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Oznámení, které se zobrazí po dosažení ocenění.

Mám rád ocenění. Vím, že hodně lidí je nemají rádi, ale líbí se mi to. Měl jsem tu představu, že udělám úspěchy jako součást hry. Takže budete moci vidět první úspěch ve stromu úspěchů a nejprve odemknete ty nejlepší, než budete moct odemknout dále. Takže první musíte rozsekat strom nebo zabít kuřata a pak se vrhnout na další, které můžete udělat. Doufejme, že to povzbudí lidi, aby zkusili nové oblasti. Mohli by jste se dostat do těžkého úkolu, jako například zabití draka nebo něco takového, což by způsobilo nějaký druh vyprávění ve výsledkovém stromu.

Ocenění je způsob jak dostat nové hráče do Minecraftu a dávají jim výzvy pro dokončení hry. V počítačové edici budou nahrazeny pokroky ve verzi 1.12.


V počítačovém vydání se ocenění získávají v určitém pořadí. Je možné je získat ve všech herních módech, počítaje v to i režim Tvoření. Získávají se jen v jednotlivých světěch. Můžete je získat také pomocí příkazu /achievement.

V Konzolové a Kapesní edici mohou být splněny pouze v režimu Přežití a pokud je hra přepnuta do režimu Tvoření, nebo jsou povolena hostitelská oprávnění, ruší se po návratu do režimu Přežití možnost příjmu ocenění. Úspěchy jsou na sobě nezávislé, což hráči umožňuje je získat v libovolném pořadí.

Je dostupno 34 ocenění v Počítačovém vydání, 80 ocenění v Xbox 360 vydání, Xbox One vydání a Wii U vydání, 79 ocenění v Kapesním vydání a 81 ocenění v PlayStation 3 vydání, PlayStation 4 vydání a PlayStation Vita vydání.


Po dosažení úspěchu se vysílá zpráva na server, který deklaruje hráče, který dosáhl úspěchu. To může být deaktivováno v nastavení serveru.

V Xbox a Kapesním vydání úspěchy uděluje hráči gamerscore (počítadlo), celkem 1,855 v Xbox a 1,750 bodů v Kapesním vydání.

Úspěchy v edicích PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 a PlayStation Vita fungují jako trofeje.[1]



Uživatelské rozhraní s oceněními při dosáhnutí prvního úspěchu

Tlačítko pro přístup k obrazovce Ocenění se nachází na pozastavovací obrazovce Minecraftu.

Systém úspěchů v Minecraftu zahrnuje strom skládající se z malých rámečků představujících úspěchy, z nichž některé musí být dokončeny dříve, než mohou být dokončeny jiné. Původně rozhraní ukazovalo strom úspěchů vlevo a "miniaturu" stromu vpravo. Miniatura byla odstraněna v realizované verzi, která nyní pouze zobrazuje strom. Pozadí stromu napodobuje svět s hlínou nahoře, s kamenem rozkládajícím se směrem dolů, podložím ve spodní části a rudami rozdělenými tak, jak by byly ve světě. Kliknutím a přetažením můžete zobrazit různé větve stromu. Pomocí rolovacího kolečka na myši přiblížíte a oddálíte z tohoto rozhraní, čímž si ulehčíte, že lépe uvidíte, čeho jste dosáhli a čeho stále potřebujete dosáhnout.

Seznam ocenění[]

