Map of Earth.
Seattle is a city located in the state of Washington, United States of America, on Earth.
History and specifics[]
Over the course of the 1850s and 1860s, Aaron Stemple, a local sawmill owner, purchased a number of small lots in Seattle. By the end of the 1860s, he had been made a member of the first school board, and elected mayor of the town. (TOS novel: Ishmael)
In 2202, Aaron's descendant Amanda Grayson was born in the city. (TOS novel: Ishmael)
While training with Gabriel Lorca in 2256, Ash Tyler claimed to be from Seattle. When Tyler mentioned that his mother taught at Issaquah Elementary, a 24 kilometer distance from the city, Lorca indicated that he didn't think this meant Tyler was truly from Seattle. (DSC episode: "Lethe", ST website:
The Federation starships USS Seattle were named for this city.
Alternate realities[]
In the 1990s of an alternate timeline in which Khan Noonien Singh won the Eugenics Wars, Seattle was one of numerous cities destroyed with atomic bombs. (ST - Myriad Universes - Infinity's Prism novella: Seeds of Dissent)
In fiction[]
In the 20th century Earth science fiction series The Adventures of Captain Proton, Seattle of the year 2000 was covered by a paradise dome, one of two dozen such structures on Earth. It featured a weather-controlling latticework that extended from Olympic Peninsula to Elliot Bay. Apartment skyscraper spires nearly as tall as the dome could each support up to 10,000 people. Seattle's populace wore teleradio wristwatches or pendants that allowed them to make telephone calls and access information. (VOY - Captain Proton: Defender of the Earth novella: The City of the Future)
External links[]
- Seattle article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Seattle article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.