Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Aytar Gwyn was a female serving in Starfleet in the late-24th century. Gwyn was half Kriosian and, as such, had some emphatic ability. She had deep-blue hair and light brown geometric shapes running along her hairline.

In 2381, Gwyn had attained the rank of ensign and was assigned as alpha shift conn officer, serving aboard the USS Voyager as part of the Project Full Circle fleet.

When Voyager went to investigate the disappearance of USS Planck, USS Demeter, and USS Quirinal, Gwyn requested to remain onboard, despite the mandatory transfer of all telepaths off the ship, to which Chakotay agreed. Gwyn ended up playing a pivotal role in establishing peaceful relations with the Children of the Storm, when she acted as a host for their communication with the Captain Afsarah Eden. Additionally, when Voyager went in search of the Children's "mother" her hunch led them to the right star system early in the hunt. (VOY novel: Children of the Storm)

Although a very competent pilot and a confident individual, Gwyn had, on occasion, been noted for poor judgement - including being late for duty following a sexual encounter with Ensign Mirren, the Deltan conn officer of the USS Achilles. (VOY novel: Unworthy)



USS Voyager senior staff personnel
commanding officer Janeway • Chakotay • Eden • Tuvok executive officer Cavit • Chakotay • Ellis • Paris Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
second officer Tuvok • Paris • Kim chief engineer Honigsberg • Torres • Vorik • Conlon
chief medical officer Fitzgerald • The Doctor • Jarem Kaz • Sharak counselor Astall • Cambridge
operations manager Kim • Campbell • Lasren science officer Wildman • Patel
security chief/tactical officer Tuvok • Kim flight controller Stadi • Paris • Tare • Gwyn
see also: engineering personnel • medical personnel • operations personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • security & tactical personnel • sciences personnel • other personnel

