


The Chozo Artifacts are a set of twelve relics, found in Metroid Prime and its spin-off, Metroid Prime Pinball. They are essentially keys known collectively as the "Cipher", which unlock the "Cradle", a protective barrier placed around the Impact Crater to quarantine the Phazon corruption of Tallon IV.

Metroid Prime[]


Beta title screen.

The Artifact Temple can be accessed by Samus Aran after she collects the Missile Launcher. There, she finds the first Chozo Artifact, the Artifact of Truth, and learns of the other eleven.

Unlike many items in the game, the hint system never points out the location of any particular artifact. However, the Chozo Totems in the Artifact Temple can be scanned to give clues as to the location of the artifacts. More clues become available as more artifacts are found. The artifacts can be obtained in any order desired and do not require the first one at the Artifact Temple to be obtained beforehand, nor are the hint scans required.

Any Chozo Artifacts obtained will be shown in Samus's Logbook page. Where their respective hint would be at in the Logbook will instead display "Artifact acquired", eliminating the hint as it is no longer necessary. Any Chozo Artifacts returned to the Artifact Temple will power up one of the twelve totem slabs lining the area. Scanning them will no longer produce their related hint and instead the totem will state that "you have restored power to this Chozo Totem".

Once all twelve artifacts have been collected and returned to the Artifact Temple, the Cipher activates, opening up a path to the Impact Crater. Before Samus can proceed further, Meta Ridley attempts to stop her, and the ensuing battle destroys most of the totems. After Ridley receives enough damage, the once peaceful statues surrounding the Artifact Temple start to glow. The glow goes from blue to red as the statues unleash powerful laser blasts on Ridley who then plunges into the depths of the crater. Once he is defeated several figures that appear to be non-violent Chozo Ghosts rise up in the positions of the original totems and open the path to Metroid Prime itself.


Samus' Log Book with all twelve Chozo Artifacts in her possession.

The official website states: "Samus Aran's mission on Tallon IV has resulted in some interesting discoveries about the ancient Chozo race and their behavior. Evidence suggests that the Chozo constructed a towering structure known as the Artifact Temple many years ago. Its purpose is as of yet unknown, but data scanning of the region shows that the planet's most intense energy emissions pulsate from the Temple. The structure is barred by an elaborate locking mechanism which requires a key consisting of 12 individual Chozo Artifacts. These Artifacts are believed to be scattered and well hidden all over Tallon IV. The physical composition of these artifacts is unknown. A rough translation of Chozo legend has provided the following names for the 12 Artifacts."

In the New Play Control! and Metroid Prime Trilogy versions of Prime, a Silver Credit is rewarded for each Artifact acquired. This also happens in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes when a Dark Temple Key is obtained.

List of Artifacts

Artifact of Truth

The Artifact of Truth is the first of twelve. It is located in the center of the Cipher of the Artifact Temple in the Tallon Overworld. It can be collected as soon as Missiles are obtained (due to a Blast Shield covering a door leading into the Artifact Temple).

Ironically, it can sometimes be the last Artifact to collect, as Samus would need to reach the Artifact Temple eventually once the other 11 Artifacts are collected. Fitting of the name, the Artifact's collection will activate the hint totems, "revealing the truth" to Samus about the other 11 Artifacts' whereabouts.

The Artifact of Truth is the only artifact that does not have a log hint that can be obtained from the temple. In the Wii and Nintendo Switch versions of the game, if a game is completed and started over, the Logbook scans will be retained and only then can Samus obtain the Truth's hint. Although normally unobtainable, the hint is still present in the Gamecube versions and was originally included in Metroid Prime: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide.


Temporary scan

This is a Chozo Artifact. Collect it, then scan the Totems here for clues on the locations of the remaining Artifacts. Together, the Artifacts will open a path to the center of the Impact Crater.

Logbook entry

Translating Chozo runes on Totem's surface.

The Artifact of Truth awaits those who truly seek it.

Artifact of Strength

The Artifact of Strength is the second of twelve. To claim this Artifact, Samus must use the Boost Ball and Space Jump Boots to reach a high platform in the Monitor Station room in Magmoor Caverns, which connects to the Warrior Shrine. The Artifact rests there before a Chozo Statue.


Logbook entry

Translating Chozo runes on Totem's surface.

