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Gear (item)
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This guide is a simplified overview of all the changes in Bedrock Edition 1.8 release, which assumes at least some familiarity with the Bedrock Edition 1.7 release.



Name Image Habitat Drops Note
Cat Tuxedo CatSiamese Cat JE2 BE2Red CatPersian CatRagdoll CatWhite CatJellie CatBlack CatTabby CatBritish Shorthair CatCalico Cat
  • Stray cats can be found wandering in villages.
  • A single stray black cat can be found inside witch huts.
Pandas spawn in bamboo forest biomes.
  • Pandas can spawn with either an aggressive, lazy, playful, weak or worried personality.
  • Pandas will eat bamboo, but can only be bred if there are at least eight bamboo blocks within five blocks of each panda.
  • Pandas will pick up and eat cake that is thrown to them.
  • Worried pandas will shake and cover their face during thunderstorms.


Name Image Changed
  • Ocelots can no longer be tamed to get cats.
  • Phantoms will no longer swoop to attack a player if a cat is nearby.



Name Image Obtaining Tool Required Uses
Small Leaves Bamboo
  • Can be found while fishing in jungles and will appear in some loot chests.
  • Generating naturally in the world will come in the following updates.
  • Bamboo can be broken with any tool as well as by hand.
  • Bamboo will not break instantly when hit by any sword. Bamboo will break instantly when hit by a sword in JAVA edition only.
Ingredients Crafting recipe
Bamboo +
Scaffolding can be broken with any tool as well as by hand. When broken all connected scaffolding will break as well.
  • Scaffolding is designed to be used for building in survival.
  • Standing in scaffolding and jumping will allow the player to climb, while sneaking will allow the player to descend through the scaffolding. If there is no block below the scaffolding block the player is on the player will not descend through the block.


Name Image Changed
Command Block
Impulse Command Block
  • Now have the default name of "!" instead of "@".
Packed Ice
Packed Ice
  • Can now be crafted with ice.
Shulker Box
Shulker Box
  • Added a recipe for undyed shulker boxes.



Name Image Obtaining Uses
Black Dye
Black Dye JE1 BE1
Ingredients Crafting recipe
Ink Sac or
Wither Rose

  • Black dye is used in place of ink sacs as dye in all recipes.
Blue Dye
Blue Dye JE1 BE1
Ingredients Crafting recipe
Lapis Lazuli or

  • Blue dye is used in place of lapis lazuli as dye in all recipes.
Brown Dye
Brown Dye JE1 BE1
Ingredients Crafting recipe
Cocoa Beans

  • Brown dye is used in place of cocoa beans as dye in all recipes.
Ingredients Crafting recipe
Stick +
Iron Ingot +
String +
Tripwire Hook

  • The crossbow is a ranged weapon that has a longer range, as well as being able to deal more damage than a bow.
  • Crossbows can fire fireworks, as well as arrows.
White Dye
White Dye JE1 BE1
Ingredients Crafting recipe
Bone Meal or
Lily of the Valley

  • White dye is used in place of bone meal as dye in all recipes.

Spawn Egg
(Cat, Panda)

Cat Spawn EggPanda Spawn Egg


Name Image Changed
Bone Meal
Bone Meal JE3 BE3
  • Bonemeal are now used to craft white dye and growth in Bamboo.
  • The bow in the hotbar now shows an arrow when being drawn.
Cocoa Beans
Cocoa Beans JE4 BE2
  • Cocoa beans are now used to craft brown dye.
Firework Rocket
Firework Rocket
  • Can now be placed in the off-hand slot.
Green Dye
Green Dye JE2 BE2
  • Name changed from Cactus Green to Green Dye to remain consistent with other dyes.
Ink Sac
Ink Sac JE2 BE2
  • Ink sacs can now be used to craft black dye.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli JE2 BE2
  • Lapis lazuli can now be used to craft blue dye.
Red Dye
Red Dye JE2 BE2
  • Name changed from Rose Red to Red Dye to remain consistent with other dyes.
Yellow Dye
Yellow Dye JE2 BE2
  • Name changed from Dandelion Yellow to Yellow Dye to remain consistent with other dyes.



Enchantment Max Level Applicable Items Notes
Multishot 1 Crossbow Fires three arrows while only consuming one. If an arrow hits, the other two vanish.
Piercing 4 Crossbow Allows arrows to pass through as many entities as the enchantment level.
Quick Charge 4 Crossbow Speeds up the charging of the crossbow.