Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Benil was a male Cardassian who lived in the 24th century. In the 2370s he held the rank of Gul and served in the Cardassian Eighth Order. He also commanded a Galor-class starship.

In 2371, Benil intercepted the USS Defiant, which was on its way to Cardassia disguised as a Kobheerian freighter. Benil planned to board the ship, as the Central Command had ordered all incoming ships are to be stopped and searched, due to the Maquis threat. Elim Garak later had Defiant crew deactivate the holo-filter they were using to project the bridge crew as Kobheerians and gave Benil an Obsidian Order code. Awestruck, Benil immediately apologized and let the Defiant continue on its way. (DS9 episode: "Second Skin")

Benil was a covert arms dealer and was suspected to have connections to the Kressari. (CCG set: Rules of Acquisition)


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