Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} OR {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU


Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Stacie Ponder is a comic book inker who has worked on Star Trek comics for IDW Publishing.

Inking credits[]


IDW Publishing artists
Interior artists Bob AlmondJavier ArandaYulian ArdhiClaudia BalboniJosep Maria BeroyJohn ByrneDebora CaritaGaetano CarlucciElena CasagrandeMarina CastelvetroMack ChaterChee Yang OngOleg ChudakovSteve ConleyJoe CorroneyAndrew CurrieRob DoanErica DuranteJoe EismaErfan FajarMike FeehanMatt FillbachShawn FillbachArianna FloreanTana FordDrew GeraciNicole GouxOrnella GrecoGianluigi GregoriniGabriel HardmanMike HawthorneChristopher HerndonJosh HoodCorin HowellRoberta IngranataDaniel IrizarriChris JohnsonAgri KaruniawanLuca LambertiJack LawrenceAaron LeachMegan LevensYasmin LiangSonny LiewCasey MaloneyFederica ManfrediFabio MantovaniJose Marzan Jr.David MessinaStephen MolnarStephen MooneyPhilip MoyVictor MoyaPhilip MurphySean MurphyTom NguyenCarlos NietoLeonard O'GradyAugustin PadillaTerry PallotHugo PetrusJoe PhillipsStacie PonderSara PichelliHendry PrasetyaGordon PurcellWagner ReisCarlos RodriguezPow RodrixRamon RosanasSimon RoyMarc RuedaRob & Joe SharpTony ShasteenBob SmithGavin SmithMatthew Dow SmithCat StaggsRachael StottErik TamayoStephen ThompsonMarcus ToGerman Torres-RuizÁngel UnzuetaCaspar WijngaardJ.K. Woodward
Cover artists Mike AllredRobert AtkinsMark AlvaradoZachary BaldusJake BartokElizabeth BealsAlexandra BequezJosep Maria BeroyAdrián BonillaSweeney BooJames BrownJohn ByrneDennis CaleroGeorge CaltsoudasElena CasagrandeMack ChaterChee Yang OngMike ChoOleg ChudakovSteve ConleyRobby CookJoe CorroneyAndrew CurrieDavid DeitrickEjiwa "Edge" EbenebeMike FeehanChris FenoglioFrancesco FrancavillaPaulina GanucheauJeremy GeddesJames GrayOrnella GrecoAaron HarveyAngel HernándezGreg HildebrandtSteffi HochrieglJosh HoodZach HowardMegan HuangJamal IgleRoberta IngranataJewelDaniel Warren JohnsonJoelle JonesLiana KangasKen KellyMarc LamingJ.J. LendlMegan LevensAmanda MadriagaKevin MaguireDavid MalanButch MapaJustin MasonJudd MercerDavid MessinaStephen MolnarPhilip MurphySean MurphyLeonard O'GradyAugustin PadillaMichael PangrazioBob PeakSara Pitre-DurocherAndy PriceRahzzahPablo RaimondiTom RalstonBrian ReberRod ReisCarlos RodriguezRamon RosanasSimon RoyNick RungeJim SalvatiDeclan ShalveyKelsey ShannonRob & Joe SharpHayden ShermanPaul ShipperStefano SimeoneÁngel SolórzanoLuke SparrowErik TamayoMatt Aytch TaylorAndrew ThomasStephen ThompsonMarcus ToPriscilla TramontanoÁngel UnzuetaSuspiria VilchezNickolej VilligerSean Von GormanKevin WadaMalachi WardMali WareDavid WilliamsJ.K. Woodward
Colorists 2B StudioDC AlonsoDavide AmiciJennifer BaumannMoose BaumannMario BoonJosh BurchamChiara CinabroAndrew ElderRomulo Fajardo, Jr.Triona FarrellNick FilardiFran GamboaMike HawthorneJohn HuntJason JensonLovern KindzierskiCharlie KirchoffThompson KnoxJoana LafuenteJason LewisLee LoughridgeMarissa LouisePaolo MaddaleniJD MettlerMiquel MuertoGiovanna NiroLeonard O'GradyRonda PattisonBrittany PeerMirco PierfedericiValentina PintoJohn RauchPriscila RibeiroMark RobertsClaudia ScarletGothicaChris SotomayorTom SmithPriscilla TramontanoIlaria TraversiCaspar WijngaardJ.K. Woodward
Letterers AndWorld DesignClayton CowlesJeff EckleberryChrista MiesnerJohanna NattalieRobbie RobbinsChris MowryRichard StarkingsNeil Uyetake
Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Space Between
Issues History LessonCaptain's PleasureStrategyLight of the DaySpace SeedsAn Inconvenient Truth
Creators David TischmanCasey MaloneyLeonard O'GradyRobbie RobbinsAaron LeachStacie PonderNeil UyetakeChris MowryDan Taylor
Cover artists Dennis CaleroZach HowardJeremy GeddesThompson KnoxKen KellyJoe Corroney