Icon Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Availability Xbox points earned Trophy type (PS)
Xbox PS Pocket Nintendo
Otevři inventářBookStiskni 'E' k otevření inventářeYesYesYesYesOpen your inventory. The description will match the configured inventory key.
Getting WoodOak WoodAttack a tree until a block of dřevo pops outYesYesYesYesTaking InventoryPick up dřevo from the ground.
BenchmarkingCrafting TableCraft a workbench with four blocks of planksYesYesYesYesGetting WoodPick up a crafting table from your inventory's crafting field output or a crafting table output.
Time to Mine!Wooden PickaxeUse planks and sticks to make a pickaxeYesYesYesYesBenchmarkingPick up any type of krumpáč from a crafting table output.
Hot TopicFurnaceConstruct a furnace out of eight cobblestone blocksAltAltAltYesTime to Mine!Pick up a pec from a crafting table output.
Construct a furnace out of eight stone blocksYesYesYes
Acquire HardwareIron IngotSmelt an iron ingotYesYesYesYesHot TopicPick up an iron ingot from a pec output.
Time to Farm!Wooden HoeUse planks and sticks to make a motykaYesYesYesYesBenchmarkingPick up any type of motyka from a crafting table output.
Bake BreadBreadTurn wheat into breadYesYesYesYesTime to Farm!Pick up chléb from a crafting table output.
The LieCakeWheat, sugar, milk, and eggsAltAltAltYesTime to Farm!Pick up a dort from a crafting table output.
Bake cake using wheat, sugar, milk, and eggs!YesYesYes
Getting an UpgradeStone PickaxeConstruct a better pickaxeYesYesYesYesTime to Mine!Pick up a krumpáč from a crafting table output that is not a wooden pickaxe.
Delicious FishCooked FishCatch and cook a fish!YesYesYesYesHot TopicPick up a cooked fish from a pec output.
On A RailRailTravel by minecart at least 1 km from where you started AltAltAltYesAcquire HardwareTravel by minecart to a point at least 1 km from where you started. Distance is measured in a straight line.
Travel by minecart to a point at least 500m in a single direction from where you started.YesYesYesTravel by minecart to a point at least 500 m from where you started. Distance is measured in a straight line.
Time to Strike!Wooden SwordUse planks and sticks to make a swordYesYesYesYesBenchmarkingPick up any type of meč from a crafting table output.
Monster HunterBoneAttack and destroy a monsterYesYesAltYesTime to Strike!Kill a hostile stvoření or one of the following neutral mobs: enderman, zombie pigman, spider, cave spider.
Cow TipperLeatherHarvest some kůžeYesYesYesYesTime to Strike!Pick up kůže from the ground.
When Pigs FlySaddleFly a pig off a cliffYesYesYesYesCow TipperBe riding a pig (e.g. using a sedlo) when it hits the ground with a fall distance greater than 5.
Sniper DuelBowKill a kostlivec with an arrow from more than 50 metersYesYesYesYesMonster HunterUse a launched arrow to kill a kostlivec, wither skeleton, or a stray from 50 or more blocks away, horizontally.
DIAMONDS!Diamond OreAcquire diamonds with your iron toolsYesYesYesYesAcquire HardwarePick up a diamant from the ground.
We Need to Go DeeperObsidianBuild a portal to netherAltAltAltYesDIAMONDS!Enter a nether portal, and be teleported to the opposite dimension.
Into The NetherYesYesYesAcquire HardwareLight a nether portal.
Return to SenderGhast TearDestroy a Ďas with a fireballAltAltAltYesWe Need to Go DeeperKill a ghast using a ghast fireball.
YesYesYesInto The Nether
Into FireBlaze RodRelieve a Ohnivák of its rodAltAltAltYesWe Need to Go DeeperPick up a blaze rod from the ground.
YesYesYesInto The Nether
Local BreweryPotion of RegenerationBrew a potionYesYesYesYesInto FirePick up a potion from a brewing stand potion slot. An already-created potion placed and removed qualifies.