The heat of Magmoor was a test for many warriors. A Shrine in their honor holds the Artifact of Strength.

Artifact of Elder

The Artifact of Elder is the third of twelve. It is located in the Control Tower, a room in Phendrana Drifts, and can be obtained once Samus has collected the Plasma Beam. To obtain the Artifact, the tower visible from the window after melting the ice covering it must be made to fall by shooting at its base with a Missile. The tower crashes into the side of the room, and Samus can collect the Artifact inside by using the Morph Ball.

When the Control Tower is first entered, it is possible to obtain the Artifact of Elder by standing on a stack of crates, then using a high enough Missile shot at the Radion packs that fires over the digital shields in place. Space Jumping close to a shield may also provide a factor in the Missile bypassing the invisible wall in place.[1] It is also possible to collect the Chozo Artifact using Out of Bounds techniques.


Logbook entry

Translating Chozo runes on Totem's surface.

Invaders have claimed Phendrana as their own. A Tower sits atop their fortress. Collapse it to reveal the chamber where the Artifact of Elder is held.

Artifact of Wild

The Artifact of Wild is the fourth of twelve. It is found in the Sunchamber in Chozo Ruins if the room is revisited from the Sun Tower Access entrance after Flaahgra has been defeated and the Spider Ball obtained. It can be collected after winning a battle with the three Chozo Ghosts in the room.

Immediately after defeating Flaahgra and leaving the room into the Sun Tower Access, it is possible to reload the Sunchamber room with the Artifact event loaded, meaning the Artifact can be obtained without the need of the Spider Ball.


Logbook entry

Translating Chozo runes on Totem's surface.

A Sunchamber high atop our ruined home became the nest of a great beast, and a source of corruption. Many Chozo spirits have been drawn to this tainted place. Release their bond to the world to claim the Artifact of Wild.

Artifact of Lifegiver

The Artifact of Lifegiver is the fifth of twelve. It is in Meditation Chamber (named "Tower Chamber" in GameCube and Wii versions), reached from the Tower of Light in Chozo Ruins. The two rooms are connected underwater, where Samus can jump up a ledge once the Gravity Suit has been obtained.

A Slope Jump can be used to reach the Artifact without the Gravity Suit.[2] In Metroid Prime Remastered due to geographical changes in room layout, an alternate method involving the Boost Ball can be used to obtain the Artifact without the Gravity Suit.[3]


Logbook entry

Translating Chozo runes on Totem's surface.

There is a tower within the Ruins where Light always shines. Move through the waters there to find the Artifact of Lifegiver.

Artifact of Warrior

The Artifact of Warrior is the sixth of twelve. It is located in the Elite Research room in the Phazon Mines. It appears in the ruined tank of the Phazon Elite after Samus defeats it.

In the original NTSC version, if Samus defeated the Phazon Elite and left the room the Artifact of Warrior would disappear, making the game impossible to complete. This glitch was fixed in later versions of Metroid Prime, with PAL and Trilogy versions having the artifact not disappear if Samus left the room and NTSC Player's Choice version by locking the door on the ground floor until Samus picks up the Artifact (the higher unlocked door can still be reached if Sequence Breaking is used).


Logbook entry

Translating Chozo runes on Totem's surface.

A room of Research lies within the mines. A corrupted invader is trapped there. Defeat this creature to claim the Artifact of Warrior.

Artifact of Chozo

The Artifact of Chozo is the seventh of twelve. In Life Grove, Samus must first destroy the metal plate with a Chozo symbol on it in the small pond with a Morph Ball Bomb, then use the Spinner to rotate part of the pillar that appears. This will cause the rest of the pillar to rise out of the water and create a platform containing the Artifact.


Logbook entry

Translating Chozo runes on Totem's surface.

In one of Tallon's far corners, a Grove of life lies. Reveal the pillar beneath the waves to find the Artifact of Chozo.

Artifact of Nature

The Artifact of Nature is the eighth of twelve. It is inside the central rock spire in Lava Lake, a room found in the Magmoor Caverns area of the game. On the side of the room nearest to the door to Lake Tunnel rests a large pillar between the ceiling and magma. Using the X-Ray Visor reveals that the pillar is actually rather hollow inside, displaying an Artifact within. The pillar can be destroyed with either a few Missiles or a Super Missile, revealing the hidden Artifact. Samus must then climb atop the rock island where the Artifact easily rests.

