
The Dark Diligence Drone is an Ing-possessed Diligence Class Drone. They are vulnerable to the Lightblast, Disruptor, and the Sonic Boom, but not to the uncharged Light Beam and oddly not to the Sunburst.

Their transformation into Darklings has given them a darker shade of purple and also rendered the surface of their bodies highly translucent; at first glance, only the dark energy within the large nucleus is visible while the four protruding segments are nearly invisible. The outline of the Dark Diligence Drone's entire shape is fully displayed through the Scan Visor as well as in the model within the logbook. The four segments appear to consist of many compact rings instead of the red spheres featured in their ordinary form.

Dark Diligence Drones are present in a single location: the Hazing Cliff in the Ing Hive region where only two of them are present. It is stated that the Ing find their small bodies useful for scouting missions, however this is never shown in any capacity in-game. Both Darkling drones merely hover and rotate in place without travelling in their corridor which makes them simpler to destroy. They expel several electric bolts towards the nearby surfaces from three of their segments positioned in a equilateral triangle. As the bolts travel, additional ones trail close behind which, when combined with the Darkling' faster rotation, make it impossible to roll under them in Morph Ball mode, contrary to the regular drones' three slow-moving beams. They cause heavy interference to Samus's Visors and she is unable to lock-on to any of them.

Logbook entry[]

Dark Diligence Drone

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Temporary scan

Mechanism: Dark "Diligence" Drone
Darkling-possessed maintenance unit.
Unit gains strength from Ing symbiote. A high-powered burst of light energy can damage it.

Logbook entry

Some Diligence drones have been taken by the Ing for possession duties. Their small size and durability makes them excellent scouts, able to go where most others cannot. A Dark Diligence still relies on focused energy beams for defense. Their energy construct nature makes them invulnerable to most attacks. A high-powered burst of light energy can disrupt a Dark Diligence unit.


  • Despite shooting multiple electric bolts at all times, only three impact sites can be seen burning along the surfaces of their surrounding as the Dark Diligence Drone rotates. This is akin to their ordinary form in which only three beams are emitted by the robots.