The End?Eye of EnderLocate the EndYesPSVitaYesYesInto FireEnter an end portal.
AltPS3, PS4Alt
The End.Dragon EggDefeat the Drak z EnduYesPS4YesYesThe End?Enter the end exit portal.
AltPS3, PSVitaAlt
EnchanterEnchantment TableUse a book, obsidian and diamonds to construct an enchantment tableYesYesYesYesDIAMONDS!Pick up an enchantment table from a crafting table output.
OverkillDiamond SwordDeal nine hearts of damage in a single hitYesYesYesYesEnchanterDamage can be dealt to any mob, even those that do not have nine hearts of health overall.
LibrarianBookshelfBuild some bookshelves to improve your enchantment tableYesYesYesYesEnchanterPick up a bookshelf from a crafting table output.
Adventuring TimeDiamond BootsDiscover all biomesAltAltAltYesThe End?Visit these 36 biomes. Other biomes may also be visited, but are ignored for the achievement. Biomes are counted as visited even before The End? is achieved.
Discover 17 of the 40 different biomesYesYesYesVisit any 17 biomes. Does not have to be in a single world.
The Beginning?Wither Skeleton SkullSpawn the WitherYesYesYesYesThe End.Be within a 100.9×100.9×103.5 cuboid centered on the Wither when it is spawned.
The Beginning.Nether StarKill the WitherYesYesYesYesThe Beginning?Be within a 100.9×100.9×203.5 cuboid centered on the Wither when it drops the nether star.
BeaconatorBeaconCreate a full majákYesYesYesYesThe Beginning.Be within a 20×20×14 cuboid centered on the pyramid when the beacon block realizes it is fully powered.
RepopulationWheatBreed two cows with wheatYesYesYesYesCow TipperBreed two krávas or two krávomůrkas.
Diamonds to you!DiamondThrow diamonds at another playerYesYesYesYesDIAMONDS!Drop a diamond. Another player or a mob must then pick up this diamond.
OverpoweredGolden AppleEat a Notch appleYesYesYesYesGetting an UpgradeEat an enchanted golden apple.
MOAR ToolsConstruct one type of each tool (one krumpáč, one lopata, one sekera and one motyka).YesYesYesYesBenchmarking
Dispense With ThisDispenserConstruct a Dispenser.YesYesYesYesAcquire Hardware
Leader Of The PackBefriend five Wolves.YesYesAltYesMonster HunterThis does not have to be in a single game, so multiple games or reloading old saves does count toward this achievement.
Awarded All TrophiesAll trophies have been awarded.NoYesNoYesAll othersAutomatically obtained when all other trophies have been obtained
Pork ChopCooked PorkchopCook and eat a pork chop.YesYesYesYes
Passing the TimeClockPlay for 100 days.YesYesYesYesPlay for 100 Minecraft days, which is equivalent to 33 hours in real time.
The HagglerEmeraldMine or purchase 30 Emeralds. YesYesYesYesYou can do this in different worlds.
Acquire or spend 30 Emeralds by trading with villagers.
Pot PlanterFlower PotCraft and place a Květináč.YesYesYesYes
It's a Sign!SignCraft and place a Sign.YesYesYesYes
Iron BellyRotten FleshStop starvation using Rotten FleshYesYesYesYesEat a piece of rotten flesh.
Have a Shearful DayShearsUse Shears to obtain wool from a sheep.YesYesYesYes
Rainbow CollectionGather all 16 colours of wool.YesYesYesYesAll the colours of wool does not have to be in the inventory at the same time, but must have been picked up by the player once.
Stayin' FrostyLavaSwim in lava while having the Fire Resistance effect.YesYesYesYes
Chestful of CobblestoneCobblestoneMine 1,728 Cobblestone and place it in a chestYesYesYesYesA player must mine 1,728 cobblestone and place 1,728 cobblestone, or 27 stacks, in a chest. The cobblestone placed in the chest does not have to be the same cobblestone that was mined.
Renewable EnergyCoalSmelt wood trunks using charcoal to make more charcoal.YesYesYesYes
Music to my EarsJukeboxPlay a music disc in a Jukebox.YesYesNoYes
Body GuardCreate an Iron Golem.YesYesYesYes
