Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Battle of Rhinate was the final battle of the Orion War, the war of independence fought by the Orion people against the 58 races signatory to the Treaty of Kammzdast who held them in slavery, primarily the Nine Worlds Confederation.

History and specifics[]

Superadmiral Goluscz of the Nine Worlds Confederation gathered the remnants of their war-fleet at the world of Rhinate, a space fortress world with highly valuable mines and shipyards. Goluscz was attempting to take back the initiative from the Orions. However, Grand-Admiral Finit the Iron-Handed also led the combined Orion fleets there and surprised Goluscz's forces. The Battle of Rhinate commenced in December, 57 BCE (reference stardate -20/5712), inflicting heavy losses on both sides, but the Orions could now absorb these losses while the Nine Worlds could take no more.

His warfleet devastated, Goluscz capitulated. On behalf of the Nine Worlds he sued for peace, with a ceasefire called on 13 February, 56 BCE (stardate -20/5602.13), bringing about the end of the Orion War. (FASA RPG module: The Orions: Book of Common Knowledge)