Missiles are the only item required to obtain the Artifact, as well the Varia Suit due to the room's Extreme heat (unless massive amounts of Energy Tanks are substituted instead). This Artifact can be collected as early as accessing Magmoor Caverns.


Logbook entry

Translating Chozo runes on Totem's surface.

A molten Lake lies within the tunnels of Magmoor. Shatter the column at the lake's center to reveal the Artifact of Nature.

Artifact of Sun

The Artifact of Sun is the ninth of twelve. It is located through a hidden tunnel in the Chozo Ice Temple. To find this, Samus must shoot the Chozo Statue found at the top with the Plasma Beam to melt the ice around it, then move into its hands by using the Morph Ball. This opens a Morph Ball tunnel below the Chozo Statue leading to the Artifact.

Animation data for the Artifact of Sun refers to it with the title "Heaven". All other artifacts are referred to with their name (e.g. the Artifact of Truth is named "Truth"), implying that the Artifact of Sun was originally titled the Artifact of Heaven.


Logbook entry

Translating Chozo runes on Totem's surface.

Near Phendrana's shores, a Temple stands. Thaw the frozen waters flowing from the Elder to find the Artifact of Sun.

Artifact of World

The Artifact of World is the tenth of twelve. It is in the Elder Chamber, which can be accessed by using the Plasma Beam on the appropriate Bomb Slot in the Hall of the Elders, then using the White Door that is revealed.

A lesser-known hint pertaining to the acquisition of the Artifact of World resides within the Hall of the Elders. A scan exists on a Holobanner that reads: "The Elder's greatest power lies beyond the second lock."


Logbook entry

Translating Chozo runes on Totem's surface.

Within the ruins of our home, we honor our fallen Elders in a great Hall. A chamber beneath the statue holds the Artifact of World.

Artifact of Spirit

The Artifact of Spirit is the eleventh of twelve. It is in a room near the top of Phendrana's Edge that requires the Grapple Beam to scale, plus the Plasma Beam to open a door hidden behind a Bendezium wall that requires a Power Bomb to get through. The Bendezium wall cannot be scanned with the Scan Visor, requiring the X-Ray Visor or Thermal Visor to locate the hidden door. The door is also not marked on the map until Samus opens it.

The Space Jump Boots, a single Power Bomb, and the Plasma Beam are all required to reach this Artifact. It is possible to obtain the Artifact without venturing into the Phazon Mines beforehand using Sequence Breaking techniques. In all versions of Prime, there are certain parts of geometry jutting out from the walls of Phendrana's Edge. Samus can utilize those parts as platforms to hop up to the higher elevations of the room without the need of the Grapple Beam. With accurate placement, she can reach the Power Bomb at the top of the room, then use that bomb to reveal the door leading to the Artifact.[4] Although the climb is possible in the NTSC Player's Choice edition, the Artifact can not be obtained early in this version due to the Grapple Beam being needed to obtain the Plasma Beam (eliminating Early Plasma Beam).


Logbook entry

Translating Chozo runes on Totem's surface.

A tall cave stands at Phendrana's Edge. Seek the unseen entrance at its top to find the Artifact of Spirit.

Artifact of Newborn

The Artifact of Newborn is the last of twelve. It is in a Morph Ball tunnel in the Phazon Mines' Phazon Mining Tunnel, which is usually accessed from Fungal Hall B shortly after the fight with the Omega Pirate. The artifact is at the end of the tunnel of Phazon in the room. The Artifact can be obtained without the Phazon Suit in the GameCube and Wii versions by utilizing a large amount of Energy Tanks; however, the Phazon in Metroid Prime Remastered accelerates its damage too quickly and too high to be possible.


Logbook entry

Translating Chozo runes on Totem's surface.

Invaders mine the depths in their greed. Forge a path through a Tunnel of the Great Poison to claim the Artifact of Newborn.

Official Data[]

Metroid Prime manual[]

"This section of the Log Book tracks twelve Artifacts left behind by the Chozo. Without all twelve of these Artifacts, Samus cannot succeed in her mission."