Iron ManWear a full suit of Iron Armor.YesYesYesYes
Zombie DoctorCure a zombie villager.YesYesYesYesThrow a splash potion of weakness at a zombie villager and give it a golden apple (by facing the zombie and pressing the use key with a golden apple in your hand)
Lion TamerTame an OcelotYesYesYesYes
ArcherKill a creeper with arrows.YesYesYesYes
Tie Dye OutfitCauldronDye all 4 unique pieces of leather armor.YesYesYesYes
TrampolineSlime BlockBounce 30 blocks upward off a slime block.YesYesYesYes
CamoflaugeZombie HeadKill a mob while wearing the same type of mob head.YesYesYesYes
Map RoomMapPlace 9 fully explored, adjacent maps into 9 item frames in a 3 by 3 square.YesYesYesYes
Freight StationMinecart with ChestUse a hopper to move an item from a chest minecart to a chest.NoNoYesYes
Smelt Everything!HopperConnect three chests to a single furnace using three hoppers.NoNoYesYes
Taste of Your Own MedicineSplash Potion of PoisonPoison a witch with a splash potion.YesYesYesYesThrow a splash potion of poison at a witch (by facing the witch and pressing the use key).
InceptionPistonPush a piston with a piston, then pull the original piston with that piston.NoNoYesYes
Saddle UpAppleTame a horse.YesYesYesYes
Artificial SelectionBreed a mule from a horse and a donkey.NoNoYesYes
The Student...Win a public Battle mini game.YesYesNoYes
...has become the masterWin 3 public Battle games in a row.YesYesNoYes
'Tis but a scratchTake 100 damage in a round of a public Battle mini game.YesYesNoYes
CupidKill 2 players in a round of a public Battle mini game using a bow and arrow.YesYesNoYes
Hunger PainKill a player while you are starving in a Battle mini game.YesYesNoYes
Mine!Open every chest in a Battle mini game arena in one round.YesYesNoYes
Free DiverStay underwater for 2 minutes.AltAltYesYes
Rabbit SeasonCooked RabbitCook and eat rabbit meat.NoNoYesYes
The Deep EndDefeat an Elder Guardian.NoNoYesYes
Dry SpellSpongeDry a sponge in a furnace.YesYesYesYes
Super FuelLava BucketPower a furnace with lavaYesYesYesYes
You Need a MintDragon's BreathCollect dragon's breath in a glass bottleYesYesYesYes
Beam Me UpEnder PearlTeleport over 100 meters from a single throw of an ender pearlYesYesYesYes
The End... Again...Dragon HeadRespawn the ender dragonYesYesYesYes
Great View From Up HereShulker BoxLevitate up 50 blocks from the attacks of a ShulkerNoNoYesYes
Super SonicElytraUse elytra to fly through a 1 by 1 gap while moving faster than 40 m/sAltAltYesYes
Back from the DeadSkeleton SkullWin 3 rounds in a row after one of the opponents has won 2 rounds.YesYesNoYes
S-no ThrowWin a single round of Snowball Tumble without throwing any Snowballs.YesYesNoYes
Snow StormHit a single Player with 25 Snowballs in a single public round.YesYesNoYes
HotshotHit a Player with a Snowball while falling into the Lava.YesYesNoYes
SnowploughPush three Players into Lava using Snowballs in a single public round.YesYesNoYes
OverlordStay on the top layer while winning a round in a Snowball Tumble Mini Game.YesYesNoYes
UnderdogWin a Tumble game whilst on the lowest layer in a Snowball Tumble Mini Game.YesYesNoYes
Treasure HunterWoodland Explorer MapAcquire a map from a cartographer villager, then enter the revealed structureNoNoYesYes
Organizational WizardShulker BoxName a Shulker Box with an AnvilNoNoYesYes
Cheating DeathTotem of UndyingUse the Totem of Undying to cheat deathNoNoYesYesHave the Totem of Undying in your hand when you die.
Feeling IllBookDefeat an EvokerNoNoYesYes
Let it Go!Frosted IceUsing the Frost Walker boots, walk on at least one block on frozen water on a deep oceanNoNoYesYes
So I Got That Going for MeBookLead a Caravan containing at least 5 LlamasNoNoYesYes




