Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

"Space Ark" was a TOS coloring book, one of three 17" x 22" giant-sized books published in 1978. In this story, the USS Enterprise rescued various endangered animals on a planet threatened by a supernova.


Following the supernova of a giant star in an uncharted region, the USS Enterprise is ordered to search for intelligent life in neighboring systems ahead of the blast radius. After hours of searching, scanners locate a small planet with an abundance of life, but nobody answers the ship's hails. A landing party materializes in a jungle paradise full of exotic-looking birds, small elephants with antlers, and wildlife resembling hippopotamus, parrots, mice, giraffes, and there's even a two-headed rabbit. But they find no signs of sapient life.

Because they don't have much time, James T. Kirk prepares to beam back to the ship, but Spock notes that saving these endangered creatures could help make up for some of the careless man-made extinctions in Earth's history. Kirk gives them an hour to transport a cross-section of animal pairs off-world. Soon the starship is packed full of noisy beasts running amok. Kirk orders crew members to report to the workshop to start manufacturing crates and cages, and the Enterprise departs with only minutes to spare.

Starfleet Command locates a suitable habitat on a planet in the home quadrant. Once the Enterprise enters orbit, Kirk asks Scott to marshal clean-up duties while Spock beams down the animals. Kirk is disappointed in the messy condition of the ship and hopes it never happens again, while Spock compares their experience to Noah's.



James T. Kirk • Leonard McCoy • Montgomery Scott • Spock • unnamed USS Enterprise personnel (landing party, transporter chief)
Referenced only

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Enterprise (Constitution-class heavy cruiser)


unnamed planets • unnamed stars and systems
Referenced only

Races and cultures[]

Human • Vulcan

States and organizations[]

Federation • Starfleet Command

Science and technology[]

communications • communicator • computer • intercom • memory bank • radio • scanner • transporter • viewscreen

Ranks and titles[]

captain • crew

Other references[]

animal • assignment patch • atmosphere • beam • bicephaly • bird • bridge • cabin • day • development • elephant • extinction • Federation Starfleet ranks (2260s) • flower • fruit • giant star • giraffe • grass • hippopotamus • home quadrant • hour • jungle • kitchen • landing party • life • minute • mouse • orbit • planet • plant • quadrant • species • Starfleet uniform (2265-2270) • starship • star system • sun • supernova • transporter room • tree • universe • water



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Giant coloring books Next story:
The Unchartered World
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Liza Hamill
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The Unchartered World