player the item held inside, or the item frame itself if no item is held. Using it on a mob gives the player a spawn egg of that mob. Using it on a mob head gives the mob type that it is; using it on custom heads gives only the mob type that was used in the command, but without the custom skin.
If the player holds Ctrl and presses pick block, in addition to obtaining the item, it also preserves the block's NBT tags, allowing the player to place an identical copy of the block; this allows the player to duplicate items inside of chests, dispensers, and so on, and also duplicates the text on signs.
There are several blocks and a couple of items that do not appear in the Creative inventory. They can be obtained with the /give
command and can be manually placed using /setblock
command, using the IDs provided in the table below. Additionally, using pick block on these blocks also gives them, except where noted. Technical blocks, such as portals and off-state redstone torches, do not have corresponding inventory items at all in Java Edition and cannot be obtained without external help in Bedrock Edition, and thus cannot be legitimately obtained.
Name | Can be obtained with Pick Block? | Inventory availability | Identifier | |
Java Edition | Bedrock Edition | |||
Allow | Yes | N/A | Yes | allow
Barrier | Yes | Yes[note 1] | Yes |
Border | Yes | N/A | Yes | border_block
Command block | Yes | Yes[note 1] | Yes | command_block repeating_command_block chain_command_block
Debug stick | Not a block | Yes[note 1] | N/A | debug_stick
Deny | Yes | N/A | Yes | deny
Ender dragon spawn egg | Not a block | No | Yes | ender_dragon_spawn_egg
Minecart with command block | Yes (entity) | Yes[note 1] | Yes | command_block_minecart
Firework star | Not a block | Yes | Partial | firework_star
Firework rocket | No (entity) | Yes | Partial | firework_rocket
Petrified Oak Slab | Yes | No | No | petrified_oak_slab
Structure block | Yes | Yes[note 1] | Yes | structure_block
Structure void | Yes | Yes[note 1] | Yes | structure_void
Knowledge book | Not a block | No | No | knowledge_book
Jigsaw block | Yes | Yes[note 1] | Yes | jigsaw
Light block | Yes[JE only] | Yes[note 1] | Yes | light [JE only]light_block [BE only]
Suspicious stew | Not a block | Yes | Yes | suspicious_stew
Bundle | Not a block | Yes[note 2] | N/A | bundle
Uncraftable potion | Not a block | No | Yes | potion
Uncraftable lingering potion | Not a block | No | Yes | lingering_potion
Uncraftable splash potion | Not a block | No | Yes | splash_potion
Uncraftable tipped arrow | Not a block | No | N/A | tipped_arrow
Wither spawn egg | Not a block | No | Yes | wither_spawn_egg
Platform specific exclusive features[]
Some blocks and items are obtainable in Creative on one platform, but not the other. The full list blocks and items only obtainable in the Java Edition Creative Inventory can be found here. Bedrock Edition exclusive Creative Inventory blocks and items can be found here.
Representation in level.dat[]
Creative mode is represented as 1
in GameType
in the level.dat file; to manually change the GameType
, the file must first be opened with an external NBT editor.
Note: Singleplayer worlds do not use this field to save the game mode the player is currently in.
Java Edition pre-Classic | |||||
Cave game tech test | The first version of "Creative" mode has no flying, and no placing or removing blocks. | ||||
rd-132211 | The player can now place and destroy blocks. Left-clicking places a block, and right-clicking destroys a block. | ||||
Blocks cannot be placed past the world boundary. | |||||
Falling off the edge or digging through the bottom of the world will not kill the player. | |||||
Java Edition Classic | |||||
May 16, 2009 | Notch discussed Creative among the various game modes he envisioned for the game. | ||||
0.0.19a | Hotbar was added. It displayed all blocks except cobblestone and sand. | ||||
0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST | Removed Creative mode, added survival features. | ||||
0.28 | Creative mode update, restored Creative mode to Classic. | ||||
Java Edition Indev | |||||
0.31 | 20091231-1 | Effectively removed Creative from this version onwards, as all subsequent versions up to and including Beta 1.7.3 use Survival gameplay. However, some minor code edits could return the game to an effective Creative state (similarly to activating Survival mode in Classic 0.28 and 0.29), although this was unsupported and became increasingly unstable through the updates. | |||
20100113 | Removed the health bar, effectively making the game mode Creative. | ||||
20100114 | Added back the health bar, making the game mode Survival. | ||||
Java Edition Beta | |||||
June 28, 2011 | Notch announced Creative mode as one of the gamemodes a player can choose. | ||||
July 5, 2011 | The modification date of the texture used for the Creative inventory prior to 1.3.1 (12w16a) suggests that Creative mode was in development at this point. | ||||
1.8 | Pre-release | Re-added Creative mode released in the Adventure Update alongside Survival. | |||
Java Edition | |||||
1.0.0 | Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5 | Hostile mobs are now neutral to players in Creative mode. | |||
1.2.1 | 12w05a | Enchanting no longer requires experience in Creative mode. | |||
1.3.1 | 12w16a | Cheats allow switching between Survival and Creative modes without mods or editors. | |||
