Narva Moktar was a Human woman. She served in Starfleet as a medic aboard the USS Enterprise in the 2270s.
Moktar was from Liberia in the United States of Africa. She was lithe, attractive and trained as a combat nurse. (TOS - Plot-Your-Own Adventure Stories novella: Distress Call!)
In 2277, Narva Moktar was selected to join a landing party on the surface of Varda III by Pavel Chekov based on Leonard McCoy's recommendation that she was smart and a good medic. As the team searched for missing archeologists, she was the first to spot an entrance in a group of ancient structures. After the scientists were found tucked into niches along the stone walls, her tricorder revealed that they were all in stasis. She thought they were arranged as if in a museum. (TOS - Plot-Your-Own Adventure Stories novella: Distress Call!)