A Shivolian in 2376.
The Shivolians (known to the Borg as Species 521) were a humanoid race native to the Delta Quadrant. Their skin colors included red and green. Physiologically, they resembled the saurian Voth, also resident in this quadrant.
A female member of this species visited the USS Voyager when it was docked at a Markonian outpost in 2376. (VOY episode: "Survival Instinct")
In the 2400s decade, the Shivolians were known for their joviality and welcoming attitude. They travelled across the galaxy's quadrants as entertainers and trading ship crewmembers.
The Shivolian government pledged allegiance to the Hierarchy. The Overlookers found the Shivolians' lack of interest in profit puzzling, while the Shivolians themselves had doubts whether the Hierarchy leadership was committed to the common good. In the year 2410, the Delta Alliance was free to visit the Shivolia system. (STO - Enemies in All the Usual Places mission: "Shivolia System Patrol")
In an alternate timeline, Annika Hansen had a memory of assimilating a Shivolian. (VOY - Myriad Universes - Infinity's Prism novella: Places of Exile)
External links[]
- Shivolian article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Shivolia article at Star Trek Online Wiki.