Milo Murphy's Law Wiki

I'm afraid of... rollercoasters.

Melissa Chase

"Murphy's Lard" is the 12th episode in the first season of Milo Murphy's Law.[1]

Milo is excited to take a ride with his friends in Lard World's most exhilarating rollercoaster ride, Greased Thunder. However, Melissa doesn't look forward to it, as she reveals to Milo and Zack her secret fear of rollercoasters, making Milo determined to help Melissa overcome her fear. Meanwhile, Cavendish and Dakota are at Lard World as well, protecting another pistachio stand from oncoming danger.


Milo, Zack, and Melissa go to Lard World, where the boys anticipate going on a roller coaster until they discover that Melissa has a crippling fear of them. Mellissa explains that she's been afraid of roller coasters ever since her science project was destroyed by the roller coaster Phineas and Ferb built on the first day of summer. After confessing their own separate fears, Zack's of fish and Milo's of Chinese fingertraps, the pair vow to help her to overcome hers. Meanwhile, Balthazar Cavendish and Vinnie Dakota are on their latest pistachio protecting mission, safeguarding a pistachio stand within Lard World itself by building a protective frame around the stand. Balthazar ends up doing all the work, and taking all the heat as various threats to the stand emerge.

Milo and Melissa end up on the roller coaster Greased Thunder, which becomes even more terrifying due to the effects of Murphy's Law. Balthazar and Vinnie succeed in protecting the stand from one threat, only for it to be taken out by a different threat after they've taken down the protective frame. Milo and Melissa survive the ride, and then depart with Zack. Meanwhile, the Lard World mascot Lardee Boy is jettisoned into space, and hit by the Aliens that were first seen in "Going the Extra Milo".


For a full transcript of "Murphy's Lard", click here.



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The image gallery for Murphy's Lard may be viewed here.


International Airings[]

  • March 24, 2017 (Southeast Asia)[2]
  • March 21, 2017 (Disney Channel Latin America)
  • April 16, 2017 (Disney Channel Japan)
  • May 28, 2017 (Hungary)[3]
  • August 4, 2017 (Disney Channel Israel)


  • This title is a pun on the term Murphy's Law.
  • Marcus Underwood, Zack's father, makes his debut in this episode and has his first line in a flashback.
    • He would later appear physically in "Time Out".
  • This episode was originally going to air November 20, 2016 but was taken off the schedule for unknown reasons.[4]
  • This episode revealed the things the principle characters fear most:
    • Melissa had a fear of roller coasters.
    • Zack has a fear of fish.
    • Milo had a fear of finger traps.
      • Milo and Melissa have managed to overcome their fears, but Zack isn't over his fear of fish.
  • The Phineas and Ferb extra known as Pinhead Pierre actress is in two of the scenes as the lard ladle counterweight roles by. She's wearing green and blue instead of red and pink.
    • More extras appear in the background, including the man with a feminine voice.
      • There are also repainted characters from Phineas and Ferb.
  • In Southeast Asia, this episode was heavily censored, with many references to lard and pork blurred and deleted, due to the fact that lard and pork are forbidden from Islamic culture.
  • Unlike what Zack states, a purely random event - such as a rollercoaster landing in your backyard - isn't less likely to happen if it has already happened once.
    • And as some things are more likely to get struck by lightning than others, lightning can easily strike the same place twice, and may strike a tall building many times over during a storm.
  • The book the rollercoaster controller is reading when he sends Melissa and Milo on to Greased Thunder is the same book Milo was reading when he distractedly sat in the Brulee's RV in "Family Vacation".
  • Dakota can play various instruments such as a harmonica, a theremin, and a clarinet.
  • Milo was struck by lightning twice before both times on his birthday.


  • Phineas and Ferb - The rollercoaster that destroyed Melissa's science project on the first day of summer was the Coolest Coaster Ever from the premier segment and first episode of Phineas and Ferb, titled "Rollercoaster".
  • AC/DC - when the three main characters start singing "thunder... thunder... thunder" it's an allusion to the rock band AC/DC which is famous also for the song "Thunderstruck".
  • Apocalypse Now - Both when Zack leaves his pontoon after being scared by a fish and when Milo leaves his raft after being scared of a Chinese finger trap, a voice-over of each character says "Never get out of the boat (or "donut"). Absolutely right."
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey - While Lardee Boy's head is in space, a musical cue plays that is very similar to the iconic theme from the film.
  • Back to the Future - When Cavendish and Dakota appear with a flash, a musical sting very similar to that played during various points in the famous time travel movie series, alluding to their status as time travelers.
  • Grease - Greased Thunder sounds similar to Greased Lightning, a song used in the movie. In addition, Milo references the song.


  • When Cavendish and Dakota are talking to the pistachio vendor, in the background a woman's sweater changes color from scene to scene.
    • The same extra was in the audience in the Phineas and Ferb episode "Backyard Aquarium", wherein the same thing happens.
      Kitten Sweater Lady

      Left to right from the front and back in P&F. Then in MML.

  • Despite Zack's flashback taking place three years before the episode's timeline, he still looks the same as he does at his current age.
  • The leaves of a tree in Melissa's flashback was still orange even though it was the first day of summer.


Cast and Characters[]

Additional voices[]


"Family Vacation"
Episodes Next:
"Secrets and Pies"
"Family Vacation" (minor)
B.O.T.T. Introduction Arc Next:
"Secrets and Pies" (minor)
"The Note" (minor)
Llama Incident Arc
(minor episode)
"We're Going to the Zoo" (minor)