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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For the mirror universe counterpart, see Dralath (mirror).

Dralath was a mad Romulan Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire who served during the first half of the 24th century.

He once killed a senator on the floor of the Romulan Senate. (ST novel: Vulcan's Heart)

In 2344, Dralath ordered an unprovoked attack on the Klingon outpost Narendra III. The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-C) responded to a distress call from the planet and was destroyed during the battle. This had the effect of significantly strengthening the strained relations between the Klingon Empire and the Federation.

His life and career rapidly disintegrating around him, Dralath eventually commandeered an (unnamed) Romulan starship and used it for ketrakath - a suicidal attack against the USS Stargazer. As is typical for a commander invoking ketrakath, Dralath had drugged his crew so that none of them would rebel against him or question his orders. Dralath's ship was destroyed, killing all aboard.

Dralath was subsequently replaced by Narviat. (TNG episode: "Yesterday's Enterprise", TOS novel: Vulcan's Heart, TLE: The Art of the Impossible)




Preceded by:
Unspecified, eventually Aratenik
Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire
Succeeded by:
Praetors of the Romulan Star Empire
(primary universe)
Pontilus • Sartorix • Colius • Comilius • D'deridex • Gileus I • Varus III • Karzan • Vrax • Gaius • Aratenik • Dralath • Darok • Narviat • Neral • Hiren • Shinzon • Tal'Aura • Gell Kamemor • Chulan • Taris • Sela Emblem of the Romulan Star Empire.
the Praetorate Eveh tr'Anierh • Hloal t'Illialhlae • Ahrm'n tr'Kiell • Urellh tr'Maehhli • Gurrhim tr'Siedhri
judiciary praetor Hloal t'Illialhlae
Romulan Star Empire
(Kelvin timeline)
Bervas • Decius
Romulan Republic
(mirror universe)
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