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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The IRW Soterus was a 24th century Imperial Romulan starship, a Norexan-class[1] (Mogai-class)[2] warbird[3] in Imperial Romulan Fleet service in the 2370s decade. (CCG set: Decipher CCG, card: "Soterus")

Service history and disposition[]

Active service[]

Norexan-class Soterus

IRW Soterus in 2379.

In the year 2379, Commanders Suran and Donatra were part of the conspiracy by Shinzon of Remus to overthrow Praetor Hiren. Shinzon had the members of the Imperial Senate of the Romulan Star Empire assassinated to enable his coup d'état.

When Praetor Shinzon took the Reman warbird Scimitar to sterilize Earth with thalaron radiation, Donatra had second thoughts and appealed to Suran's conscience.

Soterus and Valdore

The warbirds Soterus (left) and Valdore in the Bassen Rift.

A pair of Mogai-class warbirds - Donatra's green-colored IRW Valdore[3] and the brown[3] Soterus[1] - joined the Federation starship USS Enterprise-E in the Bassen Rift. Shinzon was a clone of the Enterprise-E's captain, Jean-Luc Picard, and held a grudge against his genetic original. Commander Donatra took the lead and affirmed their warbirds' support when Shinzon attacked the Enterprise with the Scimitar.

During the battle, the Scimitar disabled the Soterus by using disruptors to break through the smaller warbird's deflector shields. The Scimitar-class warbird's weapons' fire sheared the port wing off the Soterus. Soon after, the Scimitar disabled the Valdore. The Battle of the Bassen Rift ended following a collision between the Enterprise and the Reman ship, and the detonation of the thalaron generator aboard the Scimitar. The Enterprise then opened its shuttlebay doors to exchange support with the Romulan ships. (TNG movie: Star Trek Nemesis)

First Splinter timeline[]

In 2380 of the First Splinter[6] timeline, Donatra's and Suran's fleet of D'deridex- and Mogai-class warbirds were stranded in the Small Magellanic Cloud alongside the USS Titan. To enable cooperation with the Federation ship and unite the fleet, Donatra was forced to kill Suran aboard his warbird. (TTN novel: The Red King)


Mogai Romulan Type 2 (Brown)

A brown Mogai-class heavy warbird.

In the 2380s, Suran was known for having commanded the Soterus. Following the destruction of Romulus in 2387, Suran retired to the Talvath colony. In 2388, Suran served as a statesmen when Talvath sought Federation protection. At that time, he was interviewed by Jake Sisko, who recalled Suran's service aboard the Soterus. (STO website: The Path to 2409)

In the 25th century, Romulan warbirds of the Romulan Republic's Navy could sport the brown hull material first sported by the Soterus.


Commander Suran in 2379.

Sisko's interviews with various people, including Suran's about the Soterus, Romulus and Talvath, were published in 2423. (STO novel: The Needs of the Many)




Mogai-class warbird starships
Romulan Star Empire, Navy/Tal Shiar Aj'rmr • Areinnye • Bloodfire • Dekkona • Dominus • Eletrix • Elieth • Esemar • Fraire • Intrakhu • Keras • Koval • Kytonis • Makar • Othrys • Rohallhik • Soterus • Taseiv • Terrinex • Tyrava • Valdore

Valdore-subclass: Aethra • Stormcrow

{{{2}}} icon image.
Romulan Republic, Navy Mogai • Simis • unnamed • Morrigu-subclass: Morrigu • Valdore-subclass: Valdore • Zdenia {{{2}}} icon image.
Reman Resistance Valdore-subclass: RFV Zdenia {{{2}}} icon image.
Klingon Empire, Defense Force Armor • Jotunheim • Greathorn • Knight • Fairmight • Fermont • Leveller • Orion Pride • Vaultleap • Vertigo Emblem of the Klingon Empire.
Romulan Star Empire
(mirror universe)
Valdore • Hiren's fleet {{{2}}} icon image. Galactic Commonwealth, Starfleet Excalibur {{{2}}} icon image.

Appearances and references[]




This section is written
from the Real World
point of view
Memory Beta
  • The CCG card "Soterus" depicts the Valdore, identified as the green warbird in Nemesis, instead of the brown sister ship.

External link[]
