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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Ferengi.
FCA seal

Seal of the Ferengi Commerce Authority.

The Ferengi Commerce Authority (abbreviated FCA) was an organization that existed within the Ferengi government. The FCA had offices on the fortieth floor of the Tower of Commerce. (DS9 episode: "Family Business")

Part of the duties of the Ferengi Commerce Authority included the construction of dock facilities over planets where a monopoly was possible over its import/export commerce. (TOS novel: Preserver)

It also ensured that all Ferengi did their business like real Ferengi. The Liquidators of the FCA were a feared, loathed and respected group throughout known space. (DS9 episodes: "Family Business", "Bar Association", ST - The Lost Era novel: The Art of the Impossible)

The Ferengi Commerce Authority debate any new Ferengi Rules of Acquisition before they are added to the official list. (DS9 - Rebels novel: The Liberated)

In 2251, Christopher Pike's Number One purchased limited-time access to the Ferengi Commerce Authority's database that tracked price, supply and demand for kreelite ore across the Alpha Quadrant. The database provided evidence of Klingon interest in kreelite. (TOS novel: The Children of Kings)

Brunt was a member of the Ferengi Commerce Authority in the 2370s. (DS9 episodes: "Family Business", "Ferengi Love Songs")


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