Adarak Prime was a planet located somewhere in the space of the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant, in orbit of the Adarak star system. By the late 24th century, Adarak Prime was a holding of the Cardassian Union, and was considered a friendly port of call by Cardassians as the site of a weapons depot as well as a base of the Cardassian Self Defense Force in the 25th century. (DS9 episode: "When It Rains...", STO mission: "Standoff")
In the year 2375, during the Dominion War, the depot was defended by a single Cardassian garrison and was considered by Odo and Garak as a possible target for the Cardassian Liberation Front to attack. (DS9 episode: "When It Rains...")
- It is not known if the attack was ultimately carried out, only that the depot was considered as a target.
At some point in or before 2409, Gul Antos defended the Cardassian Civil Force base on Adarak Prime during a True Way assault. (STO mission: "Standoff")
External links[]
- Adarak Prime article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.