Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

In an alternate timeline of the First Splinter[1] without the Temporal Defense Grid[2], Ssrax was a 31st century Federation citizen, a Gorn man serving as temporal field agent in the Temporal Intervention Agency in the 3050s decade. (DTI eBook: The Collectors)


On Day 266, 3051, Agent Ssrax was part of a strike team assembled by Supervisor Jena Noi in TIA Headquarters on Tandar Prime. Supervisor Noi and Agents Ssrax and Darro flanked Federation Temporal Agent Jena Noi, who came from a possible future of the primary universe, after she tried to escape by throwing a time-dilation grenade. Agent Noi escaped, with Ssrax and the others giving chase. She stunned him with his sidearm, which she grabbed from his holster as Ssrax was temporarily put into slow motion. (DTI eBook: The Collectors)



Temporal Intervention Agency personnel
UFP emblem Timot Danlen • Darro • Serel Jeihaz • Jena Noi • Sulirr • Ssrax • unnamed TIA personnel UFP emblem

Appearances and references[]


