Qam-Chee was a city on Qo'noS that is said to have existed from the time of the founding of the Klingon Empire.
History and specifics[]
Kahless the Unforgettable and Lukara were in the city when it was stormed by enemy troops. After the city's garrison fled, they faced the troops themselves. (DS9 episode: "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places", ST - New Worlds, New Civilizations short story: "A Warrior's Path", ST - Errand of Vengeance novel: Killing Blow)
Qam-Chee was the First City in the 22nd century. (ENT novel: Kobayashi Maru, ENT - The Romulan War novels: Beneath the Raptor's Wing, To Brave the Storm)
The House of Mogh had a large tapestry of Kahless and Lukara at Qam-Chee in their main residence. (ST - The Lost Era novel: The Art of the Impossible)
In 2378, during the Day of Blood, Qam-Chee reported rebellious activity and civil disturbances via subspace transmissions. Kahless II and his Red Path cult had incited riots, murders of government officials, mass suicide, arson, and property destruction in this and other settlements. (ST - Day of Blood comic: "Part 1")
- It was cited as a separate location from the First City of Qo'noS in the Day of Blood comic. However, historical information related in the novel A Burning House may suggest that Qam-Chee later became the First City.
See also[]
External link[]
- Qam-Chee article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.