Minecraft Wiki
Minecraft Wiki
This page describes content that exists only in outdated versions of Minecraft. 
This page describes the Legacy Console and New Nintendo 3DS editions, both of which have been discontinued.

Platforms with unique Xbox network achievements[]

Platform Total achievements Total gamerscore
Xbox 360 94 2190
Xbox One 87 2025

List of achievements[]

Icon Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Availability Gamerscore earned (Xbox) Trophy type (PS)
Xbox PS Nintendo
Awarded all trophiesAll trophies have been awarded.Automatically obtained when the first 28‌[PS3 only]/50‌[PS4 & PS Vita only] trophies listed after this one have been obtained. NoYesNoPlatinum
Taking InventoryOpen your inventory. YesYesYes10GBronze
Getting WoodPunch a tree until a block of Wood pops out.Pick up a log from the ground. YesYesYes10GBronze
BenchmakingCraft a workbench with four blocks of Wooden Planks.Pick up a crafting table from the inventory's crafting field output or a crafting table output. YesYesYes10GBronze
Time to Mine!Use Planks and Sticks to make a Pickaxe.Pick up any type of pickaxe from a crafting table output. YesYesYes10GBronze
Hot TopicConstruct a Furnace out of eight Cobblestone blocks.Pick up a furnace from a crafting table output. YesYesYes15GBronze
Acquire HardwareSmelt an Iron Ingot.Pick up an iron ingot from a furnace output. YesPS3Yes15GSilver
PS4 & PS VitaBronze
Time to Farm!Make a Hoe.Pick up any type of hoe from a crafting table output. YesYesYes10GBronze
Bake BreadTurn Wheat into Bread.Pick up bread from a crafting table output. Xbox 360PS3Yes20GSilver
Xbox OnePS4 & PS Vita15GBronze
The LieBake a Cake using: Wheat, Sugar, Milk and Eggs.Pick up a cake from a crafting table output. YesPS3Yes40GSilver
PS4 & PS VitaBronze
Getting an UpgradeConstruct a better Pickaxe.Pick up a pickaxe from a crafting table output that is not a wooden pickaxe. YesYesYes15GBronze
Delicious FishCatch and cook Fish!Pick up a cooked fish from a furnace output. Doesn't work if the furnace is hooked up to a hopper, as the player is not getting the item directly from the furnace. YesPS3Yes15GSilver
PS4 & PS VitaBronze
On A RailTravel by Minecart to a point at least 500m in a single direction from where you started.Travel by minecart to a point at least 500 blocks from where the player started. Distance is measured in a straight line. YesYesYes40GGold
Time to Strike!Use planks and sticks to make a Sword.Pick up any type of sword from a crafting table output. YesYesYes10GBronze
Monster HunterAttack and destroy a monster.Kill a hostile mob or one of the following neutral mobs: enderman, zombie pigman, spider, cave spider. Xbox 360YesYes20GBronze
Xbox One15G
Cow TipperHarvest some Leather.Pick up leather from the ground. YesYesYes15GBronze
When Pigs FlyUse a Saddle to ride a Pig, and then have the Pig get hurt from fall damage while riding it.Be riding a pig (e.g. using a saddle) when it hits the ground with a fall distance greater than 5. YesPS3Yes40GGold
PS4 & PS VitaSilver
Leader of the PackBefriend five Wolves.This does not have to be in a single game, so multiple games or reloading old saves does count toward this achievement. Xbox 360PS3Wii U & Switch30GSilver
Xbox OnePS4 & PS Vita20GBronze
MOAR ToolsConstruct one type of each tool.Construct one pickaxe, one shovel, one axe, and one hoe. YesYesWii U & Switch15GBronze
Dispense With ThisConstruct a Dispenser.Pick up a dispenser from a crafting table output. YesPS3Yes20GSilver
PS4 & PS VitaBronze
Into The NetherConstruct a Nether Portal.Light a nether portal. YesPS3Yes40GSilver
PS4 & PS VitaBronze
Pork ChopCook and eat a Pork Chop. YesYesYes10GBronze
Passing the TimePlay for 100 days.Play for 100 Minecraft days, which is equivalent to 33 hours in real time. YesYesWii U & Switch20GBronze
