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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Pralon Onala was a Bajoran woman who lived in the 24th century. She was the Kai of Bajor who succeeded Winn Adami.


In the early 2370s, when she was a vedek, Pralon also served as a Minister in the Provisional Government and was in charge of the ministry that officiated over religious artifacts. In 2372, Pralon was involved in the negotiations over the Orb of Wisdom with Grand Nagus Zek. (DS9 novel: The 34th Rule)

First splinter timeline[]

In 2376, Kira Nerys told Shakaar Edon that Pralon would be her choice to become Kai. (DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: Twilight)

Pralon was elected Kai in 2377. One of her first acts was to build a relationship with the Eav'oq. To that end, Kai Pralon visited the Eav'oq city of Terev'oqu in the Gamma Quadrant. (DS9 novel: Sacraments of Fire)

Kira Nerys was a supporter of Pralon's accession to the head of the Bajoran faith, feeling she was not as political as Winn Adami and that Pralon was intelligent, had empathy for others and possessed a strong faith. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Rough Beasts of Empire)

In 2383 and 2384, Kai Pralon presided over two memorial services for those killed in the destruction of Deep Space 9. (ST - The Fall novel: Revelation and Dust)

By 2387, Pralon had been succeeded as Kai. (ST novel: The Ashes of Tomorrow)




Kais of the Bajoran faith
Dava Nikende • Taluno • Shesa • Meressa • Arin • Opaka Sulan • Winn Adami • Pralon Onala • Kira Nerys • Opaka Sulan
Kais of the Bajoran faith in the mirror universe
Dava Nikende • Opaka Sulan