Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Lyaas was a 23rd century Andorian woman, a Starfleet officer in the 2260s decade.


In the 2260s, Lyaas held the title of helmsman and was part of the Starfleet detail sent by the Federation to the Trexelian Expanse and the Trexelian Starbase. When the starship USS Trexelprise was detailed to the Trexelian area to investigate the loss of the USS Valiant, Lyaas was among the recruits for duty to be detached to the missions of the Trexelprise. Lyaas had an opportunity to gain field experience based on the mission needs of Trexelian duty, but at the cost of constant vigilance against the possibility of combat with Krill and Qualari, as well as encounters caused by the weakened boundaries of time and space in that formation. (ST video game: Trexels)



The small icon used to represent this character has at least one sleeve stripe rank insignia, signifying the rank of lieutenant or above. It is plausible that this character could have been a lieutenant commander although the display of a few pixels lacked a resolution to differentiate that insignia. For the purposes of this wiki, a lieutenant's stripe is shown.


Trexelian Expanse personnel
Herica Winter • Zilly Binzer • Nurali Samy • Kramshi Vishna • Louise Solomon • Stayton Clone • Jill Temple • T'Karra • Naksatra • Aadyant • Tevik • Nichelle Talbot • Xavier Adamo • John Church • Hikaru Sulu • Jai Chi-Ling • Colin Braig • Akoval • Andey Panita • James T. Kirk • Spock • Leonard McCoy • Montgomery Scott • Nyota Uhura • Pavel Chekov • Miranda Jones • Kelek • Denak • L'Nel • Alieth • Shermy Brittman • Varek • Darius Blake • Svon • Imaru • Lyaas • Mashish Ehra • Janet Donnely • Jean-Luc Picard • William T. Riker • Beverly Crusher • Data • Geordi LaForge • Worf • Wesley Crusher • Deanna Troi UFP emblem image. Starfleet emblem. Starbase insignia