Metroid Prime Trilogy manual[]

About the Chozo Artifacts
"Chozo Artifacts are special relics left by the Chozo. If you scan a hologram somewhere, you will be able to get hints on the whereabouts of each Chozo Artifact."

Artifact of Truth scan[]

"This is a Chozo Artifact. Collect it, then scan the Totems here for clues on the locations of the remaining Artifacts. Together, the Artifacts will open a path to the center of the Impact Crater."

Metroid Prime: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide[]

"The Artifact Temple has slots for 12 Chozo Artifacts. You can scan the pillars for clues about Artifact locations, but only a few will be active at any given time. Below, we've listed the clues for each Artifact. If you want exact directions to an Artifact, check the index on page 136. We'll give you one right now--the Artifact of Truth will automatically be yours when you enter the center pillar."

Metroid Prime Pinball[]

Chozo Artifact placeholder image

Placeholder image in Prime.


Metroid Prime Pinball

As in Metroid Prime, the twelve artifacts are needed in the Artifact Temple to access the Impact Crater in Metroid Prime Pinball. However, the artifacts are collected as rewards for completing tasks such as mini-games or boss battles and do not have individual names. At least one artifact must come from Thardus and at least one must come from the Omega Pirate, but the other ten can come from one of many Mini-Games.

Once Samus has all twelve artifacts and accesses the Artifact Temple, Samus must instead use six 'artifact balls', or artifacts which have morphed into pinball form; as opposed to her own Morph Ball. There are twelve statues in the temple, and a ball must be hit into each one to complete the stage. Lost artifact balls can be restored by hitting certain bumpers in the temple. Meta Ridley appears in this game as well, attempting to destroy the artifacts; although he is never defeated, he will instead flee when the stage is complete. If all the artifact balls are destroyed or lost, then Samus loses a ball and will have to try again. If the stage is completed, the Impact Crater stage becomes available. Any stage will present Samus with a Special instead if she completes a task that would normally yield an Artifact.

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption[]


Several Chozo displays on SkyTown, which resemble the Chozo artifacts.

SkyTown LandingPad Artefact

Chozo artifact seen on the landing pad of the Main Docking Bay.


SkyTown Data scan images.

Several Chozo artifact symbols are seen on SkyTown, Elysia in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. They are featured on the pieces of the Theronian Bomb, as well as several light sources in rooms on SkyTown and the landing pad of the Main Docking Bay. Most tellingly, the scan images used for the SkyTown Creatures and SkyTown Data sections of the Logbook prominently depict Chozo Artifacts. This would seem to imply that the Chozo Artifact is a symbol that holds some type of significance for their species. Also, shortly after Samus defeats Gandrayda, Aurora Unit 242 contacts her and says that Aurora Unit 217 has discovered "hidden Chozo artifacts" on SkyTown, which turns out to be the Spider Ball.

Development notes[]

Animation data for the Artifact of Sun refers to it with the title "Heaven". All other artifacts are referred to with their name (e.g. the Artifact of Truth is named "Truth"), implying that the Artifact of Sun was originally titled the Artifact of Heaven.

An unused Chozo Lore entry found in Metroid Prime Trilogy reveals the creator of the Artifacts was a Chozo individual only called the Master Artisan.

Due to concerns that Prime would be too short, Nintendo came up with the idea of a "fetch quest" at the end to retrieve the Artifacts. It was a late addition to the game.[5]


  • The Get Artifact Jingle plays every time a Chozo Artifact is acquired.
  • Two artifact hints – Lifegiver and World – do not directly mention the room name the Artifacts themselves are housed in, instead referencing the connecting room. Both Artifacts are housed in the Chozo Ruins, within small otherwise empty rooms containing a vertically placed Door.
  • The Artifact of Chozo is used as a placeholder object for certain models such as Pirate Data models and a Dark Temple Key within the Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Bonus Disc. Similarly within the same game, the Artifact of Truth is used as a placeholder model for the Trooper Logs.



  1. ^ Early Artifact of Elder
  2. ^
  3. ^ Early Artifact of Lifegiver (Remastered)
  4. ^
  5. ^ Kiwi Talkz. "#144 - Jack Mathews Interview - Metroid Prime 20th Anniversary (Crunch, A.I., Fetch Quest, Bosses )". YouTube. November 18, 2022. Retrieved November 20, 2022. (starts at 44:03)
