Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Featured Articles are what we, the members, consider to be the best articles that have been contributed to the wiki, and are comprehensive and well-written. If you find an article that you think reaches a high standard, please nominate it!

Every month, a new Featured Article will be selected from the list below to be placed on the Main Page as a spot-light of our best work. Once an article has been on the nomination page for seven days without any objections, or the objections have been addressed, then the article is added below.

Embolded links means that the article has previously been a featured article on Memory Beta.

Current Featured Article
USS Equinox.
USS Equinox.

The Nova-class was a type of Federation science vessel and scout starship in service in the 24th century, first entering service in 2368. The class was designed for short-range and limited duration research missions such as planetary or system surveys. Nova-class vessels were also tasked with doing the extensive and in-depth research and analysis on a chosen region after a larger explorer type ship had made the initial analysis.

The name "Nova-class" was coined for a new Starfleet design in the 2360s. At the time of its inception, it was being modeled as the next evolution of the explorer design dynamic of the Galaxy-class. At least four designs were conceptualized for the new class; with a variety of innovative new arrangements, propulsion systems and modular designs proposed. One radical design featured a nacelles-forward central hull that would trail mission modules behind it. Another design maintained a more typical Starfleet arrangement, but distorted to make use of anticipated advances in warp technology to allow greater z-axis warp field compression. A third design also maintained a recognizable silhouette, but proposed variable geometry warp nacelles and a primary hull that was composed of interchangeable modules. The fourth design had entered service by 2370, as evidenced by the USS Aquitaine; like the Nova-class, of another design which had gone into production by 2368, this design featured an angular, almost triangular, primary hull, and was used a small explorer and research vessel.


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