ArcherKill a Creeper with Arrows. YesYesWii U & Switch10GBronze
Sniper DuelKill a Skeleton with an Arrow from more than 50 meters.Use a launched arrow to kill a skeleton, wither skeleton, or a stray from 50 or more blocks away, horizontally. YesPS3Yes30GSilver
PS4 & PS VitaBronze
DIAMONDS!Acquire Diamonds with your iron tools.Pick up a diamond from the ground. YesPS3Wii U & Switch20GGold
PS4 & PS VitaBronze
Return to SenderDestroy a Ghast with a Fireball.Kill a ghast using a ghast fireball. YesPS3Yes30GGold
PS4 & PS VitaSilver
Into FireRelieve a Blaze of its rod.Pick up a blaze rod from the ground. YesPS3Wii U & Switch20GSilver
PS4 & PS VitaBronze
Local BreweryBrew a Potion.Pick up a potion from a brewing stand potion slot. An already-created potion placed and removed qualifies. YesPS3Yes15GSilver
PS4 & PS VitaBronze
The End?Enter an End Portal. YesPS VitaYes20GBronze
PS3 & PS4Gold
The End.Kill the Enderdragon. [sic]Enter the end exit portal. YesPS3 & PS VitaYes40GGold
EnchanterConstruct an Enchantment Table.Pick up an enchantment table from a crafting table output. YesPS3Yes20GSilver
PS4 & PS VitaBronze
OverkillDeal nine hearts of damage in a single hit.Damage can be dealt to any mob, even those that do not have nine hearts of health overall. YesYesYes30GBronze
LibrarianBuild some Bookshelves to improve your Enchantment Table.Pick up a bookshelf from a crafting table output. YesYesYes20GBronze
Adventuring TimeDiscover 17 of the 40 different biomes.Visit any 17 biomes. Does not have to be in a single world. YesYesWii U & Switch40GSilver
RepopulationBreed two Cows with Wheat.Breed two cows or two mooshrooms. YesYesYes15GBronze
Diamonds to you!Throw Diamonds at another player.Drop a diamond. Another player or a mob must then pick up this diamond. YesYesWii U & Switch15GBronze
The HagglerMine or purchase 30 Emeralds.Mine or buy 30 emeralds from a villager. Xbox 360YesYes20GSilver
Xbox One30G
Pot PlanterCraft and place a Flower Pot. YesYesWii U & Switch15GBronze
It's a Sign!Craft and place a Sign. YesYesWii U & Switch15GBronze
Iron BellyStop starvation using Rotten Flesh.Eat a piece of rotten flesh while starving (zero hunger points). YesYesYes20GBronze
Have a Shearful DayUse Shears to obtain Wool from a Sheep. YesYesYes15GBronze
Rainbow CollectionGather all 16 colors of Wool.All the colors of wool do not have to be in the inventory at the same time, but must have been picked up by the player once. Xbox 360YesWii U & Switch20GSilver
Xbox One30G
Stayin' FrostySwim in Lava while having the Fire Resistance effect. YesYesYes20GBronze
Chestful of CobblestoneMine 1,728 Cobblestone and place it in a Chest.A player must mine 1,728 cobblestone and place 1,728 cobblestone, or 27 stacks, in a chest. The cobblestone placed in the chest does not have to be the same cobblestone that was mined. YesYesWii U & Switch20GBronze
Renewable EnergySmelt Wood Trunks using Charcoal to make more Charcoal. YesYesYes10GBronze
Music to my EarsPlay a Music Disc in a Jukebox. YesYesWii U & Switch20GBronze
Body GuardCreate an Iron Golem. YesYesYes20GBronze
Iron ManWear a full suit of Iron Armor. YesYesYes15GBronze
Zombie DoctorCure a Zombie Villager.Throw a splash potion of weakness at a zombie villager and give it a golden apple (by facing the zombie and pressing the use button with a golden apple in your hand). Xbox 360YesYes20GGold
Xbox One40G
Lion TamerTame an Ocelot. YesYesYes15GBronze
The Beginning?Spawn the Wither.Be within a 100.9×100.9×103.5 cuboid centered on the Wither when it is spawned. YesYesYes20GBronze
The Beginning.Kill the Wither.Be within a 100.9×100.9×203.5 cuboid centered on the Wither when it drops the nether star. YesYesYes40GSilver
BeaconatorCreate and fully power a Beacon.Be within a 20×20×14 cuboid centered on the pyramid when the beacon block realizes it is fully powered. YesYesYes60GGold
