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Steward requests/Global permissions

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This is an archived version of this page, as edited by Rehman (talk | contribs) at 22:51, 10 October 2010 (Global rollback for Rehman: thanks, withdraw). It may differ significantly from the current version.
This page hosts requests for global permissions. To make a request, read the relevant policy (global rollback, global sysop) and make a request below. Explain why membership is needed for that group, and detail prior experience or qualifications.
This is not a vote and any active Wikimedia editor may participate in the discussion, though only stewards may use {{yes}} or {{no}} templates.
Cross-wiki requests
Meta-Wiki requests

Requests for global rollback permissions

Please be sure to follow the instructions below:
Your request might be rejected if you don't follow the instructions, and not doing so would reflect poorly on your suitability.
Please also review the Global rollback policy.
Instructions for making a request

Before requesting, make sure that: You have sufficient activity to meet the requirements to be allocated the global rollback flag

To make a request
Copy the template below to the bottom of this section and explain of why you need the access and why you're suitable.
=== Global rollback for {{subst:u|{{subst:REVISIONUSER}}}} ===
 |status    = <!-- don't change this line -->
 |domain    = global <!-- don't change this line -->
 |user name = {{subst:REVISIONUSER}} <!-- don't change this line unless you're nominating another user -->
::''Not ending before {{subst:#time:j F Y H:i|+5 days}} UTC''

The request will be approved if consensus to do so exists after a period of consideration of no less than 5 days (with rare exceptions , no matter how obvious the result may seem). This is not a vote, and all input is welcome. Stewards will determine whether consensus exists; when doing so it is likely that the weight given to the input of those involved in cross-wiki work will be most influential.

Global rollback for Rehman

As of some time now, I have been working on multiple wikis in relation to updating image files and associated edits, and I expect to increase my activity. Thus to avoid any possible backlog on those wikis, I would like to have global Autoreviewer/Autopatroller rights. I don't know how far this is possible (or if this is the right place to post this rights), but it will help other editors. I currently have Rollbacker, Autoreviewer and Reviewer rights on the English Wikipedia and Commons, the two wikis I am active in. Thanks. Rehman(+) 15:33, 19 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]

The global rollback group has autopatrol rights, but as Autoreview isn't available on Meta, the right was not added to the global group. This gives rise to two discussions:
  1. Should Rehman be given either global rollback or a new right, and,
  2. Should we add the autoreview flag to the global rollback group?
My opinion, personally, is that if there's consensus to do so that Rehman should ask for global rollback and the autoreview right be added to global rollbackers. As the extension isn't listed on Meta, I might suggest adding it to the global group either via enwiki (where it would get the greatest amount of transparency to the action) or test.wikipedia (and make non-Meta-available rights added there when needed.) Kylu 15:46, 19 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]
I don't think a global group for autoreview will be a good idea, there are to many policies, there is no way a user can use that right and don't break a local policy. Huib talk Abigor 16:17, 19 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Hi. Will it be possible if I move my request to the Rollback feature? Which covers Autoreviewer as said above? Rehman(+) 16:29, 19 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]

It covers autopatrol, but not autroview (from extension FlaggedRevs), which are totally differnt. Btw, In my opinion global bots should have autoreview and global rollbackers should get movestable (to stay in synch with autoconfirmed) - Hoo man 19:21, 19 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]

I threw together a Q&D "global reviewer" group and checked it on test.wikipedia (see talkpage). It frankly doesn't work all that well, missing a couple key components, and that's not even considering any local policy issues that may be in place. My suggestion would be to just request global rollback instead and forget about the review-related flags altogether. Kylu 22:11, 19 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]

For perspective: en.WN deliberately withholds the reviewer bit from the Commons delinker bot, in order to guarantee that when it runs, each delinking is flagged for manual attention. --Pi zero 00:01, 20 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Moved section to Rollback requests per Kylu's suggestion above. Rehman(+) 00:18, 20 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Oppose You're a good editor, but after reading over this nomination, it doesn't seem like you have a real need for the global rollback tool. Global rollback isn't going to helpful to your work when what you're looking for is a form of global autopatrolled/patrolled rights which do not readily exist at this time. Sorry, FASTILY (TALK) 19:15, 10 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you ;) If rollback doesn't provide autoreviewed status, then I would like to withdraw my nomination. Hopefully we'd have such a feature sometime in the future. Have a nice day. Rehman(+) 22:51, 10 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Requests for global sysop permissions


