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Early Classic refers to 18 versions of Classic released from May 16 to May 28, 2009, that succeeded pre-Classic and preceded Multiplayer Test. Creative singleplayer was the only mode available at this time and there were only a limited amount of blocks available in-game.
- Blocks
- Bedrock
- Unobtainable to the player.
- Sand and Gravel
- Only appear naturally in one block-thick beach (usually by water or in the middle of a landscape). These beaches were always at and below ocean level.
- Rather than falling by turning into a falling block entity, sand instantly appears at the lowest point it could go when placed above an air block, without any sort of falling animation.
- Gold Ore
- Found in higher elevations, gold ore was often found in exposed surface-level blobs.
- Iron Ore
- Spawns in huge blobs, sometimes big enough to protrude into 3 caverns, and can have as many as 167 ores.
- Coal Ore
- Logs and leaves
- Spawn as trees found around the map.
- Water and Lava
- In the early water test, water rendered as an opaque block. With the addition of lava, both liquids rendered as transparent. Lava was later changed to opaque.
- World generation
- An infinite ocean surrounds the map.
- "Huge" level size.
- Caves
- Building
- Right-click switches between placing and removing blocks.
- In-game version number at the top left of the screen.
- Includes FPS (frames per second) and chunk updates.
- Once during the development of Java Edition Classic 0.0.14a, Notch tested vertex offsets of blocks, but was not satisfied, likely in part due to a graphic bug which showed block previews and highlights as cubes. [1]