OverpoweredEat a Notch Apple.Eat an enchanted golden apple. YesYesYes30GSilver
Tie Dye OutfitDye all 4 unique pieces of Leather Armor. YesYesWii U & Switch15GBronze
TrampolineBounce 30 blocks upward off a Slime Block. YesYesWii U & Switch15GBronze
The Student...Win a public Battle mini game. YesYesWii U & Switch25GSilver
...has become the MasterWin 3 public Battle games in a row. YesYesWii U & Switch60GGold
'Tis but a scratchTake 100 damage in a round of a public Battle game. YesYesWii U & Switch40GSilver
CupidKill 2 players in a round of public Battle mini game using a bow and arrow. YesYesWii U & Switch20GBronze
Hunger PainKill a player while you are starving in a Battle mini game. YesYesWii U & Switch20GBronze
Mine!Open every chest in a Battle mini game arena in one round. YesYesWii U & Switch20GBronze
The End... Again...Respawn the Enderdragon. [sic] YesYesYes30GSilver
You Need a MintCollect Dragon's Breath in a Glass Bottle.Have a dragon's breath bottle in your inventory. YesYesYes30GSilver
Super SonicUse a Elytra to fly through a 1 by 1 gab while moving faster than 40 m/s. YesYesYes60GGold
Dry SpellDry a Sponge in a Furnace. YesYesYes15GBronze
Free DiverStay underwater for 2 minutes.Drink a potion of water breathing that can last for 2 minutes or more, then jump into the water or sneak on a magma block underwater for 2 minutes. Xbox 360YesYes30GSilver
Xbox One20G
Super FuelPower a Furnace with Lava YesYesYes20GBronze
Saddle UpTame a Horse. YesYesYes20GBronze
Taste of Your Own MedicinePoison a Witch with a Splash Potion.Throw a splash potion of poison at a witch (by facing the witch and pressing the use button). YesYesYes20GSilver
Beam Me UpTeleport over 100 meters from a single throw of an Ender Pearl. YesYesYes20GSilver
Map RoomPlace a fully explored Map into an Item Frame. Xbox 360PS3 & PS VitaWii U & Switch40GSilver
Place 9 fully explored, adjacent Maps into 9 Item Frames in a 3 by 3 square.The frames have to be on a wall, not the floor. Xbox OnePS4Alt
CamouflageKill a Mob while wearing the same type of Mob Head. YesYesWii U & Switch30GBronze
Back from the DeadWin 3 rounds in a row after one of the opponents has won 2 rounds. YesYesWii U & Switch15GBronze
S-No ThrowWin a single round of Snowball Tumble without throwing any Snowballs. YesYesWii U & Switch40GSilver
Snow StormHit a single Player with 25 Snowballs in a single public round. YesYesWii U & Switch40GSilver
HotshotHit a Player with a Snowball while falling into the Lava. YesYesWii U & Switch40GSilver
SnowploughPush three Players into Lava using Snowballs.Push three players into lava using snowballs in a single public round. YesYesWii U & Switch15GBronze
OverlordStay on the top layer while winning a round in a Snowball Tumble Mini Game. YesYesWii U & Switch15GBronze
UnderdogWin a Tumble game whilst on the lowest layer in a Snowball Tumble Mini Game. YesYesWii U & Switch15GBronze
The Deep EndDefeat an Elder Guardian. YesYesYes30GSilver
Great View From Up HereLevitate up 50 blocks from the attacks of a Shulker. YesYesYes20GBronze
Change of SheetsDye your bed a different color. YesYesWii U & Switch20GBronze
Cheating DeathUse the Totem of Undying to cheat death.Have the totem of undying in your hand when you die. YesYesWii U & Switch30GSilver
Have the totem of undying in a hotbar slot when you die. AltAltNew 3DS
So I Got That Going for Me...Lead a Caravan containing at least 5 Llamas. YesYesWii U & Switch20GBronze
Let it Go!Walk across the surface of a deep ocean by freezing the water with Frost Walker boots. YesYesWii U & Switch20GBronze
Feeling IllDefeat an Evoker. YesYesYes30GSilver
One Pickle, Two Pickle, Sea Pickle, FourPlace four Sea Pickles in one block. Xbox 360YesWii U20GBronze
