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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
See also: The Edo, a humanoid species native to Rubicun III.

The Edosians or Edoans were a race native to planet Edos in the Alpha Quadrant.


Edosians were distinguished by their three arms, three legs, an elongated skull, and orange skin. They had a lifespan longer than even Vulcans. (Adventures RPG module: Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook)

They bore physical resemblance to Triexians. (NF short story: "The Road to Edos")

They were susceptible to the Dramia II plague. (TAS episode: "Albatross")

They were quite strong despite their relatively slender build: a single blow from an Edosian's fist was capable of breaking a desk in half. Additionally, they could emit a guttural roar when angered. (LD episode: "Much Ado About Boimler")

Although they did not use them very often, the Edosians had telepathic abilities similar to those of Vulcans. (TOS - Year Four: The Enterprise Experiment comic: "The Enterprise Experiment, Part 4")


Edosians were loosely allied with the United Federation of Planets since they first made contact with it. (Adventures RPG module: Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook)

Edos joined the Federation at some point in the 23rd century. (TOS comic: "Who's Who in Star Trek, Issue 1")

While TOS comic: "Who's Who in Star Trek, Issue 1" states that Arex joined Starfleet soon after Edos joined the Federation, according to Adventures RPG module: Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook the Edosians were only loosely allied with the Federation during the time period of The Original Series.

It was rare for Edosians to serve in Starfleet. One of the first of his species to join Starfleet was Lieutenant Arex. (Adventures RPG modules: Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook, The Animated Series Supplemental Guide; TOS comic: "Who's Who in Star Trek, Issue 1")

Arex was identified as an Edoan in Alan Dean Foster's Star Trek Logs novelizations, based on never-aired background information from TAS. The New Frontier series states that he was actually a Triexian, and the root of the confusion touched upon in "The Road to Edos". However, Adventures RPG module: The Animated Series Supplemental Guide and TOS - Star Trek: Explorer short story: "Forewarned and Three-Armed" establish Arex as an Edosian.

An Edosian medical specialist commanded the Division 14 ship Osler in 2380. (LD episode: "Much Ado About Boimler")

Knowledge of the Edosian suckerfish among Humans, as mentioned in ENT episode: "These Are the Voyages...", suggests first contact with Earth, or its affiliated species, at a date prior to 2161.




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