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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Car Wildstorm Comics

A typical car in the 2050s.

An automobile, also called a car or a groundcar (to differentiate from aircars), was a type of self-propelled vehicle designed for land-based travel, usually utilizing wheels and powered by an engine which ran on a fuel reaction.

History and details[]

Automobiles were typically used on Earth between the 20th and 22nd centuries. (TNG episode: "The Big Goodbye"; ENT episode: "Carpenter Street"; VOY episode: "The 37's"; TNG comic: "Forgiveness") Chevrolet was a manufacturer of automobiles on Earth (VOY short story: "Winds of Change"). Dr. Gillian Taylor drove a GMC-manufactured "Chevy". (TOS novelization: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

In April 2063, just before Humans broke the warp barrier in Bozeman, Montana on Earth, car wrecks littered the immediate area around the Phoenix launch complex. The wrecks in included saloon cars, sport saloons, and minivans. The area was also the side of a dump truck and a mixer truck. When temporally displaced Borg established a base near the complex on April 04, they infected a minivan and the two trucks with nanoprobes. When agents led by Seven of Nine arrived at the scene, they disabled the power relays and the eliminated the Borg presence, then Seven used her own nanoprobes to remove the Borg technology. (STO - Legacy mission: "One Night in Bozeman")

In 2154, Captain Jonathan Archer and Daniels saw an image of an early automobile in the time stream as the timeline reset itself. (ENT episode: "Storm Front")

By 2268, the Iotians had automobiles modeled after the cars used in the United States of America in the 1920s. (TOS episode: "A Piece of the Action")

That same year, the Ekosians, modeled after Germany during the reign of the Nazi party by John Gill, utilized automobiles based off 1940s Germany. (TOS episode: "Patterns of Force")

In the 2370s, San Francisco was known for having antique cars on its streets. (DS9 novelization: What You Leave Behind) These classic and vintage automobiles were favored by Voyager crew members Tom Paris and The Doctor. (VOY episodes: "Lifesigns", "Extreme Risk")

As well as being common to Earth, automobiles were also in use on various other planets, including Miri's homeworld, Sigma Iotia II, Magna Roma (TOS episodes: "Miri", "A Piece of the Action", "Bread and Circuses"), on the Orion world of Daros IV (FASA RPG module: Orion Ruse), and on Treva. (TNG novel: Survivors)

Time machine[]

In an alternate reality, an automobile modified for time travel was deposited on Earth at some point prior to the 23rd century. In this reality, Emperor Vandar tracked this vehicle when it arrived in his space-time, captured its occupant, and took the vehicle to his trophy room. This particular vehicle was present when he captured and entertained Captain James T. Kirk and his landing party, who had been captured along with a number of Legionnaires from yet another reality. (TOS - Legion of Super Heroes comic: "Issue 5")

The car pictured in the comic was a cameo appearance of the time-traveling DeLorean from the Back to the Future film trilogy.

Types of automobiles[]


20th century[]

21st century[]

