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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Amar.

The IKS Amar was a Klingon starship in Imperial Defense Force service in the early 25th century. It was one of several Klingon ships to bear the name. (STO - Mirror of Discovery short story: "Jayce's Interstellar: Around the Galaxy")

Service history[]

Following the end of the Tzenkethi Crusade, the Amar towed the long-lost Federation ship USS Georgiou to Drozana Station in the Donatu sector, to rendezvous with the USS Scott. This gift was accepted by representatives of the Advanced Starship Design Bureau aboard the Scott. The Amar kept the meeting polite but brief.

This encounter was reported a week later, on stardate 87831.2, by Jayce's Interstellar. (STO - Mirror of Discovery short story: "Jayce's Interstellar: Around the Galaxy")



Ships named Amar
Klingon Empire
(primary universe)
IKS Amar (IKC-7736) • IKV Amar (K't'inga-class) • IKC Amar (Vor'cha-class) • IKS Amar (25th century) Emblem of the Klingon Empire
Klingon Alliance
(mirror universe)
IKS Amar


  • This ship might be one of the preceeding ships of this name, or a newer ship altogether.