- For other uses, see Columbia.
The USS Columbia (NCC-71102) was a 24th century Federation starship, a Galaxy-class explorer in Starfleet service in the 2360s decade. In the year 2367, the Columbia took part in the Battle of Wolf 359. (STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359")
Service history and disposition[]
The USS Columbia was part of the fleet of 40 ships assembled by Vice Admiral J.P. Hanson to waylay Borg cube 632[4] at Wolf 359. Hanson's fleet engaged Locutus' cube in battle and hoped to stop it from reaching Earth in Sector 001. Locutus of Borg, the assimilated Starfleet captain Jean-Luc Picard, used his tactical knowledge to decimate the Federation fleet. The Columbia was wrecked and effectively destroyed in the battle. (STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359")
In the 2410s, the Columbia was one of the 31 shipwrecks on display along a docking arm of the Wolf 359 Memorial Station in the Wolf 359 star system. (STO - Both Worlds mission: "Omega Molecule Stabilization")
In 2411, Captain Ezri Dax oversaw a Khitomer Alliance training simulation wherein Alliance starships re-enacted the battle on the holodeck to prepare for combat with the Borg Kingdom from the mirror universe. The Columbia was one of the ships recreated holographically for the operation. (STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Battle of Wolf 359")
Background information[]
The initial script for the 1990 episode "The Best of Both Worlds" called for Admiral Hanson to hail the Enterprise from a Galaxy-class ship just before dying. In the finalized episode, Hanson's actor instead appeared on the set of a Galaxy-class battle bridge, leaving the circumstances of his flag unclear. It would not be until the 2024 Star Trek Online mission "Battle of Wolf 359" that Hanson's flag was finally depicted from an exterior view as a Galaxy-class ship, the Columbia.