Alternative FuelUse a Dried Kelp block as fuel in a furnace. Xbox 360YesWii U20GBronze
MoskstraumenActivate a Conduit.Place a conduit in a valid prismarine/sea lantern structure to activate it. Xbox 360YesWii U50GGold
CastawayEat nothing but Kelp for 3 days.Eat dried kelp once; in the following three in-game days, eat nothing but dried kelp. Xbox 360YesWii U20GBronze
Sleep with the FishesStay underwater for one full day without using potions.Spend 20 minutes underwater without any air. Xbox 360YesWii U30GSilver
EcholocationBride a Dolphin.Feed a dolphin raw cod and have it lure you to treasure. Xbox 360YesWii U20GSilver
Freight StationUse a hopper to move an item from a chest minecart to a chest NoNoNew 3DS
Smelt Everything!Connect 3 Chests to a single furnace using 3 Hoppers NoNoNew 3DS
InceptionPush a piston with a piston, then pull the original piston with that piston NoNoNew 3DS
Artificial SelectionBreed a mule from a horse and a donkey NoNoNew 3DS
Rabbit SeasonCook and eat rabbit meat NoNoNew 3DS
Do a Barrel RollUse Riptide to give yourself a boost.Obtain a trident enchanted with Riptide and launch yourself any distance with it. NoPS4NoSilver
Marine BiologistCollect any fish in a bucket.Use a water bucket on any fish mob to collect it. NoPS4NoBronze
Ahoy!Discover a Shipwreck. NoPS4NoSilver
Top of the WorldBuild a tower of Scaffolding that reaches the maximum build height. NoPS4NoBronze
Where Have You Been?Receive a gift in the morning from a tamed Cat.The gift must be picked up from the ground. NoPS4NoBronze
ZoologistBreed two Pandas with Bamboo. NoPS4NoGold
Atlantis?Find an underwater ruin. NoPS4NoSilver
Organizational WizardName a Shulker Box with an Anvil. NoPS4NoBronze
Fruit on the LoomCraft a Banner using an Enchanted Apple. NoPS4NoBronze
Plethora of CatsBefriend twenty stray Cats. NoPS4NoSilver
Sail the 7 SeasVisit all Ocean Biomes.Visit all ocean biomes except the deep warm ocean/legacy frozen ocean (as they are unused). NoPS4NoGold
Buy Low, Sell HighTrade for the best possible price.Trade after you got Hero of the Village effect applied NoPS4NoGold
DisenchantedUse a Grindstone to get experience from an enchanted item. NoPS4NoBronze
I've got a bad feeling about thisKill a Pillager Captain. NoPS4NoBronze
Kill the Beast!Defeat a Ravager. NoPS4NoSilver
Sound the Alarm!Ring the bell with a hostile enemy in the village. NoPS4NoBronze
We're being attacked!Trigger a Pillager Raid.Walk in a village with the Bad Omen effect applied. NoPS4NoBronze


Legacy Console Edition
TU1CU1 1.0 Patch 41.0.1Added the first 20 achievements. The PlayStation editions have an additional trophy.
TU24 1.20 Added 30 additional achievements, leading to a total of 50 (or 51 on the PlayStation editions).
TU31CU19 1.22 The description of Adventuring Time has now been changed from "Discover 17 of the 23 different biomes" to "Discover 17 of the 40 different biomes".
TU34CU22 1.25 Added 6 additional achievements, bringing the total up to 56.
TU41CU30 1.33 Patch 11Added 6 additional achievements, bringing the total up to 62.
TU48CU38 1.41 Patch 17Added 18 additional achievements, bringing the total up to 80.
TU54CU44 1.52 Patch 241.0.4Added 7 additional achievements, bringing the total up to 87.
TU69 1.76 Patch 38Added 6 additional achievements, bringing the total up to 93.
PlayStation 4 Edition
1.83Added 6 additional trophies, bringing the total up to 100.
1.90Added 5 additional trophies, bringing the total up to 105.
1.91Added 6 additional trophies, bringing the total up to 111.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
1.2.12Added 31 achievements.
1.3.12Added 18 additional achievements, bringing the total up to 49.
1.7.10Added 8 additional achievements, bringing the total up to 57.
1.9.19Added 2 additional achievements, bringing the total up to 59.