Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Khonsu, also known as Regulus IV, was the fourth planet in the Regulus star system. (TOS - Star Trek II Short Stories short story: "The Blaze of Glory")

History and specifics[]


Before the year 2009, the Regulan system became a protectorate of the Confederacy of Vulcan. After more than three centuries of Vulcan protection, the Regulans petitioned for independence in the late 23rd century and became a Federation member state in their own right.

By 2409, Regulus IV sported one of the largest Federation embassies in the sector. Negotiations to end the Federation-Klingon War of 2405-2410 to place in that embassy. However, the negotiations had been staged by Admiral B'vat to discredit his House rival Ambassador Kas. He paid the Orion Syndicate to attack the embassy grounds. The Starfleet security teams on the ground where led by Lieutenant Miral Paris. When Starfleet reinforcements arrived, the attackers were defeated, and Kas's battlecruiser joined the arriving Starfleet starship in driving off B'vat's flagship and the remaining hostile Klingons. (STO - Klingon War mission: "The Kuvah'Magh")


Regulus IV had no moons but was orbited by a Federation space station. The planet had a population of 7 billion and was one of three inhabited worlds in the system in the early 25th century. The surface was divided between blue oceans and interconnected island-continents. The Federation embassy was located on a hill at the coast amidst lush green vegetation and sandy beaches. (STO - Klingon War mission: "The Kuvah'Magh")



planets of the Regulus system
I. Horus • II. Arodi ~ Osiris • III. Khepri • IV. Khonsu • V. Ptah • VI. Rhamses • VII. Nefertari • VIII. M-113 • Regulus IX • Regulus X • Regulus XI • Regulus XII • Regulus XIII
Vulcan planets and planetoids
Vulcan system inhabited worlds Vulcan/T'Khut • Delta Vega Federation icon image. Vulcan icon image.
Other Vulcan colonies and outpost worlds Abyss • Adoss • Aesa IX • Callista • Calanara • Calsa • Harmony • Heprinala • Heristis • Hexentrex • Hostoria • Hurlin • Idix • Jalinitir • Jungar • Jurisa • Justinia • Khonsu • Laxaren • Lexor VII • Lixis XI • Maklin VIII • Makus III • Marcus • Maxtor • Memoxa • Merak • Minidine IV • Minora • Narcissus III • New Victoria • Norassil • P'Jem • Primidara II • Primavera • Resolution • Sigma Draconis • Silicasca • Silivis • Sojourn • Surak I • Surak II • T'Rillan • Trimarka • Typerias • Ursula • Vistil Major • Weytahn