Java Edice (Beta)
February 25, 2011

In an interview by Gamasutra, Notch said: “I like achievements. I know a lot of people don't, but I like them. I've had the idea to make achievements kind of like the in-game questing. So you'd be able to see the first achievement in a tree of achievements, and you unlock the top ones first before you can unlock the ones further down."

He also said: “So the first one might be to chop down a tree, or kill a slepice, and then these branch into more things you can do. Hopefully it would encourage people to try new areas. It could converge into a big task, like kill a dragon or something, which would put a kind of narrative into the achievement tree.”

Finally, asked if such a move would risk leading players down a preset path, rather than encouraging exploration and invention as Minecraft does in its current state, Notch said: “Definitely not. I’d want these achievements to feel like things you can try, rather than these are things you have to do. People can follow them, but only if they want to.”

March 18, 2011Notch talks about achievements and statistics on his blog. He says the following:
I worked on the achievement and stats system. One design issue was dealing with offline mode and syncing the achievements once you get a connection again, but that’s been solved. We’ve got a couple of people in the office who don’t like achievements in games at all, so the goal is to design something that they’re fine with.

Also, he adds that achievements will not be chores:

Achievements will NOT be chores like “cut down 10000 trees”, but rather challenges like “ride a pig off a cliff”. Stats, however, will be used to keep track of how many trees you have cut down. The long term plan is to show achievements and stats from the profile page on minecraft.net as well, in case you want to brag.
April 8, 2011Notch uploads a video to YouTube showing počasí, statistics and achievements.
1.4Test achievements can be found within the source code, and on the test video posted by Notch. Among these are opening the inventář, mining dřevo and building a workbench.
1.5Achievements added. Initially intended to be released in Beta 1.4 it got pushed back as it was not yet functional.[3] The first achievement confirmed by Notch was When Pigs Fly, although it was more explained than named.
Java Edice
1.0.0Beta 1.9-pre6The icon used by The End. changed from Achievement-plain to Achievement-plain.
1.513w04aAchievements no longer reset when downgrading Minecraft.
1.7.213w36aUpdated the Achievement system, now stored per individual world/server.
Added more achievements: Adventuring Time, The Beginning?, The Beginning., Beaconator, and Repopulation. Adventuring Time was unobtainable.
Achievements can now be used as objectives in the Scoreboard system.
13w37aTime to Mine!, Time to Farm! and Time to Strike! are now also obtained when crafting the tool from a material other than wood. Similarly, Getting an Upgrade is now obtained when crafting any krumpáč other than a wooden one, while it required crafting a stone pickaxe before. If your first pickaxe crafted is not a wooden one, you will get Time to Mine! and Getting an Upgrade at the same time.
13w38aAdded the achievement Diamonds to you!.
The icon for DIAMONDS! was changed from Achievement-plain to Achievement-plain. The former icon is now used by Diamonds to you!.
13w39bDiamonds to you! can now be obtained by throwing a diamond at a zombie, making the achievement available in singleplayer mode.[4]
1.814w06aAdded the achievement Overpowered.
14w17aAdventuring Time is now available without commands. Before, the 38 biomes had to be visited without visiting any other biomes, which made the achievement unavailable because the End has to be visited for its prerequisite, The End?. The “no other biomes” restriction is now lifted.[2]
Visiting the FrozenOcean and Extreme Hills Edge biomes, which no longer generate since 13w36a, is no longer required for Adventuring Time.
14w32aCorrected the description of the achievement Overkill to say you must deal nine hearts of damage. Previously it said you must deal eight hearts of damage.
1.915w44aEnchanted golden apple recipe was removed, making the Overpowered achievement unobtainable.
15w45aChanged the description and requirements of Overpowered from "Build a Notch Apple" to "Eat a Notch Apple".
1.1217w13aAchievements are no longer supported and are replaced with advancements.
Pocket Edition Alpha
0.12.0Added achievements to the Windows 10 Edition.
0.14.0build 1Added eight achievements, bringing the total up to 52.
0.15.0build 1All Windows 10 Edition achievements are now available on Android and iOS.
releaseAdded four achievements, bringing the total up to 56.
0.15.10Added nine achievements, bringing the total up to 65.
Kapesní Edice
1.0build 1Added seven achievements, bringing the total up to 72.
1.0.4Added "The Haggler" achievement, bringing the total up to 73.
1.1Added six achievements, bringing the total up to 79.
Konzolová Edice
TU1CU11.0Patch 4Added the first 20 achievements. The PlayStation editions have an additional achievement.
TU241.20Added an additional 30 achievements, leading to a total of 50 (or 51 on the PlayStation editions).
TU31CU191.22Changed the description of Adventuring Time from "Discover 17 of the 23 different biomes" to "Discover 17 of the 40 different biomes".
TU34CU221.25Added 6 additional achievements, bringing the total up to 56.
?CU301.33Patch 11Added 6 additional achievements, bringing the total up to 62.
TU48CU381.41Patch 17Added 18 additional achievements, bringing the total up to 80.


Problémy týkající se “Ocenění” jsou spravovány na issue tracker. Problémy hlaste tam.


  • When an achievement is obtained, it is announced to all players in chat.
  • On PC version, achievements can be obtained in any game mode. Because of this, it is easy to get more difficult achievements such as On A Rail, When Pigs Fly, and Sniper Duel, and others by using creative mode.
    • Return to Sender is an exception to the above, because it requires a ghast fireball, and ghasts only attack the player in survival, hardcore, and adventure mode, although it can still be obtained through commands.
  • Achievements such as Delicious Fish cannot be rewarded if you hook up the furnace to a hopper, as you are not getting the item directly from the furnace.
  • When using /achievement to give an achievement, a player will receive all previously required achievements as well as the one being given.
  • You can reset all of your achievements in a world by deleting the "stats" folder in the world file. Beware that it also resets statistics.
  • Sniper Duel became much more difficult when monsters started despawning depending on their distance from the player. 50 blocks is far enough that skeletons will despawn fairly quickly (usually within a couple of minutes or less), and will not move around.
  • When Pigs Fly requires Cow Tipper. Cows drop leather, but there is no crafting recipe for a saddle.
  • A player can get both Time to Mine! and Getting an Upgrade at the same time by crafting a stone, iron, gold, or diamond pickaxe before crafting a wooden pickaxe.
  • "Benchmarking" is called "Benchmaking" in Pocket Edition.


  • The Lie is a reference to the Internet meme "The Cake is a Lie", which itself is a reference to the video game Portal.
  • "Achievement Get!" is a reference to a decade-old meme: early screenshots of Super Mario Sunshine used the Japanese localization, and featured Mario grabbing a Shine Sprite with the prominent text "Shine Get!". Due to the prominence of the game and the attention given to these screenshots, "[noun] Get!" subsequently became a popular term used on image boards as post count benchmarks, which Notch occasionally visits.
  • Return to Sender refers to a message often written on non-personal letters, usually in case that a letter ends up at an incorrect address.
  • When Pigs Fly is a reference to a well known saying meaning something absurd that would never happen.

See also[]

  • Tutorials/Achievement Guide