12w17a | Tools in Creative mode now have infinite durability. | ||||
12w18a | Players no longer begin with a full hotbar in Creative mode. | ||||
12w21b | Players can now access to the Survival inventory, previously, the Survival inventory was only accessible when using crafting tables or similar blocks. | ||||
12w22a | The player can now wear and remove armor in Creative mode. | ||||
12w27a | Creative inventory now shows status effects. | ||||
12w30c | The crafting grid was removed from the Survival inventory tab because of a duplication bug. | ||||
1.4.2 | 12w32a | Added command blocks in the Pretty Scary Update, which can be used only in Creative mode. | |||
13w18a | Hostile mobs no longer follow players when hit in Creative mode. | ||||
Creepers do not explode when hit in Creative mode. | |||||
13w21a | Experience levels no longer appear in Creative. Previously, the experience would be hidden but experience levels would show. | ||||
13w25b | It is no longer possible to break blocks with a sword in Creative mode. | ||||
1.7 | Spiders, cave spiders, zombie pigmen, blazes, and endermen are no longer provoked when attacked by a player who is in Creative mode. | ||||
2013 Music Update | Six ambient music tracks are added that play in Creative mode. | ||||
1.8 | 14w06a | Players in Creative mode can make barriers visible by holding a barrier in their hand. | |||
14w07a | Players can create a copy of a block entity in their hotbar, including all NBT data, by holding Ctrl and pressing pick block. | ||||
14w10a | Players in Creative can now damage entities even if they are flagged invulnerable. | ||||
1.9 | 15w31a | Added structure blocks in the Combat Update. They were unobtainable and unusable and could be placed only with commands, such as /setblock . | |||
1.10 | 16w20a | Structure blocks are now obtainable using commands in the Frostburn Update and usable in Creative mode. | |||
1.12 | 17w06a | Added toolbar saving. | |||
1.13 | 18w20a | It is no longer possible to break blocks with tridents in Creative mode.[3] | |||
1.15 | 19w46a | All foods are now edible in Creative mode, including cake. | |||
1.16 | 20w10a | Fire and soul fire now behave more like other blocks and therefore can no longer be put out by swords/tridents in Creative | |||
Pre-release 1 | Using a bucket on water or lava in Creative mode now provides the player with one water or lava bucket in the inventory.[4] This is created in a new inventory slot rather than replacing the used bucket. A limit of one bucket per fluid can be obtained this way - attempting to fill a bucket where a filled one already exists in the inventory removes the fluid as expected but does not provide any new buckets. | ||||
Cows and mooshrooms can also now be milked in Creative mode,[5] providing the player with limitless milk buckets. | |||||
Pre-release 4 | Milking cows now only provides Creative players with one bucket.[6] | ||||
Pocket Edition Alpha | |||||
v0.1.0 | Added Creative mode. | ||||
v0.2.0 | Added the flying ability to Creative mode. | ||||
Added Survival mode, making Creative optional. | |||||
v0.10.0 | build 1 | Creative now has the day/night cycle. | |||
v0.11.0 | build 1 | Creative mode worlds can now be converted to Survival (or vice-versa) without third-party software. | |||
build 10 | Increased interaction range for players in Creative. | ||||
build 11 | Players in Creative are no longer killed by the void. | ||||
build 12 | Players in Creative mode no longer catch fire. | ||||
v0.12.1 | build 1 | Mobs no longer become hostile toward Creative mode players. | |||
External inventories can now be interacted with in Creative. | |||||
Prior to this version, players could not activate nether reactors in Creative mode; this was made obsolete with the addition of the Nether. | |||||
build 11 | External inventories can no longer be interacted with in Creative due to a lack of a proper inventory. | ||||
It is no longer possible to break blocks with a sword in Creative mode. | |||||
v0.14.0 | build 1 | Added Survival inventory tabs to the Creative inventory. | |||
External inventories can now be interacted with in Creative. | |||||
v0.15.0 | build 1 | Added achievements, which cannot be earned in Creative mode. Switching to Creative gives a "warning" message. | |||
Bedrock Edition | |||||
1.2.0 | beta | Players now start Creative mode worlds with an empty hotbar. | |||
1.7.0 | beta | Players can now eat in Creative mode. | |||
Legacy Console Edition | |||||
TU5 | CU1 | 1.0 | Patch 1 | 1.0.1 | Added Creative mode. |
TU6 | Added a quick command to clear the hotbar in Creative mode. (![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||||
New Nintendo 3DS Edition | |||||
0.1.0 | Added Creative Mode |
Issues relating to "Creative" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.
Creative mode in Java Edition Beta 1.8.
- ↑ MC-4681 — "Item drops in creative" — resolved as "Won't Fix".
- ↑ MC-10366 — "Renamed minecarts still drop a minecart item in creative mode" — resolved as "Works As Intended".
- ↑ MC-126300 — "Unlike sword, trident can accidentally break blocks in creative mode" — resolved as "Fixed".
- ↑ you cannot pick up buckets of water/lava in creative mode — Fixed
- ↑ MC-36322 — "Unable to milk cows in creative" — resolved as "Fixed".
- ↑ MC-188352 — "Creative mode cow milking / mushroom stewing inconsistent with picking up placed fluids" — resolved as "Fixed".