Milo Murphy's Law Wiki
Okay kids, this is it! The reason there's no school lunch program, and the reason you have to bring your own toilet paper to school. I give you the school board's very own Yacht, the S.S. Indulgence!

— Principle Milder

The S.S. Indulgence is a yacht bought by the Jefferson County Middle School board and is used as an explanation for the school's shortage of funds in "Athledecamathalon" and "The Math Book".


It made it first appearance in "Athledecamathalon" when Mr. Drako revealed that the school distract used its funds to purchase said yacht, which resulted in them cutting the school's budget, such as combining both the academic decathlon with the athletic decathlon, thus creating the Athledecamathalon.

In "Some Like it Yacht", the faculty uses it to bring the students on a field trip, where they end up stranded on a tropical island, damaging the yacht. After Diogee helped Milo find a way back to town, the boat wins a surf contest via loophole. The prize money from the contest was then used to fix the damages done to the boat with two dollars to spare.




  • The S.S. Indulgence is stated by Principal Milder to be the reason there is no school lunch program, and why the students have to bring their own toilet paper to school.