Please be sure to follow the instructions below:

Your request might be rejected if you don't follow the instructions, and not doing so would reflect poorly on your suitability.
Please also review the Global sysops policy.
When you give someone global sysop rights, please list them on [[<tvar name="1">Template:List of global sysops</tvar>|Users with global sysop access]] and ask them to subscribe to the [[<tvar name="2">mail:global-sysops</tvar>|global sysops mailing list]].</translate>
<translate> Instructions for making a request</translate>

<translate> Before requesting, make sure that:

  1. You have a global account ;
  2. You are logged in on this wiki, and the account is part of your global account;
To make a request
Copy the template below to the bottom of this section and explain of why you need the access and why you're suitable. If you previously requested that right, please add a link to the previous discussion(s).</translate>
=== Global sysop for {{subst:u|{{subst:REVISIONUSER}}}} ===
 |status    = <!-- don't change this line -->
 |domain    = global <!-- don't change this line -->
 |user name = {{subst:REVISIONUSER}} <!-- don't change this line unless you're nominating another user -->
::''Not ending before {{subst:#time:j F Y H:i|+2 week}} UTC''

<translate> The request will be approved if consensus to do so exists after a period of consideration of no less than two weeks (no exceptions are allowed no matter how obvious the result may seem). This is not a vote, and all input is welcome. Stewards will determine whether consensus exists; when doing so it is likely that the weight given to the input of those involved in cross-wiki work will be most influential. Please note: Since 2019 all global sysops are required to have two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled.</translate>

Global sysop for Quentinv57

Hello everybody. As an active SWMT member, I'd like to request global sysop rights, which can be very usefull to delete pages and potentialy ban vandals when patrolling small wikis.

I'm sysop and bureaucrat on frwiktionary, I've been sysop on frwikibooks and on lbwikionary and I have a sysop flagged bot. So I think I know how to deal with sysop tools ;). Nevertheless, I promise you I'll use my tools only if I'm pretty sure it's a case of vandalism.

Thanks by advance -- Quentinv57 19:18, 27 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Done, but please keep DerHexer's comment in mind. --Erwin 09:13, 10 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for support. Sure I'll take care about what DerHexer said. -- Quentinv57 14:09, 10 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Opt-in global sysops for es.wikibooks

Status:    In progress

Me, as es.wikibooks bureaucrat and per discussion it is requested to enable global sysops on the project. For the Spanish Wikibooks, --dferg ☎ talk 14:15, 10 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Requests for global editinterface permissions

Please be sure to follow the instructions below:
Your request might be rejected if you don't follow the instructions.
Instructions for making a request

Before requesting global editinterface permissions, make sure that:

  1. You have a global account;
  2. You are logged in on this wiki, and the account is part of your global account;
To request global editinterface permissions
Copy the template below to the bottom of this section and explain why you need the access. If needed, link to relevant discussions.
=== Global editinterface for [[user:Foo|Foo]] ===
 |status    = <!--don't change this line-->
 |domain    = global<!--don't change this line-->
 |user name = 
<Add an explanation here>, thanks, --~~~~

The request will be approved if consensus to do so exists after a short period of consideration. A steward will review the request.

None currently

Requests for global IP block exemption

Please be sure to follow the instructions below:
Your request might be rejected if you don't follow the instructions, and not doing so would reflect poorly on your suitability.
Please also review Global IP block exemption.
Please note: Global IP block exemption does NOT make one immune to locally-created blocks of any sort, only global blocks created via special:globalblock.
Instructions for making a request

Before requesting global IP block exemption, make sure that:

  1. You have a global account;
  2. You are logged in on this wiki, and the account is part of your global account;
To request global IP block exemption
Copy the template below to the bottom of this section and explain why you need the access and why you're suitable. If needed, link to relevant discussions.
=== Global IP block exempt for [[user:Foo|Foo]] ===
 |status    = <!--don't change this line-->
 |domain    = global<!--don't change this line-->
 |user name = 
<Add an explanation here>, thanks, --~~~~

The request will be approved if consensus to do so exists after a short period of consideration (typically 5 days). This is not a vote, and all input is welcome. Stewards will determine whether consensus exists; when doing so it is likely that the weight given to the input of those involved in cross-wiki work will be most influential.

None currently

See also