Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For the mirror universe counterpart, see Lon Suder (mirror).

Lon Suder was a Betazoid male who served aboard the USS Voyager in the early 2370s.

Suder joined the Maquis in 2370 and joined a cell led by Chakotay. Over the next year, Suder proved an effective member of Chakotay's team. When Tharia ch'Ren, a fellow crewmate aboard Chakotay's ship, the Geronimo, came into possession of a Malkus Artifact, it was Suder who detected a difference in his mind, an effect of the Artifact. (VOY - The Brave and the Bold, Book Two novella: The Third Artifact)

Suder didn't connect socially with the other members of the team, as he had only joined the Maquis as a release valve for his violent emotions and tendencies. This made him ruthlessly efficient at killing Cardassians, but after being flung into the Delta Quadrant and forced to conform to Starfleet norms, this release mechanism was lost. The valve finally blew in 2372, when he murdered Crewman Frank Darwin in cold blood. After he was found guilty and imprisoned indefinitely in his quarters, Lieutenant Tuvok began to work with Suder to control his violent impulses, and initially performed a mind meld to transfer some of his control to Suder. (VOY episode: "Meld")

By the end of the year, Suder had learned to control his violent emotions and was looking for ways to contribute to the Voyager crew, after taking an interest in botany, he wanted to help Kes in the hydroponics bay. Before anything was decided, Voyager was taken by the Kazon-Nistrim and the crew marooned on Hanon IV. Suder, however was believed killed in a Kazon suicide attack, so he remained aboard undetected, however this involved killing a Kazon guard which visibly shook him.

With The Doctor's assistance, Suder was able to disable the phaser couplings and allow Tom Paris to lead a Talaxian fleet to free Voyager. While his attempts were successful, Suder was killed by a Kazon soldier in main engineering, shortly before the ship was retaken. (VOY episodes: "Basics, Part I", "Basics, Part II")


Val Jean personnel
Ayala • Kurt Bendera • Kendrick Biessman • Chakotay • Chell • Mitch Csatlos • Kenneth Dalby • Gerron Ral • Mariah Henley • Hogan • William Jarvin • Michael Jonas • Kenn Lathrop • Telsia Murphy • Jeffrey Nelson • Seska • Lon Suder • B'Elanna Torres • Trexis • Tuvok
USS Voyager engineering personnel
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. Ashmore • Lyndsay Ballard • Kurt Bendera • Boylan • Bolya • Lyssa Campbell • Joseph Carey • Chell • Grace Clayton • Nancy Conlon • Culhane • Kenneth Dalby • Dell • Mortimer Harren • Hoffman • Hogan • Alexander Honigsberg • Michael Jonas • Jor • Marika Wilkarah • Mendez • Molina • Mulcahey • Neol • Susan Nicoletti • Okira • Seska • Lon Suder • Gina Thompson • B'Elanna Torres • Vorik • Xiu • Yosa Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
see also: medical personnel • operations personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • security & tactical personnel • sciences personnel • senior staff • miscellaneous

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