Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Arali Prime lava

Lava on Arali Prime.

Lava was magma after it had erupted from a volcano.

History and specifics[]

Miaplacidan guards 2

Prodding prisoners into pools of lava.

Class E planets such as Excalbia were covered with molten lava. (ST references: Star Trek Maps, The Worlds of the Federation)

According to legend, Kahless the Unforgettable placed a lock of his hair into the Kri'stak volcano's lava to form the Sword of Kahless. (TNG episode: "Rightful Heir", DS9 episode: "The Way of the Warrior", Adventures RPG module: Beta Quadrant Sourcebook)

In the 23rd century, executioners at the Miaplacidan Execution Complex prodded death penalty subjects into naturally-occurring lava pools on Miaplacidus V. (TOS comic: "The Quality of Mercy")

In the year 2266, on Alpha 332, James T. Kirk and Spock warned two species warring on the side of a volcano that it would shortly erupt. The humanoid Parracas evacuated their nearby village, but the simian Turracas ignored them and were killed by exploding lava. (TOS comic: "The Gods Have Come!")

In 2267, on Nukolee, Prince Raviki's guards were escorting him to his palace when one of them deliberately steered his nucle-cycle into a lake of lava. It was later determined that he had been affected by gases from Sanduy's Comet, which triggered random bouts of temporary madness. (TOS comic: "A World Gone Mad")

Also in 2267, on Tactis II, a lava river from an erupting volcano dragged along the Galileo shuttlecraft. (TOS comic: "The Mimicking Menace")

As part of a trial by ordeal in 2269, Danurian Iraen Tors on Sicon III sent a captured landing party into an underground room filling with water. Tors then diverted lava into the room, which would boil the Starfleet officers alive unless they escaped. (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Danurian Factor)

In 2293, during his retirement, James T. Kirk rafted on lava flows from the Valtarik volcano. (TOS - Crucible novel: The Fire and the Rose)

An away team from the USS Billings circa 2360 encountered dimensional shifts on the surface of Arali Prime. During one shift, the team traversed cooling lava from an exploding volcano. (TOS - Waypoint - Special 2019 comic: "The Swift Spoke")

Alternate realities[]

In the mirror universe, 25th century underground Tholian work camps were constructed near lava tubes, to provide comforting warmth. Sections inhabited by the slave workers, however, supported cooler humanoid conditions. (STO - Star Trek Magazine short story: "Mirror Image, Part 2")


Appearances and references[]

External links[]
