
The Ventilation Shaft is a Morph Ball tunnel located in the G.F.S. Olympus in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, leading from the lower level of the Xenoresearch Lab. Above the shaft, a view of a corridor above the shaft showed Rundas defeating a Pirate Militia easily through the use of a powerful freezing attack, allowing Rundas to move on. Here, Samus would slide down the shaft, Bombing certain obstacles, and found an Energy Tank directly in her way. She then continued to some sort of orb cannon, firing her down into the Disposal Chamber.

Connecting rooms[]



Energy Tank
This Energy Tank sits in the way of Samus in a weak glass container. Bombing it will allow Samus to collect the Tank and continue on through the G.F.S. Olympus.

In an early demo of Corruption shared by IGN, the Energy Tank is absent.[1]


"Press Wii A button to drop Bombs."

"Drop a Bomb with Wii A button and let it explode beneath you to jump."

Development notes[]

The room's internal name is h10_gfship_tunneldrop. The keyword gfship indicates the G.F.S. Olympus, and the prefix h10 indicates that this is the tenth of 18 junction rooms on the G.F.S. Olympus.


  1. ^ IGN "Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Nintendo Wii Gameplay -". YouTube. May 19, 2011. Retrieved July 9, 2022.
